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Everything posted by KingOfRisen

  1. You literally said "all other resources". Not just ores, gems or stuff like Ferrite, "all other resources". And even for Ferrite and such your point is still just wrong. A few comments back you said "doesn't the booster just give you extra gems [...] instead of spawning more blue veins?". You explicitly exclude more veins here, which means you were talking about getting extra gems from one vein. I replied that that would just be the same as a normal resource booster. You then said that it already works that way for other resources. Since this is wrong, I explained how the two booster types are different (amount per drop vs amount of drops) and illustrated my point with some examples. At this point, I just can't help you. We have official info from the devs as well as player testing (as shown in the video linked earlier in the thread) and player anecdotes. All of these line up to say the same thing. You're the one going against everything we know, so the burden of proof is on you. So at least do those 1000 runs yourself then instead of telling OP to waste countless hours of their life to prove something we already know just because you can't be bothered to accept known facts for some reason. Do the runs, gather the data and make a forum post publishing your findings when you're done. Anyway, this discussion seems to be going nowhere. I'm done wasting my time with this, so I'll stop replying after this. Have a nice day.
  2. It doesn't. You talked about getting extra gems from a single vein, which is what a resource booster does. It doubles the amount of stuff you get per drop. The drop chance booster works completely differently, it gives you more drops, each with the normal amount of stuff per drop. While both of them can give you extra resources overall, this difference is very important. A drop chance booster can't get you more Void Traces from closing a fissure, it can't get you more Kuva from a siphon or more Steel Essence from an Acolyte and so on. Only a resource booster helps in those scenarios. Those terms mean the exact same thing. Just browse through the patch history at the bottom of the wiki page and you'll see that DE themselves randomly switches between calling them veins, deposits, mining spots and other things.
  3. Well, the patchnotes say that the drop chance booster doubles "the chance to get gems". It doesn't mention anything about giving more gems per vein or making rare gems more common. And as you can see in the video RobWasHere linked, the booster does also result in more common gems, not just rare ones. Why exactly DE decided to do it this way is something only they know, we can just guess. Since both the rarity and the amount of ores/gems you get from a vein is affected by how good your timing was during the minigame, it might have just been easier to do it this way, I don't know. But also, because the normal resource booster already makes you get more stuff per vein, just having the drop chance booster do the same thing would've been a bit weird. And looking through the Wiki it seems like the rare gems are mostly used for cosmetics, most equipment just uses the normal and uncommon ones, so maybe they thought that players wouldn't find a booster that specifically gives more rare gems as useful. Those are just some random guesses though, only DE could really explain the reason it works the way it does.
  4. Ah, now I see the issue, you're missing some info on how mining works. Vein colours aren't random, they're indicators of whether the vein contains an ore or a gem. A blue vein will always give gems, and only gems. A red vein (or yellow in Cambion Drift) will always give ores, and only ores. They can give bonus gems if you hit the small extra bracket that sometimes appears, but the main reward of the vein is still always an ore. There literally is no such thing as an ore in a blue vein. Go ahead, try it in game. You could mine until you die of old age and still never get an ore from a blue vein. So since the chance to get a gem is hard set to 100% in blue veins and 0% in red/yellow ones, the only way for a drop chance booster to give players more gems is to affect the veins themselves, increasing the amount of blue gem veins at the cost of red/yellow ore veins.
  5. Which is exactly what I wrote. I don't see where the confusion is coming from.
  6. Or you could just look at the official patchnotes and get the real info straight from DE themselves: (22.12.0 Patchnotes) Notice how it specifically says "chance to get gems". So when a mining vein spawns, a drop chance booster increases the chance for that vein to contain a gem (blue vein) instead of an ore (red vein), thus reducing the amount of ores you get overall.
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