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Everything posted by -ShadowRadiance-

  1. Mission bugged. Keeps loading in new ppl unsure whats going on. YOU KNOW how OFTEN this happens in netracells and the computer wont start cause you cant interact with it? Now apply it to missions that has gone on a while.
  2. 1. Focus on the mission. 2. Dont open look links in mission and die blablabla. 3. Dont get into regional drama mid mission. 4. Flaming users in current mission in region chat. Need i go on? Q/a chat (a different one especially for in game missions i would consider acceptable to help newer tenno.) However. I honestly would only implement this if there was a way to limit questions being posted ONLY by ppl in missions as an emergency help channel to avoid.. il not get into details.. but alot of what im currently seeeing asked in q/a.. Also this would need chat mods to be active in said chat to prevent trolls but..
  3. Imo useless system. But if others wanna use it. Get more recharges. Go for it.
  4. Wrathful advance over 4. (Chill chill dont nuke me yet..) Bring the most stupid melee weapon i have. (Venka Prime). 2x casting speed tau. 2x duration tau 1x corrosive tau. Prep standard harrow opener by setting up 2-3. Then... pop 4 on a victim. Start chanting HALLOWED ARE THE VOID. As i press 4 on every enemy and teleport around like Ash on crack
  5. Say a futures warframes kit just wasnt helminth compatable at all.. What then? Force an ability to be? Skip that frame giving a subsume? How about.. we open a door and peek inside here. Lets say.. we could go a Jade route. As a subsume. We could in that confiq. Infuse an extra modslot? Alternativly. Infuse an extra arcane slot for said confiq?
  6. Personally, i'd use Arcane avenger and switch out the aura for combat dicipline to force procs.
  7. If it where a game node where she is the go to pick? Read everything after this, in Goofy's voice. *Ahoyk noises* "Ohh gee, this map im about to do, it has alot of lockpicking in it, i better make absolutely sure, i bring a warframe that CANNOT make that any easier on me, *Ahoyk noises* "Ahh, the enemy has armor, and is immune to armor strip. I better bring double armor strip and weapons that deal minimal damage to armor." *Ahoyk noises* "This is a racing map. Lets bring mesa and press 4 in the whole mission." *Ahoyk noises*
  8. You say broken. But i say this intended. As i said previously, and as the devs have said REPEATIVLY. Which seem to have eluded you. Warframe is a POWER FANTASY GAME. What you are trying to label as broken and thus, have nerfed. Is IMO laughable and not gona happen. You are asking the devs to change the games main audience and intended audience by nerfing things, in this case, Thermal sunder. (And i wonder, whats gona be next after? i bet you have something else thats bothering you) If other plays, POWER is above yours to the point its bothering you in group content. There is a solo que. A invite only que. A friend que. Use them. Do not expect others to slow down a mission to a crippling halt cause 'meh, il let someone get some kills' You wont find such players within this gaming community.
  9. Again, which -ALOT- of warframes can do. Not just titania and Gauss. Saryn. Press/Hold 1. Get free corrosive. Apply big badaboom badaboom primary weapons that nuke rooms. Mirage. See ^ Xaku&Gyre. (after initial 15 sec setup is done, WASD keys is all you need. Dante. 3333333333333333333* Edit button number* Equinox. Press 3 while in day mode. Press 4. RUN. Sevagoth. Equip 2 augment. Press 2. Enjoy true dmg killing stuff. Press 2 as needed. Khora. 11111111111111111111111 Ember. Equip 4 augment. Run, press 4. Run. Rince repeat. Frost. See ^ Garuda See ^ press 2 as energy is needed. Octavia. EXIST. Do you want me to go on about 1shot combo´s?
  10. No thermal sunder? Alright. Il use my oneshot xaku auto build. My nuclear warplatform saryn with viral. Corrosive, magnetic and xata all in one beam of death that will kill maps faster then titania can zip zap into pixie mode. Slamkong exists. Gyre. Sprint through map. What you are describing as a problem. Is warframe. Its a power fantasy. You are complaining people bring the most efficient frame they might have to do a node? Yeah solo Q is for you. I dont ever bring a suboptimal frame into any mission unless i am required to do something frame X does. If its capture. Wukong. Survival. Xaku/Jade. Excavation. Limbo/frost. Exterminate. Xaku.
  11. I want to bump this. Because this is one of my go to. This resource, is affected HEAVILY. If you are entering orb vallis on normal starchart or steel path. A 'normal' run, 10 min ish, with Xaku just running through the airport. WIll net you 50-ish. Sludge. While a Steel path.. exact same run, will net you around 300. 50 is required for one feeding... 10 min for 300 sludge.. since all you want is break containers and not kill anything.. this is a very decent feed..
  12. adding my voice to the 'no' group. This on the other hand....
  13. Then it might be my english which is a problem cause as i understand it, Automate is to make a loop that feeds itself which is what ive done. While autonomous is what whats for a bot that runs the show by itself. These two are not the same. At least thats what i was taught.
  14. So i was correct in my statement there is no number that will satisfy certain ppl. Got it ^^ Lets replace every ability in the game with roar and a 90% direct dr ability. (Altough i doubt you lot would be satisfied then anyway) And remind me, does multiple roars stack? Last time i checked 20 min ago, they do not. So thats a potential 3 ppls top tier subsume slot fighting eachother to pop theirs while the other 2 roars are. What. Again? Oh right, gone to the void.
  15. I remember that titania came out as i started playing, so august 2016 or sometime in the months ahead of that.
  16. 750% armor, 600% weapon dmg is 'mediocre?' 100% uptime? At what level do ppl get satisfied? 2000%? 5000? Is there even a number? cause i doubt there is. Some will always be. 'Meh' No matter how high, some people will just be "Well, its not roar." Which is true, But then again, Roar doesnt give out armor, or lets me take dmg from a stray or direct shot that might have killed or downed you, and instead transfers 50% to me, and thats 100% useless isnt it? it doesnt boost dmg? hah. Hell its not recastable without the augment, so if you miss someone cause you where to far apart there goes your uptime. Mine re-establishes the second im back in range. Ur right. 'Mediocre' thats what roar is in my eyes. As you decide to minmax one stat and fail in several others. Sorry, not worth it. Correct, i dont want to miss trigger certain ppl and put it there as a disclaimer. It did EDA just fine, mirror def was -fun-. Altough i did switch out my helminth build from Gloom to harrows condemn, that way i had more control over my health as i can spam it freely with a massive energy economy which also healed me with molt reconstruct. Also to CC enemies more. The increased armor and weapon dmg across the squad naturally helped the squad kill enemies faster which kept the objective alive easier. The modifier i skipped here was "Energy exhaustion" as it would have crippled me for sure if i had it. Also, another disclaimer. I already had cleared my EDA this week, but i enjoy using EDA as a benchmark for what 'the average' player should wanna do. And this build pulls it off easily. And before everyone starts going "Omg did you afk in EDA?! REPORT HIM" Chill, i pulled my weight. But the point is, this builds let me just activate my main abilities once and i can drop and forget it. Similarly to nekros dececrate. It does it things, i dont need to care. Maintaining Vex armor is otherwise a chroma's job so that the buffs are up. With this, thats what automated. Im a massive (Despite what mr mediocre says) buff station that puts a 'mere' 600% weapon increase on you. 750% armor, takes 50% of all dmg you take, while i also heal you, both passivly with combat dici, and every active cast of condemn from harrow. However, in a lower level mission, even normal sp, this would be fun to just 'see' how long i could afk with this. Altough im not stupid enough to do that outside of a squad that willing to humour me.
  17. Its actually quite balanced as i did alot of tinkering with that, if the enemies do to much dmg, chroma can self die from the augment and combat dici if allies are not killing fast enough to offeset their dmg to me from them taking dmg or me not finding stuff to dmg to make use of gloom lifesteal. (Hence, molt reconstruct to click 2 for a bit of healing) Gloom currently sits at 74% slow in this build, i did push it to 95% at first but that was to high and caused the problems you describe. Lowering it to between 60-70 ish% sweemed to be the sweet spot, at least for me. But as far as energy economy, i have -zero- problems. A single saryn can max out my energy with 1 spore cast. Its -that- broken.
  18. In short. I succeeded in automating chroma gameplay. Thanks to one single augment and a mod interaction. Guardian armor + Hunter andrenaline. IN short, the augment makes it so chroma takes 50% dmg from allies within affinity range. Simple. What surprised me however, was that this dmg, IS affected by hunters andrenaline. (This is what needs nerfing DE) (Altough dont be quick about it, cause this is fun!) AND that it grants energy THROUGH channeled abilities that would normally cancel energy regen from skills like this. Also, with the latest addition of Arcane battery (Armor=Energy total/Primed flow replacement) A simple cast of vex armor gives more energy then primed flow. Saving up a modslot. As long as vex armor is active that is, thanks to the augment, as long as MY TEAM kills thing around me, i get +1 sec to its duration. Meaning... close to infinite uptime afte a single cast. (Provided my allies know how to kill stuff, sometimes i question this) The energy gain, is related to how 'bad' my teammates are as in how much dmg they take. Or if they are aware and simply comply and take the dmg. The build i have, automaticly, heals me per team member kill, gives me energy if they take dmg. On a sufficient basis i can keep effigy and gloom up AT THE SAME TIME. Stand still and not worry about my energy economy at all. (Laughs at Arcane energize players YOU ARE WEAK) Combat dicipline is there to simply heal my teammates as well as IT ALSO TRIGGERS from vex armor dmg'ing me as for some reason, GLOOM being active around me, counts as 'me doing kills' and my kill counter goes up so i heal passivly as well. (This is hilarious DE, Thank you Pablo! i love this augment!) If a teammate has nourish, *we all know what interaction that has with combat dici and i wont get into it* Suffice it to say, its popular enough that i have nourish on me from 'time to time'. kek. Chroma is now an automated buff station can can press 3 ONCE. to activate vex armor. Press 1 in my case to activate gloom. Press 4 once in a spot with enemy pathing. Then use 2 (ONLY) on CD if i want too. (Which is set to toxin) Link in question. DE, ruin this fun please. kekekekek. Otherwise, i will consider this intended and use it -alot-
  19. Lets simply agree that we will never see eye to eye or agree with eachother in this. You dont see a problem. I see a potential one that would make me quite honestly. Take my wallet elsewhere to another game. Anyway. Ive said my piece here. My vote is a no. Always will be.
  20. Case and point. Which is why i love ffxivs raid scene. You use addons your raid team either does as a whole. And keep quiet about it or you are hanged out to square enix like bait to sharks. Push out a recount in ffxiv you will be reported by the whole raid in less then 2 min for disruptive gameplay. I refuse to use any addon that affects gameplay mechanics or ui in any way.
  21. You open the door a little to let one in the rest will trickle in like cancer growths. Thats why i hate wow raiding scene. "Get the addons or get back to to lfr noob' 'Dude ive died less then you and i do more dmg according to the meters HE spammed at me And thats without crutches' ^ What i heard and countered with as i came back just to try out dracthyr evoker on the raid scene as a healer. Final nail in wows coffin for me. Evoker was fun. But not enough by tons to endure the cancer raidscene and communitu it currently has.
  22. As a former wowplayer who still raids ADDON FREE in other mmo's (ffxiv) I cannot scream 'keep that filth' out of this game loud enough. Hard vote -NO-
  23. Well. Personally i never saw the problem to begin with. I play as Xaku mostly or jade now. Neither has died to the mnt dew beam outside of simulacrum when i tested it. Xaku even stands in it for like 5 sec and uses it like a shower now to cleanse them ol bones. My jade... well.. ive built her to be a better rhino. She face tanks 60 eyes and dont care. The mnt dew beam is just cute xD
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