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Posts posted by Genesix6

  1. 43 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

    Given archwing controls, this is archmelee's only saving grace.

    Well that's why I want to know if there is arch melee rework. Since archwing is getting rework, the control and movement would probably change as well. It would also affect the arch melee as well

    48 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

    Considering the wide open space, enemies usually dying by 1 or 2 shots and the range between them, what purpose would a combo serve?

    Well if the new archwing control came, the new arch melee system would also be different or change right? The way how they attack, the range, also Arch melee usually focus 1 at a time would also be changed. Since some combo have AoE, multistrike. Also keep in mind when DE release the new arch melee system they would also need to release new mission as well, high level enemies might appear.

    In my opion, particularly combo usually are given to the player to have option on what they want to use combo. In arch melee there is only one

  2. Just now, Benour said:

    Hildryn is literally easiest frame to farm. Im sporting 2 hildryns already and building third. Yeah such paywall, such tragedy... 

    Yeah, but she was lock behind a paywall. Keep in mind WAS. There's was no way to access to exploiter orb figth at all at the event, at the time the only way to get her was buying her.

  3. 1 minute ago, Catastor said:

    they're more focused on priming crap than fixing or polishing existing content, they started to ''rework'' frames when they have deluxe skins ready for them but all that changed when they still have the balls and face to prime chroma without even a trailer let alone a rework or qol change and all the whiteknights and cultists was swatting anybody who criticize that disgusting show of greed.

    Sadly this is the case, remember Vauban rework?

  4. I can agree to a certain extent such as frame that is in the trash which is currently is (Vauban, nyx,). Wukong and Titania I don't know since getting them is hassle especially with Titania quest.

    Ember is understandable since she got nerf especially her 4, oof. She is now in a bad spot

    Now for zephyr? I agree her 4 is a bit weird and a bit clucky(if that's what you meant), but her kit is not that outdated, she's in a good place at a moment

    Now releasing new frame is okay as long if they will try to rework and buff the other frames. 


  5. I know we're getting archwing rework probably late 2019, but I want to know is there any plan of reworking the arch melee system?

    Particularly my problem with the melee arch is that

    -you automatically get close to the enemies, which is a bit annoying

    -you contantly moving up left right that you can't even see your frame (unless your frame use a color that's doesn't blend with the environment this wouldn't be an issue)

    -no combo at all, just spamming button seems to be the case

    -enemies  that got hit by the arch melee doesn't have that much impact, they only got knockback (maybe this is my own personal problem)

    So my question is again, is there any plan for arch melee rework?

  6. It's an ok boss fight

    My issue is this

    Raktoid are hardly visible because the Exploiter Orb keeps blocking with her body and Foot. Sometime it clip as actually, and sometimes they spawn right beside you

    The process of me going up to surface fight is a bit boring because i have to wait for the surface to load, also I would like it if they allow us to go through the hole that Exploiter came instead of the of the front door we came

    The throwing coolant is a bit weird, I would be more ok if they add cannon that we can carry to shoot the coolant as a bullet instead of us throwing to it

    There's should be dead bodies scattered around the deck 12 as well, since it will provide us a fuel to anger us. 

    Fractures sometime spawn a bit far away, so it's a bit annoying

    The raktoid coolant has no marker until you get closer to the coolant. Also they have a chance of not dropping one as well.

    There's another one which is related with melee 2.9, when I want to throw the coolant to her, the auto blocking keeps activating which prevent me to throw



  7. Hell yeah 

    if I have the option to use FPS mode during Wall clinging, I would it use more, because wall clinging is something I never use due to my frame covering the half of the screen. When I use loki, it's works so damn well.

    Also: what's with people thinking that the OP want to change the game?  he already stated it would be an option so I don't see the problem here

    • Like 1
  8. I know some people will might disagree on this idea.

    Give us a schedule for the nightwave, what dailies, what weeklies, what elite weeklies.

    The idea of giving schedule for a nightwave can be a benefit to the players, this way the ones that can play for a few hours for once a day be able to manage their time more efficiently. This way they will know what dailies they should do and what weeklies they should do.

    I would like to know if the community will accept the idea or not.

  9. 25 minutes ago, BDMblue said:

    Sounds like one of those riven quests.


    have you done the one where you scan the guy with out getting hit no powers. Fml it’s just like that but worse.

    You mean scan the simaris target without getting damage and not use abilities? If yes

    That's easy, just use rhino and activate iron skin ability before the riven challenge starts

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