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  1. How can I shorten this...in Deimos missions where you have to destroy tumor you have to follow the glowing lights that emit from tumor to destroy an infested tumor, ok, this isn't the first time but some missions the lights lead me out of mission zone, if there is a way you put in game code to make the lights lead to a reachable spot that would be appreciated. I know sometimes the infected tumors are in caves...been there done that and we all know the Deimos cave system is a maze in itself. I followed one up and up and up a mountain only to have it just disappear, so I ran down into the cave below and still couldn't find the tumor, if the designers could look into this and code it to surface areas that are attainable that would be great
  2. I have merged accounts; Xbox and PC, I just noticed yesterday none and I mean NONE of my weapons show a reload time. My troubleshooting: switched multiple frames...no change, switched back forth between PC and Xbox...both platforms show no reload times, switched out multiple weapons, even Aklex and Boar...no reload times showing, went into captura fired some rounds and ironically on some weapons after I reload they shoot faster and that's switching frames out too...I kind of like that if its a bug. Stripped any reload mods out of weapons and fired them and it seems that the vanilla reload time is happening but it doesn't show in the UI. For instance when I used Aklex I first fired it with a reload speed mod and counted the seconds probably 3, then I took the reload speed mod off and yep it was at that horrible 5 second reload time. Don't know if I missed the memo or if this is an actual bug because I've been busy the past few months with real life. Well, that's my bug report. Oh yeah, I took all mods off weapons and reapplied too...no change, the reload times just don't show in the UI and reload speed mods don't change any weapon stats.
  3. Ciphers have not worked for 2 weeks now, I thought it was from the updates but I didn't find anything related to cipher functionality in the update notes. My problem is when enemies trigger an alarm in (non-sortie) missions, I cannot use a cipher to quickly hack. This happens in spy, survival and exterminate. I have 240 ciphers equipped...is this too many and the game doesn't handle that many? Please help, I die in the 25+ spy missions trying to click through all of the nodes at a terminal because of the difficulty and being swarmed and/or shot at.
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