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Everything posted by TheLordOmega2

  1. I know this is most likely an issue with Twitch and not you, but it really feels like watch time isn't counted right, could you maybe have a look at that?
  2. my thought on this are pretty clear -Flawed mods are a cool stepping stone, and it's cool to fit one into a cheap build because it's more efficient than a regular version. Don't want new players to stick too much endo in them (even if it's a nonissue)? just make them cheaper to upgrade. -Giving the normal version of early weapons to players means they will have to get and level a worse version of their starting weapon as part of normal progression. This is just bad design. -New players don't have anything to do in open worlds before getting the kiddo really, they don't, i get wanting to show off the game for wow factor, but this won't work, they'll just have a bad time and useless ressources.
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