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Posts posted by -ECHO-Akrasiel.VI

  1. 3 minutes ago, Hixlysss said:

    So then...Ash changes...and he still marks enemies....so I have to play seizure simulator still in order to actually mark them enough to make sure they die. Great.

    Could you please at some point just completely redo Ash's forth ability? Just scrap it, burn it, and make something new. Even with these coming changes i'm not seeing the fun in using him. Maybe if it wasn't "Shake your screen rapidly to mark the enemy multiple times!" it would be better but at this point i'm just tired of the same power being tweaked to no real affect...

    To top that off while enemies are locked in the animations of being stabbed my team mates can do NOTHING to them. CC? Nope. Debuff? Nope. Kill? Nope. They can do nothing to the target while it's being wounded by bladestorm, making it more of a hindrance at higher levels as it prevents team mates from debuffing(corrosive, blind, ect) while they are being 'mauled' by the clones/ash.

    About that, long before the rework of ash bladestorm, someone on the forums suggested to turn it in a channeling skill, like valkyr, and give him invizibility and 2 wrist blades. That was a pretty good idea, but of course the devs thought it would be to OP.

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