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Posts posted by astronoman

  1. Hello everyone, I would like to share some comments on the game that could be modified for more "comfort"

    -Increase the Sergeant’s power or modify/rework
    -Possibility to redo some quests with unique words (Sands of Inaros...) 
    -Increase pathos clamps obtained in SP 
    -Possibility to choose the number of resources that can be created in the foundry instead of drawing by drawing 
    -Release an alternative version to the Attica (please: D)
    -Put at the same level the obtaining of the murmurs/requiem on the Kuva liches as the Sisters of Parvos
    -Increase dojo capacity and orbiter decorations that can be put
    -And pity bring in the Stug and viable Ambassador in terms of weapons haha

    -Upgrade all old weapons (acrid, okina, shaku....)

    Finally I would like to thank those who will read this, these lines are only my own reflection and engage only corrections that some of us and I want.

    Thank you for your future responses in respect and sympathy

    MR2 astronoman and Warframe worshipper

  2. Hello everyone, I would like to share some comments on the game that could be modified for more "comfort"

    -Increase the Sergeant’s power or modify/rework
    -Possibility to redo some quests with unique words (Sands of Inaros...) 
    -Increase pathos clamps obtained in SP 
    -Possibility to choose the number of resources that can be created in the foundry instead of drawing by drawing 
    -Release an alternative version to the Attica (please: D)
    -Put at the same level the obtaining of the murmurs/requiem on the Kuva liches as the Sisters of Parvos
    -Increase dojo capacity and orbiter decorations that can be put
    -And pity bring in the Stug and viable Ambassador in terms of weapons haha

    Finally I would like to thank those who will read this, these lines are only my own reflection and engage only corrections that some of us and I want.

    Thank you for your future responses in respect and sympathy

    MR2 astronoman and Warframe worshipper

  3. Hello good night,

    I was wondering if one day it will be possible to be able to redo the Inaros sands quest for the additional scans that I miss, because I find it silly to be able to buy the quest from Baro but not be able to restart it, when I did the quest I didn't have a scanner and/or I didn't know it was necessary to scan.

    So I would like to know if one day or if there is a way to redo the quest



  4. Bonjour, bonsoir,

    Je me demandais si un jour il sera possible de pouvoir refaire la quête des sable d'inaros pour les scan complémentaire qui me manque, parce que je trouve ça bête de pouvoir racheter la quête chez Baro mais ne pas pouvoir la relancer, au moment où j'ai fais la quête je n'avais pas de scanneur et/ou je ne savais qu'il fallait scan.

    Donc je voudrais savoir si un jour ou si il y à un moyen de refaire la quête 



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