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Posts posted by (PSN)Ghostrick_King

  1. Ok first post but i just want to talk about Hildryn because i loved her design and just the concept. Anyways finally got her and played around with her alittle bit and I am pretty disappointed. And im worried because its been a few weeks and DE hasnt really talked about any changes to her or her abilities. So im going to put my thoughts and suggestions, this is from a 0 forma build but having done research, watched multiple videos, and messing around with builds so take that with what you will.

    Passive: If Hildryn's shield gating will be universal one day, it has to be changed into something else eventually. I dont know what it would be, maybe any damage to health is damaged to shields instead? Just thinking about it

    Ability 1 (Balefire):

    • Please take away the slow animation of the Balefire, either charged or uncharged because it is rather annoying and really slows down gameplay. While i understand what they are trying to do. The damage inflicted by Balefire, even charged, is not really good to warrant the slowdown.
    • Speaking of damage, raw damage isnt good and with low crits and stats it really hampers the ability and as an exalted weapon it should be better. Balefire is basically the staticor so why not make it staticor on steroids? Have uncharged you have increased fire rate and higher status but charged shots will have low status and higher crit and truly make it powerful like 3x multiplier or something so there is a reason to use charged shots. I like the concept but damage is really poor

    Ability 2 (Shield Pillage): Pretty simple ability but some problems has been pointed out by players already, only affecting shields and armor (dont know if it affects it the same or more for shield compared to armor) but not health for infected. Proposal:

    • keep the drain affecting enemies aka 40% drain means 40% of the total X is drained from enemy. BUT the amount your shields gain is 40% your max shields or 40% of the amount drained, whichever is higher. So that way you have a consistent way to recharge shields. Right now you get diminishing returns each time its used.
    • shield pillage should drain from the total X pool of the enemy. (Example: 30% drain on 1000 Shield enemy equals 30% of 1000, After that the shield left on enemy is 700. Shield pillage again and it will still do 30% of the total Shield aka 1000. 700->300. That way enough shield pillages will strip armor, shields or.....
    • Make Shield Pillage drain the highest amount of X whatever on enemy. Only applies to the actual stats of enemy not after aka 100 shields but 500 health doesnt mean shield pillage will strips health. but on infected with 1000 health will have their health stripped. (This sounds OP already but this is just random thoughts)
    • Have duration matter. At this point there is not really a reason to have duration to benefit Shield Pillage. Maybe have it where enemies within the radius of shield pillage do something like a jamming affect while they are affected to help reduce damage, anything really. This way players can have more functionality to diversify their builds. The only reason to have duration now on Hildryn is to give more time before giving you shields by maybe affecting more enemies.

    Ability 3 (Haven): No real use, except teamplay and minor nuisance to enemies. Proposal:

    • Have enemies affected by radiation procs while haven is on them. Good CC. Maybe increase damage? Dont know
    • This is a random idea but keeping with the theme of a tank (drawing inspiration from Zarya, Overwatch), maybe have enemies that are attached to her do reduce damage to her but any damage they put is accumulated and increases her power strength maybe? This will be awesome for Tanking and dealing damage. (But it does sound like Chroma, i just want her to do good solo rather than this being a general team ability. 
    • Any suggestions really because i cant think of anything

    Ability 4 (Aegis Storm): Slow, no incentive to fly high, height limit, locked to using only Balefire

    • Take away the height limit, if Zephyr can fly into the top of POE then Hildryn should too. 
    • Sprint button to move at a faster speed. 
    • Make the actual second Balefire do something and not be just cosmetic. Theres no incentive to using this ability except CC and that means you fly low. Make it so using this abiity significantly improves Balefire damage. Going above a certain height means you do even more damage and have higher fire rate, at the expense of CC which is a good tradeoff and incentive to fly higher. Charged shot can also leave Lenz like bubbles on the ground that do damage. 
    • Remove the lock for using only Balefire. With the changes i proposed, Balefire would be extremely better but it wont be boring. Its archwing but in normal missions which is fun. Hell its basically as close to Anthem and having jetpacks so why not. 
    • Have a height limit where Hildryn does the slam, maybe 20 feet and higher so its not so disruptive)
    • Make it so you can cast your 2 still but at a lower shield drain so its not "broken" (if DE does make Aegis Storm more powerful i would say dont make this possible but as of now theres no reason why you shouldnt activate 2 while in 4.
    • Crazy thought but in keeping with the idea of "Attack Helicopter", maybe when holding your other abilities down you can do more stuff (1-shooting a bomb that is like an oberon field? 3- launch missiles that seek out enemies near reticule, deals more damage to tethered targets from haven, except 4)


    • Dashing should make you go a little father so its not just a cosmetic change for a roll. Also add a "shield charge", any enemy that Hildryn dashes into will be knocked down similar to how a Nox pushes you down.
    • On the idea of shield gating I would add it where once you reach full shields itll take 10 seconds or something before youre shield gates are active again, so that way it wont be "abused". Having said that i would add more shield gates if you can reach above 100% of your base shields. Aka Hildryn has 1 shield gate at 1500, having 3000 shields means you have 2, 3 shield gates at 4500 shields. But the shield gate 3 second invulnerability wont be activated until it goes back to full. This gives incentive to modding for more shields and makes Hildryn more tanky as well. 
    • Remove the restriction of not having energy mods. I think in one of the devstreams they were still working on her and said they wanted to have some interaction on energy and shields since shields is her energy. I would want this to happen outside of some mods like the augur set or brief respite so you wont have infinite abilities basically. But primed flow would add more shields, etc. 

    Whew theres all my ideas. I had a lot on my mind while watching videos of her and while playing her. I know some of my suggestions would make her "broke" i guess but Hildryn does feel like a warframe that has many abilities but no real theme except SHIELDS. Instead of working her abilities to be awesome on top of that

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