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  1. I did it. You just touch the screen when each thing is highlighted.
  2. I get stuck on the initial settings screen on an iPad Mini 6. Can't get past it.
  3. Yes starting with small groups is precisely the right way to roll out huge changes to core game code. To do so any other way would be stupid.
  4. I forgot they even did this. Definitely didn't notice it. Still spammed the button like I always do and didn't seem to actually matter.
  5. I like that time is spent on new ideas, and not rehashing the same old boring stuff over and over. Also you can't tell me after reading the changelogs of most of the major updates the last few years that they don't spend time fixing and reworking existing stuff. Space ninjas and their weapons and all the associated gameplay loops are what got in to this game back in day but 1999 is the sort of out-of-left-field stuff that's kept me interested in this game. Railjack, Duviri, Deimos, the open worlds, and all the quests (well most of them, there's a few I haven't played yet in the 10yrs I've been playing), that's what I see as "core Warframe" not add-ons as you called them. I read the rest of what you said and to me it sounds like "Kahl of Duty" is more in line with you want. Not necessarily the gameplay of a CoD but the same sort continual-re-release-with-hardly-any-changes-with-no-real-story style of game development that Activision is known for, which I'm glad they don't do. If I wanted to play the 2023 version of a game from 2005 I'd go play the newest re-release of COD: Modern Warfare.
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