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Everything posted by (PSN)armanand23

  1. For some weird reason, the fragment decree is there, but I am unable to see it but hear it.
  2. Displaying the map sometimes show players or sometimes in this case, it does not show where my teammates are
  3. I encountered the void blast bug again, this time unable to revive myself.
  4. A bug I encountered during a Disruption mission. Not sure if it has happened to anyone yet
  5. Not sure if I posted this bug, but this was from awhile back, unsure if its been patched
  6. I encountered this bug on a mission, I was playing solo. The weird part is people kept joining then leaving while still loading in, which I didn't record
  7. I encountered this problem when playing the Lone story with teammates, sadly they left.
  8. I was in a cross platform match, and for some weird reason, each time I collect, I couldn't tell if I was nearly full etc as seen here
  9. I was unable to deactivate Wisps' 4th ability as seen here, I could only wait until my energy ran out. I was also unable to use my 3rd ability as well
  10. I added this late (my apologies), for some weird reason hold position cause the ancient healer to go after the enemy instead of staying put at 0:45. Then at 1:01 it says follow, then it stays put instead of following me.
  11. I recently entered a match via through Eudico and we got bugged. I will attempt to record early to via check
  12. The doors will not open during the match as seen here, during a railjack mission
  13. I apologize posting this late after many updates, I encountered a bug where the Thumper does not not take damage at all during one of my sessions.
  14. For some weird reason, C seems to be intact. I was unable to tell if any other flags were being capture but C
  15. For some unknown reason, the Aura mod, "Energy siphon" refuses to work. Only when obtaining the decree "Morale Boost" will it start working.
  16. I encountered the same problem, I put the time stamp on the description
  17. For some weird reason, this happened. We were able to get the first relic from the first round, the last round before extraction, was unsure if we gotten a relic or a mod. 0:26 - some notes about being afk during round 2, "inedibility for reward" 3:34 - the bug. Unsure if it was an actual bug or UI bug, as we only gotten one relic from the 4:34 - we only got the relic from the first round.
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