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Everything posted by Moriscu

  1. Halfway into 2023, more than a year after Garuda Prime's release, this issue remains unaddressed. Garuda Prime's talons overwrite TennoGen talons made by artists to go with their skins, which they put a lot of work in, and we paid our money for. Primed claws look ugly and unfitting with the most skins. I'm deeply disappointed that nothing's been done about this. Garuda Prime, which I also happened to pay real money for in hopes to support the developers, ruins all the TennoGen skins because of a questionable decision made about her claws. I'm still hoping this isn't going to remain like that forever. DE, pls fix.
  2. When you equip Wisp Noble animation set on other warframes, here's how feet are supposed to be positioned: With a Secondary equipped: With an Arm-Cannon equipped: BUT! When you equip any other primary, let it be a Rifle, a Bow, or a Speargun, feet positioning breaks and looks like this, resulting in a number of weird animations: DE, pls fix. This bug has been around for years. Edit.: it is also unique to Wisp Noble specifically, because Wisp Agile works as expected.
  3. Can confirm. This also leads to another issue: the new Caliban Scion helmet has mismatching materials.
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