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  1. Right after logging in, right after Warframe stands up from kneeling position, it is not possible to play any of the emotes from the emote wheel in the Orbiter due to the Right Mouse Button being non-functional and being unable to switch view from "Gear" wheel to "Emotes" wheel. This is not persistent however, it's possible to fix the state by either ot the following options: switching to Drifter Camp and back, going to one of the Hub zones, playing a mission and going back to Orbiter. After these, the full functionality of both Gear and Emote Wheels are restored. The bug occurs only right after logging in and before switching environment from Orbiter to any other else.
  2. Applies to weapons with selectable zoom magnification levels: Vectis (Prime), Rubico (Prime), Veldt, Vulkar (Wraith), etc. When being scoped in (or adsing, aiming down sights) with a weapon with selectable zoom levels, hitting "Switch Weapon" key results not only in intended result (switching the weapon) but also changes zoom level of the sniper rifle - the functionality of changing zoom magnification level prior to this bug was only present under the "Secondary Fire" key (which should be the only way of switching zoom levels). Worth noting is that thae bug ONLY applies to weapons which secondary functionality (as evoked by pressing "Secondary Fire" key) is the zoom magnification levels. The bug does not affect weapons which secondary functionalities are, for example: switching fire modes from burst to auto and vice versa. This being said, the weapon like, for example, Kuva Hind, which has 3 fire modes selectable by "Secondary Fire" key, is not affected by this bug. Pressing "Switch Weapon" key doesn't result in fire mode being switched.
  3. Where: Necralisk Syndicate Hub What: While viewing Mother's Syndicate Screen which can be displayed by clicking on "Entrati Standing" in her dialogue window, the incorrect music plays. Instead of Necralisk theme, Cetus theme is being played, and said incorrect track additionally overlap the Necralisk ambient music that plays in the background. The incorrect music is being played when visiting this screen:
  4. Where: Necralisk Syndicate Hub. What: When approaching Mother and selecting the "Entrati Standing" dialogue option, a syndicate rank up screen pops up. In this screen, the Mother is incorrectly aligned at the center of the screen, where she should be slightly on the right. Additionally, the lighting in the scene is very weird, makes Mother appear excessively shiny in appearance and devoid of color and nuance. In short, she doesn't look right. Screenshots comparing the rank up screen in current update (Whispers in the Walls + all recent hotfixes) and how is used to look like before: Current update (U35): Before (taken from YT video):
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