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Posts posted by Doraz_

  1. I can only play Warframe?

    For some time now, roughly half of a year, i can only play Warframe. I can play other games (if i can afford them) but the value and fun i get from Warframe atm for money spent is unmatched in any other game i currently have, free or paid ( although big releases i almost skip entirely, been catching up with things from years ago).


    People say there is burnout but can't really tell, i've been over mastery 24 for a while (now 26) and still being amazed how much fun and challenge i can have ( primarely solo, public for helping others).


    Only thing, it feels kind of strange, never happened with a game before, i am definitely not addicted ( although i already imagine that being debatable) so i was looking for inputs 😄


    I asked on Reddit but i thought here on Forums i can get opinion of actual fellow tennos

  2. 19 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    Arbitration are the worst.

    Generally yes, but what a'm experiencing now are "extremes", meaning some missions are slow tedious and frustrating while infested missions (expecially survival) are almost peacefull. Infested salvage is amazingly quick, All missions should last as infested salvage does, meaining 6 minutes instead of 10 or 12. Expecially because in the starchart, interception gives better  rewards as it's tedious/ longer (depends of course, solo usually is) while survival and others have slightly worse rewards ot like excavation are more RNG based. Arbitration ones, the rotations are the same.

    Put on a good playlist, bring octavia ( best tank is the one that never get shot in the first place, and just chill ... it's by no means the intended way to play it i assume, but man it's a good change of pace between eidolons, going back and forth in the open world and usual space ninja stuff.

    I'd do it for challenge but the mode is bad ( as I don't like it as it is now), i'd rather do my own challenge runs, at least i can have fun that way.

    • Like 1
  3. Attacks from toxin ancients that are under the effect of the drone seem to bypass revenant shield, resulting in an instant kill.


    Invulnerability is fine but this is a bit much if it's intended, or is it a bug that needs solving?

    Might it be that Toxic ancient roar AOE attack is categorized as an Enviromental Hazard, thus bypassing Revenant shield?



    I figured it out eventually, it's not a bug, drones just reset the timer that keeps revenant shield charges from being depleted, or a timer isn't applied to the enemy when revenant charge is used, as the enemy is invurnerable.

    Easily testable with prisonens of saturn 6 in the simulacrum ( by walking in the fire from their molotov), i think tokin ancient aoe ticks for an ammount of damage multiple times ... even 2 or 3 enemies under the effect of the drones will keep eating charges in an instant.


    Edit 2:

    yeah, defemitely just try to spawn prisoners with and without the arbiter drones and walk from patch of fire to patch of firem or even moving in the same one

  4. 1) Equip wukong ( for example) and put gladiator might on his exalted staff

    2)Equip any frame ( example Volt)

    3Equip Deconstructor prime on helios and put the mod you want ( in my example gladiatior might)

    4) swtch back to wukong ...  the message that tells you you are using the same mod does not appear


     if you remove them you can't put them back, the error message DOES appears now so i don't think this is intended. works on other frames as well 😄


  5. 1Get on your keydrive

    2drive full speed against the edge of the map

    3enjoy the fall

    A part from being a bit funny, you even get stuck for a good 5 seconds, i fell to a point where it triggered the loading area for the exploter orb fight ( i was going to look at the destroyed base)

    Tried a couple of times and it's a pretty reliable method, might want to fix this:clem:


  6. Don't change itzal, change the bounties.

    Instead of missions spawned randomly across the map and that have nothing to do with one another, make that each bounty develops only in a portion of the map. Instead of ambushing a vehicle and destrying it for example, make us escort it to the destination ( line that follows the road on the map). There the vehicle lets us bypass security and we either assalut the base ( kill the enemies) or infiltrate ( the circles on the map). This kind of mobile defense makes certain archwing really shine while the izal becomes useless, or usefull only when going to point A to point B. This would also encourage/ force players to explore various parts of the map.

    The itzal is not the problem, it's the only thing that works. The problem is what's surrounding, which gives this archwing an edge over the others.



  7. 6 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    By "Utility Gun" you mean laser pointer? :V 

    I didnt like the Cold laser weapons much and tho the Cryotra has more Stats than any other, i find the 4 second reload time annoying.

    But yeah, i think Range buff for both of them would be fair. Maybe 30m?

    Personally Sweeper Prime is the best for me, i have an awesome riven for it allowing it to easily deal over 2K damage per shot 6 times per second along with the constant Corrosive and Impact procs that weakens enemies defenses and causes them to keep staggering.

    I use it with the Djinn and for some reason the pellets shoot in a tight pattern, allowing it to easily hit all shots in a single target and even snipe enemies. 

    Yeah you are right, my criteria for best are pretty silly as 1) beam looks good 2) one of the few weapons that doesn't make the moa stagger. most of the sentinel weapons has a knockback animation, as if the mpa was in pain for every shot, can't really have that XD


    1 hour ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

    No? Gonna go with no. It has plenty of range when you put Sinister Reach on.

    Are we talking of the same weapon that deals 10 damage? Rob a gun of damage, range is all that's left. WF is now open world so maps are bigger than before.

    • Like 1
  8. Imo, the best sentinel weapon. A "utility gun" that never fails, even in end game.

    Only thing, increase the base range plz. This gun is already being nerfed by having no damage as building it for damage is pointless.

    If even that bit of utility stops being there because the enemy is out of range -_- ......

    By my testing 35 base should be fine (+10), if artax gets the buff to 40 instead of 30 then with sinister reach it would be respectively 47m and 52 of range max.

    Currently in many situations it feels like Sinister reach is just wasting a mod slot 😕

  9. I can see the Dojos breaking by the ammounts of objects to be kept in memory.

    I take the current system just prevents objects to render ( both each obect and geometry, as decorations get "clipped" in the Inspiration Hall) but does not unload and load them when needed or unloads only the objects very far away.

    Hopefully the Inspirational Room limit gets removed ( we already heve a max room number, didn't they already tested dojos performance? 😕 ).


    Could a solution be requiring Inspirational Rooms to be 2/3  room/corridors away from each other? having to build connectors and rooms that eat at the max room size is bad BUT if that way we can get Inspiration hall back and make the dojo we want i'm all for it.

  10. 2 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    That was changed ~a while back with the big weapon rebalance thing, Beam weapons now use a "per shot" mechanic like other guns.

    However, it seems Sentinel Beam weapons didn't get the memo, and still run on the old (terrible) mechanic. DE why.

    Ah XD i wasn't seeing double then


    I'm new to sentinel weapons because i only got interested after the cryoty one from Fortuna and i saw firerate at 100 even withough status mods

  11. If DE can track trades and you get your items back then there is no reason to complain, or very little reason.

    When the user gets banned and the items are returned, the only thing remaining is you having bought things with plat that shouldn't exist.


    I'm keeping screenshots of every suspicius account i see. the last one being a 9 mastery account with all old prime stuff ( carries and odonata) and buying a mesa prime set from me.



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