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Posts posted by Doraz_

  1. 23 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    We grab their bones, put them togheter like jigsaw puzzels and pump energy out of it to see if it works.




    in any case, in my mind there's us the tenno on the railjack flying over a huge infested mass, even reaching out to outer space.


    In fact, that could explain from where the plague star is coming from ... it is shot from this infested planet, to spread the infection on a galactic scale.


    Also, to make the map huge but still detailed (as i don't think WF is capable of heavy streaming at the moment, for what i saw when falling through the map xD) a solution could be this:


    -let's say, there are 9 different zones as big as cetus

    -they are distant from one another, as they are on different parts of the planet (Eris?)

    - to reach them (masking a loading screen) player call in the railjack (like in the trailer)

    -  the railjack is pilotable, flying in the red-tinted infested atmoshpere of the planet over a less detailed but big map, it can:

    -1) travel to another of the 9 zones ( then loads the new are when landing)

    -2) fly up and enter space where usual railjack missions happen, or just extract to dojo.


    in the atmospere the challange is flying and defeating flying infested enemies that try and stop you to reach the next zone. the flydolon aka. big sentient chicken in saturn could be the infested crew ships equivalent (immagine it grabbing the railjack xD maybe putting holes and spawning infested acing as boarders).


    -to avoid the " press button to load map" issue, entering another infested open world tile can be triggered by defearing a 30 enemies skirmish plus 2 crewship mission, as if we need to weaken the infeatarion defenses before landing, then the animation plays and there we are, new open world zone.


    -also, to make the planet feel alive and fighting you seen as a foreign bacterium, mission on this planet can get more difficult either with enemy levels increasing every 5 minutes, or with every consecutive zone/mission completed.


    both open world suffer from absence of scaling, so it would be a nice change.



  2. I was using it and some my mind made some connections in the background?


    Was this supposed to be one of many Sentient Primary "customizable weapon" like zaws and kitguns?


    If the idea was discarded as the sentient are an enemy and the "Sentient Open World" IF it comes it should come later ...


    Can it be we are getting Infested primary kitguns-like weapons from the Infested Open World?



    The whole idea of having a map big liike fortuna, to show the player the true effects of the infestation, not a random ship or a mass in cetus every few months .... is amazing!

    Maybe we can craft weapons from special enemies in the open world, mirroring Orb vallis toroid farm, that will spawn in specific part of the map.


    After that, i would still appreciate if the idea of making sentients into customizable weapons  as it would be us re-doing what the Orokin wanted to do, control the sentients, use them like the machines they were meant to be. 

  3. The current system work, but has a drawback ...

    in small places ( such as the orbiter )  the exposure varies wildly, too much and too quickly when moving the view in and out of bright and dark areas.

    I'm absolutely no expert quite the contrary, but in my experience i found that in small places, where bright light should bounce around very well, a good cheat was to lock the exposire to a set amount or divide the effect of dark areas by a factor of 2 or 3.

    It works as in most videogame areas, you know the ranges of brightness of the objects that will populate it, so when building the map, you can set a parameter for each "special small area"  or place "trigger boxes"  that will override the normal behaviour of the Adaptive Exposure script when the camera enters these areas ( Trigger by collision or calculated by distance from verteices ).


    It's such a small thing, and it has the possibility of being solved by the new rendering WF "should" recieve in a while, as the camera would get more details from those dark areas ... in any case i wanted to post this as i was reviewing the display options and their effect of quality and performance.

  4. 6Y9jujK.jpg

    an update to show another example ...


    ... and take the occasion to say that i hope the art and tech team is paid good enough, because the metallic part is beautiful to look at ❤️

    to properly fix this, it's not a matter of color only, but of the material in all its components.


    maybe special versions of all/most components for each ship skin will be faster to implement.




    ---unrelated, probably wrong place but don't know where to put it-----

    Another issue is that currently the carracinoxx is the Ugliest weapon in my opinion, followed by the cryphon.

    it would be best if they get remodelled to make them work like the apok, taking the color from the ship itself.


    I wanted to suggest changes with a drawing, but for now i'll just write it down:


    spool-up mechanic and animation, the current circle of energy spins faster, zetki would be a choice for those that want a faster spool-up ( similar to soma) ...  i would go with vidar anyway



    ice formations on the turrets, disappearing after firing and forming slowl again, that visually informs the player of the state of the gun ( if ready or not to fire), to invite player to NOT mash the left mouse button 🙂



    other changes

    pulsar and photor need a buff in fire rate/ticks, Damage-wise it "should" but ...

    This is a hige problem, as these are guns "supposed" to be used for long range engagements ..... but ships are too tiny xD ...these are not projectiles, and making them a projectile with fast velocity i assume would break the hit detection with capped physic checks,

    I think an auto-aim is the best solution!

    these can be guns that by default have the auto aim mechanic from the combat intrinsic tree. i love them but i feel people are ignoring these weapons ( i always get complaints cuz in my ship i use them ... for fashion), and i think this would completely flip the statistics, expecially for new players.


    there's more but this is not the place, i'll make a list in the general feedback thread if i have time


  5. 23 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Gas doesn't bypass Shields, only the Toxin DOT from Gas procs does.

    And good luck getting a proc with Plinx' 4% base Status Chance.



    3,5k hours and i always assumed gas took all advantages of toxin 


    still, the plinx then is capable of bypassing shields only spending 2 SLOTS for adding an element (radiation)!!!


    to me it's silly, but i'm happy i learned something new, thabks again ❤️

  6. Same issue is present with Atlas  using gas stat-sticks .


    sorry for breaking the rules with the original post, i read them later.


    i meant game-breaking as in a third person shooter the guns not working is a bit of an issue  ... and IT not being a problem because people don't care about those weapons ... well, that might be even worse 😞


  7. I think the innate heat damage of the plinx is preventing toxin and gas damage to bypass shields.


    Hope this gets fixed soon as a gas build is one of the few ways this mastery fodder shines.


    ... on the other hand, it's a pretty enjoyable little gun, but it needs a secondary mechanic, like 


    -pressing the secondary fire charges a more powerful shot with increased status chance.

    ... it would look like old ember's fireballs, and the status chance would be high enough that a build with 2 status mods reach 100 status if the secondary fire is charged fully .

    Ammo wise, each tick ( that can be half the fire-rate) 1 ammo is spent to charge the shot.

    it doesn't seem unfair to require the player to charge the full magazine to achieve that 100 status chance.

    Finally, if the cap  (ammo to charge secondary shot) is reached, the gun can shoot only when the secondary fire button is released.

    Making it shoot as soon as it is charged is not good imo, serves maybe lore-wise as the gun " can't hold this much power!" ... but no, risk to make the gun shoot when the player doesn't want to ... no bueno


    ty for reading 🙂


  8. Not because i think k-drive are going anywhere -_- but i think that to differentiate it from nidus, a better solution is to give k-drives a battery, charged with electricity generated by tricks and moving around.

    kinda reminding of gauss but it would look different as actual electric charge is shown in number (or WF world-lore equivalent) and each trick-attack uses charge to work, otherwise you just do the trick.

    mor powerfull effects require more charge, all written on mods, and it would be an opportunity to implement efficiency mods for k drives and diversify builds.


    How do tricks generate electricity? Where does Vuban keep his balls? How does Zephir NOT have a deluxe skin?

    We will nevwr know, but i think it is a pretty good idea :clem:




  9. 1 hour ago, zioxei said:

    It pisses me off so much every time to see a new item have this issue. It's like they hear us but they decide not to listen. People have been complaining for ages how the color channels don't align and DE keeps doing that stupidity. It looks absolutely awful. In a game with lots of customization where fashion is half of the gameplay for many people this hideosity is still a thing. Shame!

    well, ... Anthem got that cool material swap feature ... now that it's kinda dead ... maybe WF can be "inspired" by it, no ?


    hope the new rendering makes swapping shaders or making reliable matrerials on the fly a possibility.

  10. pYE4kwr.jpg

    Maybe with the new ships the materials of the engines can change as well?

    It's a problem with other components as well ( shields namely ).


    In addition the first color seems to alter the tint of the second one as well.

    All of this makes RJ fashion a bit difficult and un-rewarding, as you either have the engines that don't match or the body with the more prevalent color you didn't want.

  11. another unrelated but...

    DE, you know that z-bat mechanic from Sunless Sea?


    If you don't want to give us vacuum, an alternative can be a tactical or bartle avionic (battle is better as we can spam it) that sends a very fast drone made of in a circle around the ship, grabbing every item in range 


    ... or increase vacuum range already xD

  12. 48 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    things to modify the Forge perhaps, but the rest seems superfluous since we have Mods to already do those things, or we have Intrinsics for that.
    we already get Efficiency innately, for example. it's a Passive.

    modifying the Abilities also sounds superfluous, they can be upgraded and so can the Slots they go in. we already upgrade them as it is.

    we don't need 52 Mods to bandaid this or that, things that are simply not good.... should just be adjusted. not given 52 Mods for you to Equip in order to make it good.

    i understand but the map is 20+ km wide, buffing rj to counteract scaling enemies got removed and (solo problem mostly) going back to forge every 4 void holes to craft ammo isn't very fun ... that's why i use munition vortex.


    Plus, mods coming from different schools is very un-necessary in my eyes and brings confusion, wastes space and brings down performance.


    Why couldn't it be like "tenno ways" one providing only for example all defensive mods, all offensive mods and engine.


    the less specific ones could have been sigma and be more common drops



    ... but that solves the problem of some zekti mods being TOO RARE, so plauers can still build a decent railjack, even better if they son't have the avionic space.

  13. Also, unrelated, plz make the weapon's energy colors match the energy color of the ship


    as u can guess from the build choice, i chose weapons for fashion as well pulsar and apok looks good ... but i'd use the carracinox more often but it is red and my ship is orange ...


    litterally unplayable i know xD

  14. my guess is time contstraints and bugs, as ot would make sensr to have originally coded the railjack using the structure of warframes ... or it was made from scratch, that woupd explain RJ feeling like and island xD anyway ...


    - duration mod would affect duration of abilities (duh).

    - efficiency would affect boost meter,weapons and abilities cost.

    - range would affect weapon falloff and abilities range.

    -strenght would affect BASE damage of abilities and gunz ... meaning it would be multiplicative with the existing turret damage mod.

    -forge can have it's own mod, but slots are few already to have a decently survivable railjack


    Efficiency expecially feels like a must have, but you need to consider that the current meta build is a tanky RJ spamming void hole.


    While these will ofc buff tgat playstyle, it gives us the opporrunity to buff all the others ... currently lacking either in damage or range to even think of competing with void hole.


    Personally i find a fast RJ with munition vortex and maxed damage turret to be way more fun ... that is, even if it is LESS EFFECTIVE ... kina making me feel punished, as i'm slowing down (if only just a bit) the randoms that join as well.

  15. 15 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    Please stop giving DE ideas for new "sustainable rewards." The last thing I want is a World of Tanks "ammo/repairs/consumables" mechanic. Railjack already has a resource sink in the form of Payload crafting. Shifting the Status Quo to where I have to upgrade my gear for every mission and constantly bleed Dirac does not strike me as compelling. It just introduces another source of upkeep.

    i don't like it either, but everything i reccomanded above can't be worse than half of the resources you farmed disappearing into nothingness.


  16. i thought about it aome more and a more balanced system would look like this:


    - Component: Reactor with 40/70 avionics

    - Dirac can be spent to repeatetly increment if 1 that value

    - Each upgrade costs incrementally more dirac, alng the lines of intrinsics

    -You reach 55 avionics doing that

    [Now, the "peculiar" (let's call it that) aspect of this system]


    - you find a 2nd reactor with 50/70 avionics

    - you see that it's more convenient to upgrade the new one, so you scap the old one and start again.

    -Half the dirac invested in the old one gets redunded, along with usual construction materials.




    About the dirac buffing mechanic tho, that still remains in my eyes a new way for us to "power up" our damage, i think Steve hinted at this in a devstream but i see no istance of this, only our freedom of modding our weapons, taken away 😞


    In contrast, this way everyone experiences the guns in the same way, the carracinoxx is not good or bad depending on how you build it, it's just the carracinoxx, with a negligoble buff if you are lucky. 


    Problem = dirac has no use once grid and avionic are upgraded.


    Solution 1 = Dirac can be spent to temporarely upgrade each component of the ship.


    It will buff stats of weapons, shields and engine, and will last one day, stackable up to 3 times (3 days) for convenience, similar to the controllable frames with umbra memories.


    For simplicity, the railjack as a whole can be infused with dirac, affecting all equipment and stats.


    Solution 2 = Dirac can be spent to slightly improve the stats of weapons, shield, engine and reactor PERMANENTLY, until best possible stats are reached.


    This would be an alternative to farming for better rolls of the equipment you already have and let people build towards a perfect roll of those 2 percent drop chance reactors over time.


    This does not break the incentove of hoping for better drops as you can always get a better one and repair it to start maximizing that one instead.


    Solution 3 = Prestige system. Railjack grid levels can be reset to zero, ready to be upgraded again, Railjack gains one level of prestige, unlocking special skins, ship ephemeras, glyps, ecc.


    Alternatively, Dirac can be spent directly like focus to the advance to the next level.


    This is NOT how i would implement a prestige/reset system in WF, but i loved it in Titanfall 2 and could work here as well.

  18. I asked them for an orokin styled skin that as a rare drop from veil, likr braton vandal or even rarer. to mimic the hunt for a lost orokin derelict ahip for ua to reparir ... or make a skin similar to it


    DE can sell it in the market for those who do not want to farm it .... i don't even want it ... i learned to love the stock one, but it sure would be a nice bonus or incentive to play.


    hope they listened.


    i'd try to get back into modelling but wasn't very good

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  19. 12 hours ago, gluih said:

    I'm sure somebody must have brought this up, but can we please get the other half of the adaptation mod? The one where you have 90% damage reduction up front, but you lose 10% every time you get hit.

    It's not like this would be game breaking or more game breaking than adaptation already is. There are enough warframes, that easily stack adaptation and then just have 90% damage reduction, already.

    I don't think this is a perfect solution, but at least this way the very squishy warframes don't just blow up at some point and for the rest the extra mod slot is going to be too valuable.

    interesting, sounds like what a "balanced" adaptation should be xD


    but rolling guard is a thing, it's damage immunity as well so it's ecen better than adaptation.

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