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Posts posted by Doraz_

  1. Enemies can seem a bit robotic, expecially going in and out from stealth or aim-gliding and them bursting you as soon as line of sight is achieved.


    accuracy can be changed like this:



    -a is final accuracy (or what current accuracy would be muliplied with), 1 is 100 percent accuracy

    -T is the time until accuracy becomes equal to "a"

    -k is how quick the aim is improved, 1 is linear, >1 is quick and <1 is slow

    -x rapresents time passed


    this would fix for example (1) balista units for example having either no accuracy or being pinpoint accurate elite snipers, allowing their shots to be more accurate with time and enemy level instead, or (2) enemies bursting you as if we were playing cs go, using wall hacks and aim assist.


    The aim value would behave like this:

    - enemy is unallerted

    -sees a target, initial accuracy is 0

    -if target stays the same, accuracy keeps building until cap is reached

    -if target changes the accuracy resets, but accuracy starts from half the max value instead, as the enemy is already in combat and ready for battle.


    It would be nice (and more efficient  i assume for values to update) if enemies that are closer togheter share a common accuracy/aim-warm up time, to simulate them working as a united force, telling eachother where the threats are.


    To avoid this being exploited by breaking line if sight for example, the enemy will retain full accuracy or start from 90 percent, only resetting completely if the enemy has a new target to shoot at.


    That said WF is so busy that i'm honestly ok with the system as it is today. if i'm not wrong, evasion depends on tenno movent speed as well, so that simplifies calculation and incentivize movement.


    If there are more knowledgeable tennos that know a better and more efficient way to simulate a aimimg-delay mechanic for AI i'd be very glad to see it and learn from it 😄


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  2. 26 minutes ago, AegisSiege said:

    So there was a Reddit post last week where someone managed to see what is inside it. I won't spoil it here, but you can easily find it with a google search. Needless to say implications of the object are terrifying, when combined with whispering and other sounds coming form it.

    same thing that happens when warframes are created, person is effectively immortal but transfrormed into a tool.


    Also, the duviri paradox could potentially be accessed by us going against cluster of light/void energy during void-jump ... sorta like in pokemon sun and moon for ultra-beasts and legendaries xD

  3. here i am trying to blend light and heavy attacks togheter, for 2 reasons

    1) heavy attacks animations are limited and boring to watch and perform

    2)using only light attacks i always have the feeling i am missing out


    this is what i got from this new melee system, but i write this in the hope someine corrects me and point me in a better direction.


    -increase combo efficiency and combo chance per hit, to be honest rivens that have both feel amazing, i'd almost say like how all weapons should be by default. Can't really fit them otherwise, but they feel powerfull, at least you build and keep a more consistant damage (again, using bith light and heavy attacks).

    -inital combo is misleading, yes it's cool to have a x2 or x4 with rivens from the start, but unlike damage or range, you can build it mid mission with little to no effort, only problem being it decreasing after every heavy hit, but that's what combo efficiency is for. I actually love more putting combo duration instead, building it killing weak units and keeping heavy atracks for strong targets. Plus, an heavy attack at 12x should do more damage, even without mods ... right? So, better put another mod instead. 


    -it seems to me that every weapon can be built for crit now, and the first +60 wind up speed is more meaningfull than the second, so amalgam crit takes priority and that " heavy damage plus speed mod " can be excluded, in favor of primed damage or whatever the weapon needs


    -Primed Toxin mod is a must as it is not only a huge damage boost, but toxin damage bypasses shields making weapons like the furax that do NOT have a forced slash procs only having armor that limits that massive damage.


    -Blood rush and sacrificial FEELS good ... i'd say it is ... but is it xD? I can't say, as i see many saying it's bad to put 2 cc mods, but cc is from where consistency and damage comes from. I'd really appreciate some in depht testing on the lines of that "distant observer" youtube person.


    in conclusion, i feel pretty meh right now, as i find myself having no mod slot for combo one time, melee speed the other or range as usual. maybe exilus for melees??? Don't like the idea of farming for each weapon but as i only have few favorites, it might actually help.


    (Thanks for reading, tried to be concise)

    • Like 1
  4. if you listen closely you can hear someone punching the walls almost, don't know if someome mentioned it.


    in any case, maybe orokin cyphers will come in handy, they will be used to craft orokin keys to acces the duviri dream/ alive dream-like pocket of the veid (edit:lol vOid, that is the one when the man in rhe wall is high on nitain ? maybexD) dimension, kept in motion by an entity maybe the man in the wall.


    That is just speculation tho 😄

  5. On 2019-11-27 at 7:08 AM, Lakais said:

    They have the option for it. landers have that as a built-in base functionality. On Railjacks you're going to have to turn off other functions for that to work. And the main point is still that some people (me included) are not into large, multi-crew ships. The designs don't really "speak to me". What exactly would we lose by having pilotable landers for solo missions? 

    My thoughts exactly 😄, but i assume the standard Railjack experience isn't ready yet and that being quite a difficult feat (WF, i assume again, is built on non-standard proprietary software, having a mix of server-side and p2p) and adding that feature will take time and it's solved by using recruit chat. i'm a mostly solo tenno myself, that's why i took time to suggest the feature.

  6. Another improvement that i ask


    i had the opportunity when i played solo to be helped by a converted lich and see what was his damage potential.


    It's bad.


    I just watched in embarassement as she couldn't even kill a roller ( lv 50-70), then a trooper with a flamethrower approaches, he complitely ignored my lich and just walks in my direction burning me alive and killing me.


    Maybe an increased aggro on the lich is best if damage remains the same.

  7. 1 hour ago, TehGrief said:

    It is noble to offer your suggestions to help other frames, and you're right - if it makes more sense, these abilities should be scavenged to help other frames.

    However, I don't think you should give up on your dream - you have a concept and you should continue to flesh it out; I would like to see how far you can get with it. 

    If those frames DON'T get these buffs, for sure i will continue to develop this frame concept.

  8. Ok, i realized something, playing with different frames in these weeks.

    The first, second and third ability i suggested might be perfect for mesa, wisp and zephir respectively.



    She would receive Vivien's 1ability as a buff to her 1st, giving her shots AOE potential.

    In addition, it would be best to change it transforming it into a timer based ability as well, but with a twist:

    1) cast the ability, rate is 0 at start

    2) damage dealt charges it up to 100

    3) when 100 is reached, you can press the button again and the damage and aoe buff is granted for a short period,not only a single shot.

    It would effectively make builds with her 1st augment really attractive, a 100 status chance on a cooldown, really cool.



    Her second ability when held is a bit uncomfortable and prevents you from moving forward.

    So, give the momentum conserving dash ability as i have described it to wisp.

    She would jusy have to move in the direction she wants (example a door with lasers) and just keep pressing 2 to continue in that direction.

    Quick-tapping the ability would remain the same.



    I read a little rework thread some days ago, about her other abilities, and that got me thinking.

    About my "orbs giving range buff" ...

    ... they sound TOO op, absolutely game breaking ... or (arguably worse) they would have to be so weak to compensate, with no scaling, useful only in lower level missions.

    So ... that AOE buff seems something perfect for zephir's 3 ability, now only a defensive and weapon/frame speed ability.

    It would behave like this:

    "For the duration, Zephir shoots waves of slashing air when shooting, causing bleed procs to enemies, scaling with power strenght."

    Nearby teammates would receive the buff as well if the augment is used.

    This would make her capable of Crowd controlling and applying impact with her 2 and slash with her 3.

    This is not a replacement, all her other buffs would stay, she would just recive this new one as an added bonus.

    It could have a set damage, scaling with power strenght or (more like saryn) a percentage of the weapon's damage is added as slash damage, causing a bleed proc.


    I may be asking to kill my own frame suggestion xD, but hey ... if it makes more sense and it's better, that's the way to go. (At least it does at the moment).


  9. 37 minutes ago, --Aegis--MR9 said:

    I am a khora main. Trust me mate, she is really awesome as she is. I dont know about her 2, I dont use it often, but her synergy with 1+4 is one of the best in game. A defense guardian + resource farming frame. She can do so much at once, its incredible. And there are so many ways to build her to use her differently. If you are interested, knock me ingame and I'll show you her defensive abilities and 4's synergy with 1. 

    Her 4 is fine as it is, because all you need to do is hit one enemy in dome with 1, then its double damage to everything stuck in dome. Ofc, you need good range, duration and strength. Also, a stat stick to buff her 1 is mandatory (with crit riven).

    Thank you, that's amazing 🙂

    When i go back to the game i'll try and whisper u then.


    • Like 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Why not make it permanent?

    Personally, I want all forms of Armor removal to be permanent, and stack,
    but at the very least, anti-Armor Augments should receive this treatment.

    I still think the stun from Silence should (be refreshable and) move to Sonic Boom,
    it just makes sense that you'd be disoriented by a sudden loud noise that permeates your entire body more so than sudden silence.

    Silence could then gain some other functions / be replaced (non-CC-based damage reduction oh pls pls pls),
    not least seeing how Banshee's Passive makes the silent part redundant (for herself, and Squad stealth ... yeah right).

    that is ... really courageous of u tenno, changing the rest of the kit as well xD


    your changes would make more sense for banshee to have compared to the current ones, tanking is valuable, but i feel we all grew a bit too attatched to our piece of paper with no damage reduction.


    Plus, in my eyes, DE did not put armor reduction in the standard abilities themselves (although lately that has changed, Vauban and Ember) because you would effectively have one way to remove a mechanic of the game (Armor) with no work other than pressing a button.


    With augments instead, you are at least forced to build around it, make compromises ... i guess it depends on what you are going for, streamlining abilities or giving customization and choice.


    But as nyx had the same change made to her, and i have to admit it's amazing, i love her as well now, i feel that if she is reworked, she will be getting that armor stripping by default as you are saying.


    Ragdolling enemies in 15(?)  meter radious in front of u is fun tho xD


    And the passive, i love as well ... i use it to roleplay as Sam Fisher in Spy mission, without the "stun" from silence ruining the moment 0_0 ...

  11. Love Banshe. I run this build


    Problems are:

    -Sonic Fracture Armor debuff is too short

    -enemies are ragdolled, so it is difficult to hit resonance points

    -enemies might kill you when you cast abilities, as you are always in one shot teritory from heavy units.


    So i ask:

    (1) Sonic Fracture duration increased to 15 seconds. As one that loves Ash as well, i'd say "why ash 8 and banshee 15? Isn't in unfair?" in my eys no, ash can immediately follow up with weapons, while with banshee for a good part of the duration the enemies are ragdolled.

    Plus i need time to line up my shots and hit the resonance points. Ash can shoot the head for a consistent 2x damage multiplier from the start.


    Sonic Fracture causes a Radiation proc on enemies!

    It would behave like the old Vauban's disruption/confuse ball (don't remember the name).

    This would be huge, improving her survivability and letting banshee use any element she wants in her weapons. I used to bring at least a rad-proc-ing one when i didn't have good one-shot weapons.

    This would help with CO as well, increasing the damage on finishers for those brave Savage banshees out there that i have never understood xD


    I consider the rest of her kit sacred, so it really shouldn't be touched, plz, just her 1 needs love in my opinion. Love in the form of an improved aument, like the last round of improved augments.


    Realism-wise (wut?), the rad proc would be caused by the Air Wave, confusing the enemies by hurting their hearing functions, and making them hit eachother for a short time.


    (sry for bad english, and thanks for reading)

  12. 2 hours ago, (PS4)RazorPhoenix970 said:

    Personally I wouldn't change anything about Strangledome but if I could suggest using larger ethereal versions of her whip instead of giant claws, it seems more thematically fitting.

    In closing I'll just say give her a shot, she has more going on than what you see people use in squads. Perhaps you'll like chain catlady too🙂

    Yours are very nice comments. Detailed and with nice points, so thank you.


    Admittedly, i don't play her much so my suggestion was mainly for visuals and limited to her 4th.


    strangle/dangle-dome is really ugly and the dangling almsot makes me do Alt+F4 every time xD

  13. Little did they know,

    they ship they recovered wasn't dax,

    it was Corrupted Vor's.


    Corrupted Vor burst out of the reliquary, he sais: "Foolish Tenno! With the power of my janus key, i created this ship. But the wise journey is a difficult one. I was torn in half once again, and my ship with me. But I survived, and now i live again. I'll show you the power, of my Janus Railjack!"


    ... but that being the brain of the ship, even Cy itself is an equally sound hypotesis 🙂


  14. 13 minutes ago, --Aegis--MR9 said:

    Khora is fine, Dont touch my Khora! 

    i feel u tenno xD not about khora, but i do.


    Are you ok with only the change to her 4th tho? Khora mains or enthousiasts (??? lol) should have a better idea if it's needed or not.


    Currently a "hook-point" exists on the top of the dome for example, but if it has the same range as the other points, enemies might not be in range for it to catch enemies (still, the range it has bow is pretty good).


    4 giant claws in 4 cardinal directions around her would cover potentially more area and more eavenly.

  15. 24 minutes ago, Lakais said:

    I am all for this concept. Though to be more accurate, I would like to see the Lander rather then the Orbiter implemented as a one-man version of the Railjack. It's an honest mistake to confuse the Lander we see in our loading screens for the Orbiter that houses all our stuff. 

    Archwings are souped up jetpacks in space and while they are surprisingly lethal and tanky, they are ultimately very short range and likely do not have punch travel capability with the rails or Void-masking. Them being more specialized for interdiction and boarding actions. Useful in large ship to ship combat mainly because they are too small by the capital ship weaponry to effectively engage in knife-fight close range. But AW's would need some other, larger ships to first get them that close. 

    A pilotable Lander, however, gives players the option to further Star Citizen their experience by sacrificing the potential power and versatility of a Railjack for more specialized Lander craft that is still more capable then the archwing in those large ship battles. Something for those solo players who don't really like large "multi-crew ship" concept and would much prefer a long-range stealth fighter concept. 

    There is also a precedent for our Landers to come armed. The Schimitar is a stealth "bomber" of sorts with it's special ability being a bombing run. It wouldn't be that bloody hard to strap two or more AW weapons onto a lander and they'd work just as good, if not better. Logically speaking but this is Warframe we are talking about so... eh. 

    And since we already have different versions of landers, those are already the basis for different capabilities. Some, like the Schimitar being more offense oriented while the Xiphos is built to tank damage with powerful shields and boosting abilities and the Lisette's thing being stealth and Mantis a sort of agile speedster. 

    So technically there is no reason to not have our landers be one-man long-range recon and combat ships. While AW's are capable, they are limited by operational range and firepower and while Railjacks can apparently do damn near everything, they are large, easy to spot and require a crew (even if AI). A middle-ground option is always welcome. 

    So many good points and a nice read, thank you.


    In my eyes, if this had to be implemented responsably and realistically it would need:

    -Flight controls similar to boardable ships. Only the cockpit would need to be created and accessible to us, so it's reasonable to create different versions for each lander. An hatch lets you go outside with the archwing.

    If you return to the Railjack, or board the enemy ship, and go outside, the ship will have auto-pilot to the hatch. No reason to make us go get it where the lander can come to us as usual.

    -in the Arsenal, a new "Lander" section would be created, allowing you to change it on the fly instead of using another menu. Weapons should be few, satisfying, identifiable and with a specific role and function such as (1) auto fast-firing hitscan rifle for spraying, (2) cluster energy shotgun for the less accurate tennos (3) semi-auto charged railgun-like beam (4) grattler like bombs exclusively close range (5) homing slow missiles that require lock (6) fast dumbfire missiles fired in high quantity. You can equip 2 at a time, swappable in the arsenal.

    Few weapons but good. Similarly abilities should be 1 for each ship, focusing on the type of lander it is supposed to be, ideas are (Liset) an hack AOE as shown in the Devstream, (Mantis) Repairs damage to it and close friendly ships, (Scimitar) Rocket with a a massive damaging explosion and (Xiphos) Spawns duration based Itzal-like drones that fire Corpus-Like Projecriles or Corpus-Like beams to close ships, intercepting enemy fire.

    I have no idea how much of a hassle it would be to create mods for Landers and lander weapons, maybe they can be upgraded with the railjack's new system. In any case, that would add some always welcome customization and new mods to go farm ... mods that we are actually going to use from the update going forward 🙂


    I have edited the title (now says Lander) to avoid causing further confusion.

  16. 39 minutes ago, EmberStar said:

    Well, they've shown concept art of several completely different looks for the railjack.  Most of the ones I remember were so divergent, they wouldn't really work as modular components.  So far though, cosmetics are rarely something we can farm for.  Unless they want to start adding railjack variants that actually have different gameplay mechanics somehow (like different stats) then the precedent is that cosmetics are a premium item that we'll probably have to pay for.

    Yes, they DO look very different, but maybe with uniform colors like we do with fashion-frame it will look at least "fine".


    I'm assuming there would be a skin changing ALL parts of the railjack, no mixing between parts of different skins.

  17. But just to be clear, Lander could thoretically be used in the way i described them right?


    The hatch present in the Orbiter is now meaningless, but the only big case against it would be archwings' role being affected negatively by landers' implementation in railjack missions.


    Expecially if a modular archwing is supposed to be one of the focuses of the update.


    In my head canon DE is secretlt developing Landers with weapons and abilities instead of another archwing (oof xD) ... let me dream a bit ... i guess my best bet is to get or make a lander skin of landers for Freespace 2 or similar game.



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