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Posts posted by Pinksys

  1. 13 minutes ago, Matsetes said:

    I really don't understand why I suck so much at disruption missions. My guess is that the design is terrible and they do not scale correctly with the planet. I had to wait a lot to play the one on Mars, I returned with Rhino and a good weapon and I did it. Now, after finishing Uranus and Natah quest, I have to do the disruption on Uranus and Jupiter, but I fail.

    The Demos are just so strong that I cannot kill them before they explode, they are so tanky I think it's impossible for a player that reached that point in the game to complete them.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I have Rhino with full armor, vitality and shield mods, I use a braton with full damage and 60% increased fire rateo. I tried the corpus damage (magnetic I guess) for the one on Jupiter but the improvement was not enough.



    There's a few things you can do to make disruption a bit easier below.


    Run in a full squad and coordinate your activations of the keys: It's easy to get overwhelmed with all of the Elite enemies that charge down your keys. running with veteran players and/or a coordinated squad can alleviate a lot of the stress and increase your odds of hunting the enemies down early


    Check the weapon Metas and see how people online like to build their guns: Rhino is a great warframe, but the demos often, if not always, have a disruption bubble that they emit which will strip your Iron skin. If you're looking for Pure B E E F you can try Inaros or Hildryn.. Looking at heavier hitting weapons might also Aid you in your endeavor. A fully modded catchmoon with the battery augment usually gets me through Disruption pretty well. Find a weapon that suits your style and see how veteran players like to build it online.


    Practice: Disruption is not easy. all new missions take practice and this one is no exception. Dont get discouraged if you lose. We've all been there. Just keep trying at it and you'll get it eventually.

    • Like 8
  2. New people wont be able to interact with your railjack outside of you inviting them to do rail jack missions. 

    Each player has a railjack instance to themselves so you never have to worry about someone altering your ship.

    Theres a recruitment channel you can ask new people if they want to join and you can always post up in the dojo chat that you're always willing to help people on their quests and star charts.

    • Like 3
  3. You could explore your Kuva Lich options and see what weapons they drop for you. an unforma'd Kuva Karak with Rad + Viral using the 60/60 status rifle mods plus serration and split chamber can take out them Kuva Fort bois.

    Having a dependable companion (Kavat) Can help keep you alive as well, if only slightly. Running x2 Kavats with Khora and your own breed is always hilarious to me.


    If you havent already, invest in a catchmoon kitgun with power focus and slap some elements on that bad boi. Tombfinger is also hilarious.


    Putting on your most OP build and making low level specters out of them is a fun way to run solo without feeling solo. Im partial to Khora so my Khora specters come with her own Venari, so that helps. Plus the specters arent as restricted by certainnegative weapon mechanics. I.e infinite ammo and deadly aim.


    As a general rule of thumb for me, Modding the hell out of Glaxion Vandal, Ignis wraith, Catchmoon, Lanka, Rubico Prime generally does dirty things to kuva fortress. 


    Remember your elemental affinities. Boy grineer -> fire +Rad weakness Girl grineer - > Corrosive.

           No faction Resists corrosive so if you want to default to an element, default to that. (Obv sentients gain resistance but shot ya baby lazers at them to fix that.)


    Adaptation, as a mod, is a great bit of tank for any build.

    • Like 1
  4. I don't know what I expected going into this, but this wasn't it.


    Obviously Rev is cool cause he's a cool disco ballerina of death, and that looks cool. And Looking cool is the only reason to play warframe. Fashion frame is end game amirite?

  5. 1 minute ago, GPrime96 said:

    As long as higher level enemies don’t turn her Shields into Cheese.

    Apparently shes supposed to mitigate damage to her shields to some extent if it reaches a specific level of damage. Unltimately I understand we have to wait until shes launched to truly find out. But its exciting to speculate.

  6. Waiting until shes out is all well and good. But Im excited for her. Plus, in response to the rate of activation. I run double energize on most of my builds and it procs a surprisingly large amount of times as Im running around. I think its at the very least something to consider.

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