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Posts posted by PopTartZombie

  1. mqdefault.jpg

    Chop low, Rob Lowe, Chad Lowe.

    Also, I'm not entirely sure why you named your topic "Rob Low" but... Yeah. Just what I thought of. And anyway, cover really shouldn't be your main concern the way the game is set up at the moment.

    -that part of that episode is what i was refering to, they were talking about how in the future combat is from the waist down, and I'm asking about a low short roll being included, its relevant enough.

    With the way the game is 'set up' it allows for me to take cover during a solo mission, so I believe that its a decent and minor concern to have, who said it was my main concern? Its just a small addition to the games diverse controlls and in game movement. You both are acting like its a big deal.

    Are you playing Warframe as a cover shooter? Because if you are - you're doing it very wrong.

    I'm not playing warframe in any specific way, I am just playing. There is no wrong way to play a video game. All I'm asking for is a shorter roll, I just included how it would help me out, me specifically, maybe some other people would find use of it in another way.

  2. There should be a doubletap function allowing for a low profile roll, a lot less speedy and long distance than the double tap shift roll. Just a tactical roll so I can quickly move from one place of cover to an other near by, without overshooting it. The function would be to double tap the 'Ctrl' key.

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