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Posts posted by PopTartZombie

  1. I've noticed that a lot of players are very fast, as I mozy my way through a mission enjoying the combat, I see a lot of people skipping 90% of the mission. The 10% is the objective and extraction. I get left in the dust. I'm no new player either. Is this 100% my choice. Yes, I enjoy the enemy variations, I like using the weapons I invested a lot of time into improving, I like the 1, 2 and 3 abilities on most frames. I actually use Volt's speed as a tactical advantage, moving myself into a different locale fast. The door unlock requiring another Tenno to progress only slows down the other noom Tenno. Yet there's potential left in that ideal.

    Maybe I'm just a slow old man Tenno. Maybe I'm just too slow. Maybe I suck at nooming. Say what you gotta say, but I have a suggestion on mission design that can improve the enjoyment substantially.

    I've seen a mission type change to exterminate, when it was a spy or whatever, but how about every time an alarm is set, there's a predetermined chance that mission becomes a sabotage, or exterminate, or spy, or two at once, exterminate and capture. Then, increase the limit of zones that can impede the noom. More doors, maybe a "hold this spot for 30 sec" mini-objective. There would definitely need to be a cap on how many times per one mission this could change the objective or give an additional objective and how many mini-objectives can appear.

    With this mission type a lot of players wouldn't necessarily be inclined to play, because at first thought, it sounds like a chore. But, if there is an added incentive to these mission types. It can payoff for the increased amount of work.

    The incentive:

    I know there's increased credits, resource related bonuses on each planet. Considering this, maybe an increased rare resource drop, mod drop, or maybe even increased chance for ayatan to spawn. Also including a multiplier for mission reward, credits and affinity. 

    Regular mission x1.25 credit+affinity (no alarm 1 objective)

    Mission + second objective x2 credit+affinity

    Mission + mini-mission x1.5 credit+affinity

    These statistics would be applicable in any order depending on the dynamic nature of the mission.

  2. Stats that would make it viable, and still balanced, yet allowing it to glow in higher level areas.

    Mastery Rank Required - 12 vs 4

    Damage - 30.75 slash / 15.25 puncture / 4 Impact. VS - 21 slash / 12.25 puncture / 1.75 impact

    Total Damage: 50 vs 35

    Fire Rate - 6.5 vs. 7.5

    Crit Chance - 22% vs. 16%

    Crit Damage - x3.2 vs. x2

    Reload Time - 2.0 vs. 1.6

    Accuracy - 20.5 vs 33.3

    Magazine Capacity - 40 vs 50

    Status Chance - 10% vs. 16%

    Ammo Reserve - 400 vs. 550

    Goals: Harder hitting, more visceral feeling, becomes a better counterpart to prime version having you actually consider the crit chance vandal vs status chance prime, better scaling for higher level enemies.

    My personal issues in using weapon: If the mission level is 20-whatever, I just don't bring it with. This weapon was bae, but now it's just fam..

    Being a founder/closed beta player and coming back to this game after a while, the end game has expanded a lot, but a lot of the weapons and a couple frames I've been using haven't at all. On Xbox I used the prime, it schmelted fairly well only investing 2 forma.

  3. I've given some thought to Nyx of late. I analyzed her abilities and where they can be applied and how they're useful. I like the rework sort of. It's definitely an improvement to her 1 & 2. Chaos has always been a decent crowd control ability. The problem has always been the 4th ability. It 'can' nuke. But after about 30 seconds of build up time. The way all of the abilities operate together, it's basically encouraging you to play this frame solo, the mind control ability gives you one converted buddy, the darts strip too little enemy's to benefit anybody but your own proximity, the chaos is an "oh sh*t" button, and absorb is a slightly different "oh sh*t" button. If I see a Rhino, Nova, Banshee, Saryn or Nekros. I'll just throw up a "GG" and go make some food or something. Due to the fact that they all have abilities that do what Nyx can do but better.

    I was leveling my Prime variant at Helene - Saturn with some random Tenno brethren, and eventually found myself standing on the cyropod just watching YouTube on my phone or looking up unrelated stuff. All the while, Nova, Saryn, Wukong, Rhino, Excalibur, Hydroid, Oberon and Nidus all nuked each wave. Coming back to the cyropod I was standing on crying, they started laughing in my face and then threw me into a grineer locker, all I could hear from the outside was them calling me names.

    Now to get to my point, just giving a player experience perspective and reference to how Nyx has aged. The 4th ability can easily be reworked into the ultimate compliment to Nyx's ideals. While maintaining the absorb aspects. It's going to need a balance to ability strength in some way, I'm thinking that's where you guys (DE) get concerned, keeping the frame balanced. Instead of a full orb around the Nyx impeding movement completely, unless augmented giving memeable movement. If you were to somewhat mimic Volt's shield, except give it a 360° horizontal coverage and have it be statically placed on the Nyx, allow full movement, reduce the effective range and increase the ability drain. For example 30 energy cost to cast base, 6 energy per second drain base, 12m base range. Have the ability function just like absorb, having the enemy attacks soak into the shield and be dispatched upon activation or energy depletion doing the same numbers as absorb. This change would allow for an awesome effect change as well, maybe even showing bullets being stopped on the shield, floating there waiting to be launched back at her foes. These simple changes, to only one ability would be simple to do and make a rework actually seem like a rework. Her first 3 abilities are nice, and got slightly better after the rework.

    In conclusion, this change wouldn't even put Nyx way up there in the "overpowered" realm. Given the shield would only be horizontal coverage, making explosives and grineer rollers something to consider. Just being able to zoom around like every other frame and maybe build up something to do damage but placing the damage in a strategic way. It's just depressing seeing one of your favorite frames being swept under the rug all the while watching every frame, even the older ones like Rhino, surpass you and receive updates as necessary to keep them playable and keep up with the newer speed/nuke/cc playstyles.

    As for my fellow Tenno, these are all suggestions and perspective coming from me personally, if you don't have anything nice to say, say it anyways IDC lmao

  4. 1 minute ago, Agent40Infinity said:

    And essentially a Guaranteed drop from the Grustrag Three and LoR.

    Oh thank you. I will look into that. I was mostly wanting this for Mag. By the time crush casted, saryn and ember wiped the screen already.

  5. Warframe mod idea...


    Power casting speed.

    Introducing a power casting speed mod would definitely improve the game in my eyes, Mag, Mesa, Rhino, and a few others could definitely utilize this mod in the higher ranked areas to help keep up with other warframes such as Ember, Saryn, and such.

    Just something I thought id throw out there maybe its already been considered but it would definitely help some warframes emensely.

  6. I just remember getting around 2500 platinum for 40$ or so and there were also bundles. Such as founders bundles and the like that offered good amounts of platinum and bonuses, which never really cost more than $60 usd. Maybe Im not remembering correctly. Oh well.

  7. The cost for platinum its self. Prices on items like weapons, helmets, warframes have been the same since Feb 2013. Yet the cost of platinum its self has increased about double. Is this because beta players were getting prediscounted prices? (I haven't played since 2014)

  8. This confuses me.






    They're Tenno, but solely faction or race? Those suits, in my mind, look like an underlay or jumpsuit to be worn under something. winkwink

    Steve also explained in the most previous live stream that he will overhaul rescue missions, and make the captive friendlies more useful. So we will see where that goes soon-ish.

  9. You see the Tenno beneath the Warframe all the time.....just peek into the Cryopods in Defense missions.....THAT'S a Tenno!

    That's a place holder, aka 'Naked Nick', until DE decides to put actual tenno in the cyropods.

  10. Also question.. who says the Orokin lost the war with the Sentience? They could have just been severly weakened by it, to the point where while they won, they collapsed.

    I'm pretty sure that's losing. I do understand what you mean though, the Sentience may have been trying to wipe out the Tenno, which may be why we were put to sleep in the first place. Now... the Sentience may rise again when they realize the Tenno threat hasn't been eradicated. Its all up to DE's creative director and the brainstorm team.

  11. I feel like there is a lack of exploration, not when it comes to moving throughout the map with 'new' tile sets. I mean full blows exploration within those tile sets. I like all of the random hidden junk in a lot of the corpus maps. Like the tile set that's just a catwalk, but when you fall you find the big Orokin thing. Or near the elevator where you start occasionally there's that heap of crates with that strange bigger than average sized Osprey. I like finding these things, and it would be cool to have more depth fer tile set, yet less tile sets per mission. Because there are too many in between you and the objective, and then you and extraction, the mission lengths nowadays are making people want to rush even more so. I walked a mission in solo and it took me 45 minutes to complete that mission, I did not count the amount of tile sets in that particular mission, but there must have been 50+ rooms I went through until I finally got to extraction. This was while walking (not sprinting) and trying to enjoy the maps entirely. I struggled to a bit, there wasn't as much complexity as I had expected, respectively, there were a few good ninja places, but during an online match, I do not think they would have been utilized at all. I REALLY appreciate what you have done with some of the Grineer galleon tile sets. They are like "Here's an obstacle, figure it out." and they forced you to sharpen certain skills like wall running or reminding you about your passive frame abilities such as the decoy+switch teleport abilities, or ash's teleport or the portal deal Nova has. Yet those are just if you don't want it to take you forever. I miss those old school games with those levels that stumped me for a bit, but with the fast pace action, like a 2min "crap how do i do this room" would suffice. My point is, I want more complexity map wise during missions, but for the complexity to take a little less than 10-20 minutes per mission depending on how its played.


    More complexity please?




    If you read and agree + 1 me.

    Otherwise, feedback as to why you don't with a -1.

  12. Actually he went and put on a special armor suit about half way through the game, and the helmet could even "morph" off of him to show his face. The girl who had the "Nyx" looking suit was able to take hers off as well since you see it before you see her without it. 


    This is also a possibility. I like all of the controversy, it only means that the community isn't 100% sure on the matter. Which only leads to the fact that we're going to get an answer soon enough. I'm sure Steve and the people he works with to brainstorm new possibilities and additions to the lore will eventually find this topic boggling their minds for a little while. Its really only going to be a decision, easy or hard. Easy being, they're not removable and that aspect of the game will not be elaborated on at all, it would just be an answer to the lore and then be done with it. Then there's the hard answer, its only hard because there would be more work involved than the previous rout. The hard answer would introduce the tenno underneath and develop them with all the bells and whistles. I would prefer to take the hard rout, it would give the player a much more compelling story to follow. You don't even know what you are, even with a name 'tenno' there is hardly any real explanation, as far as Warframe goes, as to what you are. There are obviously references to where they originated, but in a different game. I would really like, personally, to know what I am, as I follow the story of the Tenno in the age after the Orokin and Sentience. I believe unveiling the Tenno under their suits would give that section of the lore a push in the right direction. As for now, there is no right answer as to weather or not they're linked permanently to their suit or not.


    Edit: a few evolved explanations.


    p.s. This whole thread is all theory and opinion until DE tackles the topic.

    p.s.s. Which is the purpose of this thread, to get the answer or ETA on when they'll approach this topic form DE.

    p.s.s.s. Do remember guys, this game is BETA, so nothing is set in stone until Final.

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