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  1. DE doesnt know This is basically how Vex armor "Update" feels like now btw.
  2. Detron Toxo with mandatory Blast. Spirex is ok too but only on alt. Zymos easly the "worst" Athodai Grakata Cyanex, Sonicor with a really good proj speed riven with curse AND Zephyr tailing winds. Very fun in combination with little fire rate buff and infi ammo, goes like *IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
  3. new Augement. Yareli doing Fusion Dance with Merulina and that my kids is How infested were made
  4. me dislike tennokai cus no see where aim. Try Balla and git gud with the stance
  5. whoah entire page about having to press melee once a minute.
  6. needs to cool off the barrell for a few moments first, you cant just keep shooting and transform in a blink of an eye. Very annoying, feels like my guns just got clogged or something, more prominent on some than others mainly Dual Toxocyst. Noone noticed it yet?
  7. idk why but no matter how much crit chance I have its dmg will never turn off from white either
  8. Thing is, puncture mods dont work on converted impact dmg so is just slam except no splash but hold in place. Idk why since should be dead anyway
  9. whole day of gameplay ruined due to being unable to trade nor gather any squad to waste 1500 void traces on common aya drops.
  10. then how did you complete this Oro???? Yes also happened to me
  11. you say procc instead of trigger one more god damn time and I will ommit your personal remark. Now imagine being slower than these clouds. Majority of WF ladies and gents. 👏
  12. Ok but why did I even got to have [synkra syandana] even tho I have nothing in common with consoles AND never did any cross-save. Dont even remember how it got there. Besides, now everyone can just have it. Not special or exclusive anymore. Next step - unvaulting Skana prime, but only for tennogen/regal aya.
  13. I liked Critting with these better. 500k dmg clouds were nice. Also, Vortex works just fine although requires some priming. Doesnt matter. Aoe is useless. Enemy spawn in groups of 3-5 scattered through entire map and just wont move because perma electrified/radded/chilled. Does absolutely nothing on higher levels. Just a toy for nuke beginners. Worst incarnon ever. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Don't comment on something if you've never used it or tested it extensively to see if there was an impact or not. Lmao update your about me warframe marketer.
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