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Posts posted by (PSN)Danny-Nukem

  1. Will this fix Railjack that got broken in the last update? Getting stuck on invisible objects all the time and archwing doesn't work as it should while on a railjack mission. Its vry annoying to be forced out of the ship to pick up loot :< also, the loot doesn't work as it should ether . Hope it get fixed soon

  2. You just wont fix that we lose all affinity gained to the mech if we die or so we can use all mod slots in the Mech? Maybe in 1 or 2 month i guess. And will you ever get rid of the child and parent rooms in the Dojo? That construction is just build breaking. You want us to do Dojo contests, well, plz dont force us to destroy weeks or even month of builds cuz of a missplaced elevator or room. Stop forcing us to build useless rooms. 

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