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  1. Thinking about it right, Pablo made Saryn the way she is right now AND was probably behind the Dante nerfs... Coincidence? (For clarity's sake, this is a joke)
  2. I appreciate your work on the game, and honestly? I think everyone complaining about Dante also appreciate all the work that has gone into Warframe, it's why everyone is so pissed off with this random change for an update that didn't have much of a problem!! They care about Dante and how he fits within the game, and his mechanics were mostly fine besides overguard blocking some mod and frame builds (that's more overguard itself than Dante) Can we at least bargain for a solution that doesn't completely nuke trash mobs? Ignore LoS on enemies hit by Dark Verse so Tragedy can finally go back to being a nuke that needs setup rather than a mess of LoS checks that's barely more effective than a modded weapon for doing AoE damage?
  3. They literally did not tackle the root cause of the issue and birthed an entirely new one due to them insisting that an LoS check was necessary for tragedy despite dark verse already being the tragedy check
  4. Tragedy already had checks with needing status for it to nuke rooms It's not even a skill issue or anything, like I wish I was this ignorant so I can be happy too, but: 1) Dante hasn't been out for a month, so play data probably doesn't even look robust enough to judge performance 2) Tragedy was never mentioned anywhere as a problem people had with Dante in their squads 3) A lot of other frames require less interaction for wider nuking, we literally have titania builds focused on spamming Gauss' 3 to nuke rooms with no interaction Saryn is ok sure you need to gunplay to really get the most of her dps, but Dante had to prime everything he wants to nuke, the only thing he mindlessly deletes are fodder because the flat damage of Tragedy applied to things without status which I always found to be weird The radial nature of tragedy was fine, just don't let tragedy do damage on targets without a DoT status effect to cleanse
  5. Yeah you tell em! Just one button on other frames is fine because their name isn't spelled D-A-N-T-E
  6. It's one of the worst changes made to date breaking a streak of good changes It feels unnecessary
  7. It's worse than the Nezha changes even though the Nezha changes were already really bad What's there not to get?
  8. Out of all of those abilities, Inferno and Prism are the only ones regularly used for Nuking, and Inferno S#&$s out energy orbs making the effective range worth it. While prism gets crazy damage buffs from multiple different events and it also ticks really often so failed LoS checks get corrected super easily What is your point exactly?
  9. Gonna toss my two cents here, honestly if Dante nuking was an issue, why not only apply the flat damage Tragedy has to enemies with a status to exploit in its range? It would require people to prime enemies with status from either Dark Verse or teammates before he could nuke without introducing Line of Sight jank.... Also, as for the overguard changes, I value having overguard more than the amount of overguard so the changes to it seems nonsensical for what's essentially a duration-based mesmer skin. Why not just remove the overguard regen for teammates?
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