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  1. This was a bit more messed up than just "not working on iOS". I was on Windows 11, watched most of the Wednesday stream, nothing counted towards progress, couldn't claim the forma. Watched the entire Thursday stream on Windows 11 again, nothing was counting, gave up on it but much to my luck kept it running. Looked at it again at 9pm (an hour after the stream is supposed to end), an lo and behold I could claim things, according to Twitch I got 1 claim for 2 forma from watching Wednesday, 2 claims for 1 forma each for Thursday. Log into the game, I get 3 forma. I'm not complaining, I got the 3 that I was supposed to, but I'm getting a headache trying to wrap my head around the math.
  2. If this is working the same way as usual then the wording is misleading. All 3 streams from Warframe (including International) run in the same campaign. If you have a few minutes left on today’s stream for the 2nd drop then you’ll be able to claim it not long after the Wednesday afternoon one starts. Same for overlap between the Wednesday and Thursday streams.
  3. Is anyone else having problems logging in after the update? Everything was working fine yesterday, but after updating, when I try to login it keeps trying to connect for a couple of minutes after I give it my password then invariably tells me to "check my information" (my password has not been changed and I am pretty sure it is the correct one).
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