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Posts posted by zipilgrim

  1. This was a bit more messed up than just "not working on iOS". I was on Windows 11, watched most of the Wednesday stream, nothing counted towards progress, couldn't claim the forma. Watched the entire Thursday stream on Windows 11 again, nothing was counting, gave up on it but much to my luck kept it running. Looked at it again at 9pm (an hour after the stream is supposed to end), an lo and behold I could claim things, according to Twitch I got 1 claim for 2 forma from watching Wednesday, 2 claims for 1 forma each for Thursday. Log into the game, I get 3 forma.

    I'm not complaining, I got the 3 that I was supposed to, but I'm getting a headache trying to wrap my head around the math.

  2. 9 hours ago, Xerubium said:

    How can we get the drop twice (45 mins. each) with completely tight 90 mins. drop time? We can only start loading the 2nd drop after we claimed the first drop.

    If this is working the same way as usual then the wording is misleading. All 3 streams from Warframe (including International) run in the same campaign. If you have a few minutes left on today’s stream for the 2nd drop then you’ll be able to claim it not long after the Wednesday afternoon one starts. Same for overlap between the Wednesday and Thursday streams.

  3. Is anyone else having problems logging in after the update? Everything was working fine yesterday, but after updating, when I try to login it keeps trying to connect for a couple of minutes after I give it my password then invariably tells me to "check my information" (my password has not been changed and I am pretty sure it is the correct one).

  4. I was quite happy with what I was reading about this patch, until I went and looked at the drop rates of Citrine component blueprints. 4.5% each, just like with Voruna. I almost gave up farming Voruna at one point, and now that I have her I have zero desire to touch Conjunction for a long, long time. And then there's that lovely DE message on a previous page saying that Mirror Defense will take "far longer" than regular Defense, where 20 waves easily run over half an hour.

    I'm not sure I even want to start on this content.

    • Like 6
  5. 5 hours ago, FSK41 said:

    while one bounty can give you almost a guranteed Aya

    Purely anecdotal and absolutely not true for everyone else. I did my 5 bounties for Nightwave yesterday and got zero Aya. I did another run of bounties a few weeks ago, another zero Aya. The fact is that Aya drops are simply ridiculously low and unless you are either very lucky or willing to farm dozens of hours for them. I play the game almost every day, sometimes for a few hours, I've spent all my Syndicate rep on relic packs (a LOT of relic packs), done bounties and Void, and so far I've gotten 10 Aya since the event started.

    • Like 2
  6. I mean, I'm happy that all the people who were smarter than I was can now get the Ghoulsaw without any grind, but this is yet another addition to a very unfortunate trend (looking at you Lavos), the main takeaway being "don't bother grinding events because you can get the reward effortlessly a couple of days later". I'm not sure this is really something you want to push players towards. I really wish you'd strike a balance between how soul-crushing some of the grinds are and how easy other things are to acquire, and between some time-limited items being gone for months or years before they come back versus others reappearing in much easier form literally days later.

    • Like 8
  7. On 2021-02-16 at 9:00 PM, FilibusterCrabz said:

    There should be a section called "Drops" if you click your profile picture in the top right, which is what I assume the "Twitch icon" means. A progress bar along with a thumbnail of the item should appear underneath the Drops section without you needing to visit your inventory, at least during the stream itself. It also shows up in chat provided you opened the stream while it was active; otherwise you needed to refresh the page. But the other progress bar should have been visible the whole time.

    Thank you for the info. I looked more carefully during the Wednesday stream. When I opened that menu right after the stream started the progress bar wasn't there (no "drops" section at all). When I checked a couple of minutes the bar was there and already filled by a few %, so it just seems like it takes a short time before the bar initializes, hence why I missed it the first time.

    As on Tuesday, and like many have reported, it also looks like you need to log into the game then wait a variable amount of time before you get the drop in the mail, but as long as Twitch has acknowledged the claim it does seem to work consistently.

    Anyway thanks again @FilibusterCrabz!

    • Like 1
  8. Colour me absolutely shocked, this actually worked for me.

    A lot of things in the description still don't make sense to me, like the "Twitch icon in the top right" that we're supposed to be able to click to see our progress. What Twitch icon? If it's your profile icon that lets you access settings, log out, etc, I didn't see any progress. Best way I found to track it was to access the inventory from the message that pops up when the stream starts, telling you what the drop will be (open the inventory in a separate tab of course), then hit F5 on inventory once in a while to check progress. I claimed it as soon as it became available while the stream was still running (I do wonder if it's even possible to claim later, or claim and let it sit in inventory for longer than a day, or any other valid questions along this line). I only loaded into the game 4 hours later, at which point I had to wait a few minutes and recheck my mailbox before the drop appeared there (I wonder if the "5-10 minutes before it appears" requires the game to be running).

    Much as I like the addition of the inventory and being able to actually KNOW if the drops are working or not (a few have, for absolutely no discernible reason, not worked for me in the past), it does seem much clunkier than the old system with one small change: a simple progress bar that fills up towards 30min. Mixer was an absolutely awful platform, but they had that years ago and I can't fathom why Twitch can't seem to find a simple and elegant solution to drops, never mind copy an existing one.

    Anyway it does look like this time this is a Twitch problem and not a DE problem. Kudos to Megan for the detailed OP.

    • Like 2
  9. People keep saying this was predictable or to be expected or "you should have known", which is blatantly wrong. The only logical prediction based on YEARS of precedence was that event items would not be available from non-event sources for AT LEAST 6 months (blatant example: the Ceti Lacera). Many times the non-event sources are a much worse grind than the event (best example: Spectra Vandal. I got enough anomaly shards to buy everything you can buy with them, and then some. I went into every single orokin ship and opened every single container. I've not seen a single Spectra part drop and don't know anyone who has. I'm so very glad I got the weapon from the event).

    There are a ton of strawmen in this thread. Nobody is angry because the items will be available from shop. I don't think anyone is even angry that they're available so quickly afterwards (I'm certainly not; I don't care exclusivity or having a speshul item before others or whatever. In fact one of the things I like about Warframe and DE is that, aside from Founder items, NOTHING in the game becomes Gone Forever; I've quit several games in the past that did exclusive non-cosmetic rewards). What people are angry about, and have every right to be, is the specific combination of how DE did things: they made it immediately available after event for a much easier grind AND didn't announce this until the end of the event AND phasic cells could've been better put to use by getting the arcanes considering what the alternative grinds for Lavos/Cedo on one hand and the arcanes on the other hand entail. None of the individual statements are that bad on their own, them all being linked by the ANDs is the problem. It doesn't help that the event (as usual) was a messy bugest as usual. And of course us PC players are as usual unpaid beta testers for the console version, and on top of it console players are told BEFORE the event even starts where things will be available and can plan accordingly (I always laugh when console players complain that they get things after us on PC; I always wait for months before trying new non-event content because of how unplayable it is at launch)

    • Like 17
  10. So after trying Railjack a couple of times over the last 6 months and both times ragequitting over how excruciatingly buggy (to the point of unplayable) it was, I decided that Railjack Revised might be a good time to try it again.

    I join a mission in progress, so obviously someone else's Railjack. Less than 10 minutes in it bugs out while I'm entering the 4th crewship, and puts me in the crewship as dead. X won't work to revive. The game freezes, forces a weird host migration (one that seems to be due to the freeze and the weird entering crewship as dead situation, rather than connectivity issues), but the migration does allow me to revive, and this allows me to revive and continue the mission. Except the navigation is not usable (probably expects RJ owner to use it, who of course is no longer there) and grineer keep spawning on the RJ (literally spawning out of thin air, not ramships), eventually forcing me to Abort, and lose everything.

    I'm not even going to touch on all the other changes in this patch. The main selling point was to improve RJ, and it's still exactly as unplayable as on launch and for exactly the same reason.

    I think I'll try again some time next year.

    (I know people keep complaining that RJ is too disconnected from the rest of the game but as far as I'm concerned it's a godsend. Imagine there were actually useful things to use in the rest of the game gated behind this bugfest.)

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