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  1. Hold up. You can't just bring these up and not explain what any of these have to do with Warframe. Because, I just have to wonder, why are they being lumped in together? I know AC Shadow and Ghost of Yotei are based in historical Japan; but where does exactly Concord fit into this? Unless you... no, there's no way you genuinely believe that there's some sort of legitimacy behind the notion that people freaking out over women and people of color protagonists and playable characters, right? And again, what does this have to do with Warframe?!? Is this some sort of China vs Japan narrative you're trying to spin here? Because let me tell ya, the only string spinning I care about are the ones Koumei is pulling as she does cool stuff. So frankly, I could care less about this narrative since it seems completely nonsensical and controversy baiting. Also, DE did in fact elaborate with the Wukong nerfs. I know that you're just asking questions; but somehow you've only made me ask more questions than necessary if you elaborated even a lil' bit yourself.
  2. Lil spoiler of Koumei's Alternate Helmet. Just wanted to share this here, since I suppose this is the 'Cat Ear' thread. :3
  3. By the way, TennoGen artists are simply paid upfront a specific amount of money via a contract in order to put their items onto console. I'm not sure if said contract implies that additional payments would be made afterwards, yet there is no way for TennoGen artists to make money from each individual console purchase due to the limitations brought by the given storefront holder.
  4. Fellas, I have technically discovered a way for some Warframes to have cat ears... of sorts. If the Krios Signa is positioned just enough into the helmet of a given Warframe, the metallic leaves at the top protrude upwards, very similarly to a cats' ears! Sure, this probably won't work on some most helmets, and it probably helps that Atlas Prime's Helmet is actually quite big, but still, I felt like this was a fun discovery I had to share here. :P
  5. I made it pretty clear in my first post here; but I honestly wouldn't mind if DE added cat ears and such; but they also don't have to at all which I would also respect. Maybe I've just grown desensitized towards any sort of 'masculine degradation' or whatever, firstly because I'm not a man so I don't care, and secondly because I've just seen it everywhere at this point, that nothing really surprises me, and honestly I'm only ever pleased by the idea of being able to dress up any character in a silly fashion. Team Fortress 2 is a great example of a game that's mostly filled with masculine characters yet with a ton of customization that can range from 'he's literally him' to 'cutesy lil' flame demon'. I just don't know, such energy could be wasted on other things personally.
  6. I will now ask you where exactly and with quote I said something aimed at you where i do what you accuse me of. Sure, dude. First page. haha ninja is not per se anime, warframe also started out as a darker themed game, anime references are fine, taking from them directly and especially from the cutesie ones with cat ears and the disgusting lollies is just a step too far. Then it stops being the dark/ninja/genocidal game i signed up for, so yeah i do have a problem with that. Irony like yours is not gonna get you what you want so i commend you, go on like that and show how you cannot handle some headwind. You replied to KitMeHarder, who clearly had a desire for one thing; only to compare that to something else entirely that pedophiles enjoy. Now to be fair, you technically weren't replying to Jeter, but it was still a direct comparison. Honestly, that's just really weird. I know it was probably inflammatory for the sake of it, but why would you even go to that as an argument?
  7. Now I'm picturing Grendel painted purple, carrying around a Fishing Spear as his pet Froggy follows him. If you know, you know.
  8. I honestly haven't caught up or remembered specific parts of lore regarding the Infestation and Helminth in particularly, but I actually do wonder if Warframes in anyway are fungi in any way. Here is the definition of fungi to be clear; Basically anything like mushrooms who are the fruit of the mycelium, or even creatures that use a mycelium-like network, like a fantasy mycoid. Also, this discussion could technically extend towards the Infested as well. Some clues to this being the case are the existence of the Nano Spores that we even use to build Warframes and even Weapons actually; but also the giant Infested-like mushrooms that grow in the Orb Vallis. I wonder what any loremasters would have to say in regards to my theory about there being some fungal basis for the Warframes to fall under, or possibly, they are an advanced species of fungi. That would really be somethin'.
  9. I never was upset, I was confused. I feel like that's a natural reaction to Warframes being misidentified, which again, has happened even before Xaku. Once again, if you wanna miss my point about treating other identities fairly, then so be it. You didn't read what I typed out correctly, so let me spell it out. Xaku is composed AKA made of 3 individuals. Yet, Xaku is not 3 individuals existing at once within Xaku. Because Xaku is the composite of all of those 3 combined into one. So, they aren't literally 3 individuals, they are still one. Okay? Also, you are still putting way too much effort to refute what the developers have confirmed for the SINGLE playable non-binary character in the game. That's crazy.
  10. My only guess may be that either the Void Replicas are tied to Xaku's detection in the sense that they won't activate if Xaku cannot be detected by other enemies directly, or it could be something along the lines of attempting to prevent any pseudo-AFK strats where one sits in place within invisibility while performing damage consistently with no direct input. That's the best I could imagine as any form of explanation.
  11. I am. I do not understand why you seem to keep assuming I don't for some reason. I use it because it's a general label, rooted in both grammar and history. You use it because grammar, which is great. So again, neither of us are using it wrong. :) All of this to just not understand Xaku is outstanding. Xaku is one individual, not 3 in one. They are composed of 3 individuals. which is not the same. And DE has confirmed of what pronouns they use, which is they/them, and what they are, which is non-binary. This is what exactly I highlighted earlier as an issue, where for some reason, anytime a character is outside or even challenges the gender binary, there's always a group of people debating and trying to 'refute' the literal word of the creators to say that 'no, they actually aren't this because yadda yadda'. I'm sorry buddy, but I just don't care at this point.
  12. Never ask a Corpus Prodman his salary, a Grineer Queen her age, and why was Atlas Karst double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon. I already liked Atlas before, never really his Deluxe, but now I'm starting to see why people do.
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