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Everything posted by Mr.SpookSpook

  1. Really? That is the big thing you cannot possibly live without? A Revenant nerf that affects your gameplay in pretty much no way ever? Don't you have something better to do? Than beg for a nerf to something you are barely even related to?
  2. Finally a sane decision. Now, please release every weapon with a minimum of 1 for disposition... No weapon should be stuck with 0.5 dispo when rivens are not even worth slotting at all at that point. Rivens take a lot of investment to get with usable stats. No riven should have such low dispo that the stats are gonna be inferior to normal mods.
  3. There goes the ONLY reliable way of farming rare resources that are an absolute pain in the butt to get by running around in the map... Also, most of this is useless junk when in high level missions pets will still spend 90% or more of their time being dead incapacitated... And still no universal vacuum? Vacuum still lost when pets go down? Ffs. How many years do players need to BEG you to add goddamn universal vacuum? Sure, let pets increase the vacuum range, but give us proper base vacuum range universally as enemy radar is becoming universal too. Let us use those 2 slots in pets for something more useful or interesting! Or add 1 Exilus Slot to pets so at least Vacuum could go into that!
  4. Google -> Overframe/YouTube -> "XYZ build" It is that simple.
  5. You don't really know what Pay2Win means, do you? But necramechs being mostly useless in game and not worth the effort required to make them is true.
  6. Where did you get that silly idea that you need Revenant for index to make it playable??? Pretty bad frame choice from the getgo...
  7. The fancy pantsy magic book is kinda immersion-breaking. I play space battles, not some anime wizarding school slice of life story...
  8. Players: "This game is too easy. Give us more challenging content!" DE: *releases archon hunt, which is SLIGHTLY challenging if you are properly built. OP: *😭
  9. I got them once. They just have abysmally low drop chance I guess. Not gonna comment on the rest. Your post has melted my brain and it's leaking out my nose.
  10. Dirty plat has nothing to do with what you are asking about. That comes from people buying plat for cash, trading that palt for stuff, then refunding their purchase in their bank. Then DE removes that plat from everyone and bans the player who refunded the plat and players whose accounts go into negative plat if they spent the dirty plat they received in trade. You won't get banned for trading any ingame thing for any ingame thing you get unlucky and get dirty plat from someone and spend it.
  11. Edited so you know how DE staff will read your post.
  12. Git gud or let others in the team finish the spy rooms. You can always ask for help in the recruitment chat ingame.
  13. Same, I have been getting logged out automatically every 1-5 days or so
  14. Most youtubers survive off flashy obnoxious clickbait. But people are allowed to have their opinions about what they think are the best weapons, frames, etc. Just because someone is a youtuber you don't have the right to shut down their opinion if it doesn't align with yours. Don't like it? Don't watch it. Simple.
  15. Please format that gigantic block of text a bit better for easier readability. At least separate the warframes with blank lines.
  16. Ah, interesting, would have been nice to know before I fed so many to it
  17. Great. I didn't know about that tactic and now I cannot even try it. I am stuck in the same cancerous disgustingly frustrating dead mut gameplay as before. Give me a moment to barf as I watch the one chance for salvation fade to nothingness.
  18. How can you demand changes to an ability that you don't even understand in Gara's kit? Casting her 4 refreshes the duration of her 2, also on teammates who are in the radius of her 4 when it is cast...
  19. I have a good +dmg +multi -neg riven that allows it to oneshoot high level enemies easily, but the ghosts last for such a short time, they are pretty much useless. They do not act as enough distraction to enemies... Their duration should be tied to the shot charging. Quick shots should spawn them for 5 seconds, charged shots for 10 seconds.
  20. The sounds y'all are hearing is just my uggo kavat I yeeted into the void there. It is forever bouncing, clanking around and vailing in an endless fall to the void.
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