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Posts posted by Kelpie77

  1. For a new player i always advice to get Rhino
    you can farm easily (drop from Jackals, Venus' boss) and with him you can easily go through the origin system.

    while you progress further you'll end up seeing new weapons, warframe and also learn about different mission types and what's your preferred playstyle, and then you will know how/where to get whatever else you like more :)

  2. This is the build i use
    as you see i'm using primal flow but it's not really super important. Also, efficiency mod are not really good because the less the efficiency, the more you gain with your 1 ability

    the build is not my invention: i did it based upon some suggestion someone told me in this forum. And it's super funny; in (mobile)defenses his crowd control is very good and you can rise up stacks very easily; in survival you just stay close to an open space with a couple of life support and play the same 😄
    you whant enemies coming in close group, so you can avoid using larva (besides i use them a lot anyway 😄 )

    against higher level enemies you need to use your 3 and 4 more often. On the forum there are also someone who used both the umbral mods inside a nidus to be virtually unkillable... 😐 but requires maaaaaaaaaany forma 😄

  3. I tagged this one as "spoiler" 'cause the umbral mods are released throughout The Sacrifice.
    However, i guess is not really a spoiler to say there are new mod released

    So, as the topic suggested: Nidus does'nt have shield, have a lot of health and armor, and sure will benefit from increased power strenght; so i'm guessing if there are possible to put all three umbral mod inside the nidus

    Problem is, 'cause you can't forma to an umbra polarity slot and those mods are very expensive, i guess you will need to forma all other slots... i didn't tried it because is way expensive and i fear i could broke some of the balance my Nidus have (is one of my favorite warframe, btw)

    But i guess is not really impossible and probably someone else whould have tried it

    This, so far, is my main build for Nidus:
    i guess i can put 2 more forma for a "-" and a "V" polarity (for Primed Flow and Hunter Adrenaline), put Overextended in lieu of steel fiber, and stretch in lieu of vitality and i can squeeze Umbral Vitality and Umbral Fiber (not fully ranked). One more forma for stretch, and i guess i can also maximize them both. Still no place for Umbral Intensity 😐
    I did some try on warframe builder and i discovered i can put all three of them.. if i forma everything else, and did'nt maximize the umbral mods (and also, did'nt remove the Steel Charge aura i use mainly for the +4 points and i'm planning on changing/formaing for something else whenever i could afford more points)

    So the only way to use all three umbral mod are to do some radical change to the build. And in the end... is it worth?
    Does someone else did it and will advice it?

  4. I suggest go for Rhino; you can get the parts easy. I love my Rhino, and i use it for almost all lvl100 sortie (mostly is not really necessary, but it's a sign of respect :cool:)
    But for leveling, is a really good warframe you can use to tank (of course), to buff dps while tanking or to CC while tanking (1); i did everything until Uranus with Rhino (then i got Valkyr Prime) and i still do some mission here and there
    With excalibur i think you can stun-lock him with melee, so i don't think is even difficult to get

    one of the first frame you can get is the Mag; i dunno if it's worth: Mag was my first warframe and i haven't understood yet, so i can't advice getting her; besides if it's easy to get, is a good to get for mastery rank. My second frame was Frost Prime i got with Twitch Prime, and i found myself very confortable with him (until i got Rhino, of course). Having the prime, i never had the urge to get plain frost...

    One advice: try everything you can, be it a warframe, a weapon, a pet... and be wary that some warframe need a very specific build to work, and perhaps maybe is useless unti. you got a specific mod...

    (1) yesterday i found someone building around his 4... was wonderful for interception sortie because he stomp-locked the entire map... 😐

  5. Ok thank you.

    Probably i'll give a try then, even because is not a super pricey set i could really gain a huge lot of platinum selling it to other players...

    as for build, i'll go with the standard blood rush thing, and then trying mix-max some elemental (partially depending on the rest of my loadout)

  6. Hi everyone
    in the past few days i was farming a lot of lith relics and, long story short, i ended up with having all pieces for Orthos Prime

    I read online is one of the most used polearm (side by side with Lesion, i see), so i'm guessing if is worth building and using it. I read is one of the older prime-variant weapon, but is still mainly used because got a huge reach and good crit chance.

    Now, i'm not really a polearm tenno, even if i would like liking that; i mainly use for melee the Galatine Prime (crit build) for warcry-valkyr and Orvius (dual weild with zakti or hystrix) for everyone else. I have a Guandao but not really used that; i have a Zawandau, ie a zaw weapon who has same stat than Guandao but less status and more crit, and a lot of weapon i did'nt use much: a zaw rapier, the broken war, the quest reward weapons etc. Besides, i had fun using the Vaykor Sydon at the point i where in doubt if applying a reactor and keeping it (even if the special ability is useless...)

    So in the end: is Orthos Prime good?
    and which build did you advice me? the one with blood rush + gladiator for incresing crit chance (ie the same/similar to the standard Galatine Prime crit build)? or is better on a different configuration?

  7. Lol @Enialyx
    space mom is always ftw! Even if honestly is pretty boring after the second, maybe third time you hear her voicelines... always the same... always...

    Besides, when you are getting older you need to cut the ties with your mom, and Teshin is the right master in my opinion.
    I would love to hear Maroo for some missions (like the spy mission), or also Cressa Tal for what's worth, but i guess doing a single set of voicelines is easier and cheaper...

    ps: now that Lotus came back to her Natah's look/mission/whatever, i guess we are not seeing her for a bit... so almost anyone is better then ordis-replicated fake-lotus 😐
    anyone who's not Vay Hek, i mean... :)
    pps: we don't know if Lotus is more a "she" or a "it" 😐

  8. i already told it in a different post; besides

    i'd love Maroo, but sometime just did'nt fit. So, if a single voiceover narrator should give you advices/getting bored to death it should be definitely Teshin. Besides, having different voicelines made by different people (ie Maroo during mobile defenses while hacking the computers or clem saying "clem clem grakata" in lieu of "a massive grineer army are ready to be massacrated by you" could be good too :) )

  9. I alredy suggested to use different narrator for the missions
    ie: maroo for spy mission or better for mobile defenses, teshin for  generale things (ie for the "you have new quests" voicover) and for most of the standard missions, onkko for PoE mission, etc...
    it could be done gradually so don't remove people from developing new wonderful contents :)

  10. 1 hour ago, Chewarette said:

    This will be a problem in the long term. A lot of people will simply not bother with Exalted warframes as they're too much investment to barely be on-par with other Warframes. Right now, you have to forma the Weapon only, that's fine. But when Mesa, Wukong ang Ivara will be primed, you'll be on for one hell of a forma'ing ride. How does it even work ? Can you forma the weapon then forma the frame and level them simultaneously ? If you forma the frame first, the weapon shall disappear (as warframe lvl 0), right ?

    I did'nt think about it because my Valkyr is already a couple forma, i use Ivara only for spy mission where you really don't need to use the bow (and Titania i use only for Lua Spy, btw) and Umbra already got umbra slot mod that are really powerful combo so don't feel the need for forma, at the moment

    But that's a real problem: Exalted warframe will need more forma than normal ones just because they need to forma the weapon again, and also the EW can't be leveled until you unlock that
    i guess they can arrange a system, ie EW start already at lvl 10 (that's where you basically unlock the ability) and/or give more forma/polarities to them... 😐

  11. another flaw i discovered...
    sometime, to reach very distant spot, i use operator -> void dash several time -> transference again and summon warframe to my spot
    with umbra, i summon operator back into umbra

    and that one thing really cool sometime! i really wish there is a way to switch back to warframe (very useful when eidolon throw your operator miles away... 😐 ) but sometime is a real hindrance 😞


    PS: another thing i noticed is today everyone is an umbra. I did two mission where everyone was an umbra. And that's okay, everyone whanna try it... but it's strange nonetheless 😄


  12. Hi everyone
    in this posts there are spoilers for Sacrifice; they are midly spoiler, but are spoiler nonetheless!!!

    I did The Sacrifice quest, and long story short i reaaaaaaaaally liked it. It's the best thing happend to me in a mmo since... wel... since The War Within and Second Dream i did last Christmas 😄
    But before that it was almost 10 year i did'nt played a quest so emotionally intense. Wow. Chapeau. Great work DE!!

    Besides, there is a thing i did'nt like... the Umbra passive "specter" mode. I mean: is canon wise a real important thing and have really sense; besides, is a cool feature, you swap to operator and umbra still fight alongside you.


    sometime i swap to operator mode to use void mode invulnerabiliy; i spent way less time than most of the high level players on operator, ok, but with a couple arcane and a good amp i sometime use operator to tank and spank enemies while the warframe are resting untouched on one side, useful for rescuing fellow downed or go through a corridor full of packed enemies; i also used to pass by enemies in a couple of spy third-sortie-missions!
    Against sentients, i switch to operator and fight them with the right combination of void beam and alternate fire. Conculist are really easy: void mode their whirlwind attacks and hit secondary fire 3 times and BAM are gone.

    Then imagine my surprise while i was fighting the mimics/conculists/etc with operator, then came back and found my warframe at 13 health... O_o
    So... there is a way to disable the thing?

    because if there are nothing to let him resist damage or regerate while in umbra mode, i guess its a BIIIIG downside...

  13. I was thinking... does Energy Channel will work for talons? i mean: you constantly spend energy to keep hysteria mode on, so in the end basically when you are not hitting anyone (ie traveling from an enemy to another one) you are "powering up" the damage with Energy Channel, right?
    And does any channeling mods be useful too? i normally trash them away/ignore them but maybe for the exalted weapon are useful? or not?


    ps is just my impression or this new version of exalted weapon are generally less powerful than before? i read someone on chat complaining the Mesa need several forma to get the same damage output than before... 😐

  14. ok, first thing first: thank you for your quick responses 🙂

    I know for this level is plain pressure point is better, but i wish i could upgrade a bit more primed pressure point and maybe squeeze a little to put a maximised one onside
    i put critical mod because +60% from the starting 50% means a plain 80% crit chance. I can't use blood rush inside so i guess i can't go on further 😞
    i don't have Berserker so i can't use it 😐 but i have rending strike so i guess i'll put it inside. I figured out elemental damage is better than increasing only partial damage (ie again because talon are 33/33/33) but dunno if i figured it wrong or correct 😐


  15. Hi everyone
    With the addiction of "exalted weapons" as separate weapon slot i found myself struggling with balancing those; i really don't use Titania so the pixa build is not really a concern, and i use Ivara for spy and i rarely even use a weapon, so she's again is not a real concern. Besides, i use(d) Valkyr Prime a lot and now i found myself with hysteria mod that works really different...

    My Valkyr Build is a warcry build with a crit (blood rush) Galatin Prime, so i'm not spamming hysteria here and there, but i was used to have my valkyr hit like hell and with incredible speed. Today i tried using her for a couple sanctuary run, but it's not the same thing... it fel like... slowed down...
    So i'm guessing: what's wrong with this build?


    basically i tried building it for crit because has a really high base crit chance; Fury and Gladiator Vice because every build i tried it felt really slow compared to what i was used to. I have only Volcanic Edge and Frostbite as 60/60 so i put on the first one; Primed Fever Strike is the only elemental primed mod i got, and i go on corrosive 'cause normally i go corrosive on melee (the mainly use slash weapons so the enemies i got more problem against are the armored ones, thus corrosive). Because valkyr talons are 33/33/33 i guess every elemental combo is worth. Almost every one.

    So in the end... what did you advice me? valkyr talon are really slower than what used before or it's just me?

    Ty for your help, anyway 🙂

  16. Hi
    i got the update error this morning while i was trying to update 'cause of the hype (even if i did'nt have time to start the game but the hype is hype :) )
    it happened also with the sanctuary mainline update and a couple of time before, and it always automatically solved after a couple of hotfixes. Assuming i'll not be home in the next 7 hours or so, i can wait for it... i only hope this evening will be fixed or the hype will destroy me :stalker::scared::sadcry:

  17. ty for your answers :)

    I used Armored Agility because it gives more armor (and also a little bit of rush speed that's still good for a slow warframe like Rhino). In the second option i can swap it for Gladiator Aegis but it give same armor for less things (ie no speed boost)

    I was trying to maximize the strenght to increase the armor from IS; however, you need to remove something x_x
    the build i used before was pretty similar to the first one but with Intensify and Streamline in lieu of Blood Rage and Transient Fortitude

  18. i use shimmering blight because it's the one who match polarity

    the passive seems pretty useless, even worse that does'nt work with rhino's iron skin
    however i still have to decide wich loadout whould use it; just wondering because i mastered really quickly thanks to sanctuary-not-dropping-khora-system and affinity booster, so really did'nt had enough time to test it

  19. Just bought as steel meridian offering, and leveled up to 30.

    It was a good choice 'cause i hit MR 15 thanks to this one, and honestly i had enough syndicate points to spare.

    So the question is: should i keep it and applying catalyst and invest some time in a good build for it, or is just trash and i should throw away? His special attack never procced (i guess) since i started using so i guess is not really good... 😐

  20. Hi everyone
    Long time ago i had a Rhino (it is my first frame apart from starting one). I really loved it a lot, and i spent lot of time creating a good 3-forma build, also thanks to some people on the forum who helped me figuring out what i would need.
    Then time passed and i also used many different frames; some just for mastery rank, and some i loved and i spent a lot of time on them. Valkyr Prime, Gara, Zephyr Prime, and of course Nidus are the one i spent and still spend a lot of time with (the Nidus... how much funny is it...)

    Today i was looking back at my Rhino, the one i still use for rank 3 sortie 'cause is a very indestructable and funny guy, and i looked at my 3-day affinity booster and i told myself: hey, why don't try to forma it? A single 8-zone onslaught run later and he was back to 26. Wow. A bit more zones and now is 30 again. And i started building it again.
    Those 2 are the build i like the most, but i guess which one is better...

    This one is basic one; Steel Fiber, Armored Agility and Gladiator Aegis are for increase in armor; Blind Rage and Transient Fortitude for increase in strenght; Ironclad Charge is to rush into a group of enemies to get bonus armor and Iron Shrapnel is just the mandatory augment.

    With this build Iron Skin is at 6.300 ferrite armor (without bonus from IC) at 73 energy cost (36 for each Charge)

    I can put Streamline in lieu of TF to increase efficiency at cost of power strenght, of course... or i can go with a slightly different approach and get to next one

    Same playstyle than before (Ironclad Charge into group of enemies, explode the armor, cast again). But armor are only 5.800 points, at 43 energy cost. With this reduced cost and almost average duration, Roar and Stomp are viable options too. Problem is: 150 energy is probably way too low to spam it here and there...

    All of them are coupled with a Galatine Prime (with either a Blood Rush high crit spamming build or a quick attack high raw damage build), a status-built Akstiletto Prime and of course a critical built Vaykor Hek. And a taxon only to increase shield because if IS are going down suddenly (ie a nullifier or low energy reserve to recast IS) the overshield could take a shot or two. Hopefully.

    So... which one will you advice me?
    did you have a third even better one to suggest me?

    I have still a couple day of affinity booster so i guess i can also try forma again to squeeze something else inside...

  21. I dunno, i did bought it from market with platinum i acquired using a 75% discount daily. So dunno if is worth farming
    Besides, is probably one of the best frame i have, and sure is the funnier one. I really love him. I did'nt get any forma on him (and i have not placed exilus mod either) but is REALLY ROCKING!!

    You need to build up some mutation stacks, so is a bit less useful/funny when you are doing exterminate or something rushy, but it will get way more powerful as the mutation stacks rise. Defense and Mobile Defenses are the best to rapidly increase mutation stacks but survival are good too (if you use stay close to a life support and wait for enemies to come close)

    Is immortal, litterally, if you farm stacks fast enough; can hit at multiple distance. It get a lot of hp with a fairly high armor, but what's best is he self-heal faster than other frame can regerate shield. He can heal others, crowd control, and do a lot direct damage. Also, he can buff other playes or become immune (sort of) to CC.

    Of course, as anything on warframe, it's not good for _everything_ and there are some occasions where other warframe are better, and you need to try it for yourself. But really, if i would need to buy it again, i'll do it again without any second thinking...

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