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Posts posted by Kelpie77

  1. it depends...
    my Ember is hot because she really ignite things; my Valkyr Prime is hot too because look at her bum! Besides Frost Prime is waaaaay cool and i guess also Hydroid Prime and Chroma (with with energy color) are pretty cool...

    my Operator, alas, is like a teenager, my kavat purrs on the ground, the Nidus is just sooooo funny, even more than my Zephyr Prime. And Nezha... you can't talk about Nezha or you get banned... 😐

  2. 1 hour ago, (XB1)D34thst41ker said:

    Max Power Strength Vex Armor gives 889.25% damage bonus according to the Wiki. Take 165 (Serration) and divide it by 889.25 (Vex Armor), and you get 0.185. Convert that to a Percentage, and it's 18.5%. The 16% is if Energy Conversion is boosting your Power Strength: 165 ÷ 1026.75 = 0.160, which converts to 16.0%.

    Ah. Ok. I get it...
    you did'nt says it give you +18% damage to the weapon, you mean it vex armor + serration give only 18% more damage than just vex armor. Ok, now the math make sense :)

  3. sorry, this is my almost-latest build: https://i.imgur.com/OyJN4m0.jpg
    the one i posted before was very old

    Also, just to be safe, the 16-18% is in comparison to a max Power Strength Vex Armor. If you don't have a Chroma on your team, you'll get a lot more than 16-18% damage from Serration.

    Sorry there's something i did'nt get... why you says serration give only 16-18% in comparison to vex armor?
    serration bonus is'nt added to vex armor bonus as usual? (so if vex armor give 900% damage, with serration it becomes 1065%)?

  4. Hi
    me too use Chroma for eidolon hunt; i never tried to go past teralyst, but of course the ability to easily kill the "little brother" of the massive eidolon is something who grab my interest too :)
    (because in the future i can also go for other eidolon, and because if you can kill 4-5 teralyst in one night is a better time management than killing 0-1...)

    I used to use the Arca Plasmor and this build for Chroma; https://i.imgur.com/OyJN4m0.jpg
    Then someone advised me to go for sniper and i did some change; at the moment i can't see what's my chroma build but if i remember correctly is not really different (one for sure: arcane momentum in lieu of arcane tempo). Probably i added a bit more efficiency, but not really sure about it. Zenurik focus and the continuous use of operator's void dash really help in accumulating enough energy for cast vex armor a couple time even with cost increase.

    At the moment i use Vectis but i'm leveling (again) a Lanka so i'll use it in the future. Not really got a good build, but i'm lurking this thread so i guess i can get some nice advices about it :)

    But i'm not really sure about how Vex Armor work...
    when eidolon shield goes down i hit vex armor then throw an orvius at my feet (1)
    then i see the icon on top, sometime it says "630%", sometime "740%". One time it was over 900% and sometime it goes only 340%... so...
    how did the damage increase? i never one shotted the synovia, but i was sometime able (with vectis) to put 20k damage on red crit; sometime i get less than 1000 (on yellow crit)... what's the reason for those differencies?

    (1) orvius is not a good choice: it does too much damage 😐 if i got less than 650 health remaining i just kill myself. Besides i'm building Hikou and yesterday (finally!) i got Concealed Explosive so i can try a different weapon to better control my self damage.

  5. Another thing i found "very limiting" about operator is the being stuck to just one focus.
    Ok, you can always unbound some abilites (but most of the, if not all, are passives that increase operator stats), but being forced to just one primary focus is a great limit. There are a lot of interesting options around the focus, (the ones i remember are the void blast shield from vazarin or the area of invisibility from unairu void mode). But having to choose only one of them, you end up using the most useful only, and that's almost everywhere zenurik energy regeneration.

    I would like to be able to use different abilities from different focus tree, ie Zenurik's energyzing dash, Vazarin's guardian shell and Unairu's void shadow

    Also, the abilities to trasnsfer back to warframe position, the one thing who happens when operator get "killed", and not just the viceversa (teleport warframe to operator position). Using something like "charge transference key to transfer you back to warframe" could be a good choice :)

    Oh and a way to fast moving the operator in the social relay too, 'cause without void dash moving around relay is boring. And the abilities to put the shop with him :)
    just because it's not a point into buying a cool cosmetic suit (as i did!!) if noone is looking at it because during battle noone look at you and in social relay is not used :)

    All of that are options with little-to-none effort to develop; the "more operator only content" should not be traded off for "running more on social relay" 😄

  6. yeah it happens to me too to being pressed around the ground. I think is just a mattere of how the "ceiling" work in eidolon
    probably archwing is supposed to be just a colorful mode to travel the plain, not a rightful useable mechanics.
    this is one of the reason why i says "let's stay PoE as it is, but think about doing something good in Plain of Venus" 😐

  7. I think archwing have a wonderful mechanics but it seems something noone really care, and noone really like.
    Archwing missions are boring, and you will need to do A LOT of them, all identical, just to level up a weapon or archwing. And you do this for... what? really nothing

    Then you go into the Plain of Eidolon and you discover you can just call for archwing and use it here. Cool. And having a "ceiling" and "floor" give new dimension, like the abilities to rotate and give more contest. But those are pretty useless, and still disappointing:
    - SAM missile are instantly putting you down. Instantly. If you get hit, you go down. Does'nt matter your archwing has 1200 hp and 1150 shield, one hit and you go down
    - archwing abilities seems not really working: the 1 and 2 from odonata does'nt prevent damage nor getting hit by SAM
    - you can't use your archwing weapons, and hitting "E" will get you self dismount
    - really not more useful at hunting down dargyn or flying target than standing on the ground

    So... what's the solution? putting archwing content inside Plains. I mean: real archwing content:
    - sam and other ground based attacks would just damage you, as it's supposed to be. Maybe SAM will do a lot more damage, does'nt matter, this would be way better than instant knocdown to the ground
    - archwing abilities should matter, so Disarray should protect you from SAM/Missiles and Energy Shell reducing damage
    - let's permit archwing weapon usage. You can use "Q" for dismount key, or another else
    - put real content, ie archwing only targets

    the way i see it, archwing in the plain are only a way to move more quickly; if you got zephyr or a fast moving warframe, is not even really worth the resources.
    Using the skyes of eidolon for some archwing content would give them their rightful place; if there are some unbalancing between normal ground target and archwing weapons (or viceversa), you can put some "shield" to protect ground target from archwing weapon, and put some archwing-enemies to attack only archwing and not ground warframe

    i guess there are not really a reason to add this content on the Plain of Eidolon, not with dargyn stealing mechanics and the plains opened to low level players, but please DE put some real archwing content on the Plains of Venus (or whatever will be the name of the next open world area). This really will give some new way to address the content, letting the player play the archwing whenever they whant without reducing time spent on the rest of the game, and i guess is not even really long time consuming task because almost all archwing mechanics are already in the game 🙂

  8. don't think melee weapon for operator could be really a good idea but i think there can be another amp-like equipment who will increase the functionality of void blast (increasing at the point it could becoming useful for something else than the kuva guardian)

    and i don't like the idea of warframe moving around by their own. Ok in TSD it does but it should be a very rare circumstance (besides, there was an operator in physical contact).

    but really really really love to see more operator content
    some game mode where using the operator would be a real important part; maybe an "operator only" mission, could be awesome
    and i sometime dream of a quest focused around the stalker (and the stalker like miniboss you fight in the christmas event) where the operator has to transference-control something else (maybe the stalker?? or one of his former collegue) than standard warframe. You can use stats for a prime excalibur or something really fancy and exotic, maybe with fixed mod inside, just so to help reduce the amount of work 🙂

    and of course there is never enough cosmetic part for operator, be that hairstyles, earring, or clothing.

    but really, some new mode, or quest, for "operator only" would be AWESOME and also give a reason to spend lot of time farming wisps and resources for amps and things for them...

  9. Hi everyone
    after TWW i built orvius, and i found it funny but not really awesome as other melee weapons (ie Galatine Prime?)
    Besides, i very rarely sell weapons i can't get another copy so i kept it in my inventory, sometime trying to put in a costructive build, without much love.

    Then, after i found a good riven mod (and also bought stance from Baro), it started showing here and there in my loadouts; the first one was Mag's i use on the plain (with maxed out range and vectis), then for Nidus ('cause it's exploding and useful for larva trapped targets), for Chroma's eidolon hunter build (to self damage after vex armor to buff vectis damage vs eidolon, but i need to remove the riven mod or the damage is so insane it's killing myself). Then when i whant to have some fun, try something different, or while leveling up some trashy secondary weapon i can dual wield with it. And now is probably my second favorite "melee weapon" mostly because i can use full stance combo (or pretty similar) while in the same time using a secondary with almost no time delay.

    I normally use it in dual wield with a Zakti, because this pistol does insane damage even with my crappy aiming skills

    This is my build

    and this one the riven mod

    However i got a very big problem: sometime i kill myself with self induced explosion. Where "sometime" i mean "really many times". Sometime is because of my crappy aiming skills, sometime because i don't notice some furniture item or a mob rushing to me from a blind spot. Sometime because i misjudged the radius of the expolosion.
    So well, what i'm asking you is

    a) some advice about the build
    b) if Power Throw (and Diminished Return) is a must or if i can (should?) do a build without those mod
    c) anything you can advice me to avoid killing myself way too often x_x

    Ty for your help!!

  10. 🤔

    I run with steel glyph since, well... since i farmed The Jackal to get Rhino, i suppose (that was my first warframe apart from Mag and Frost Prime i got with twitch)
    and now i'm top of the tier with steel meridian.

    Red Veil are not so up 'cause it need a catalyst. I also sometime do suda mission 'cause suda is good, but not into higher level now... :|

    besides, ok, i can buy at the market as i did with Valkyr or Hydron ones...

  11. Hi, ty for your reply
    yep i have zenurik as primary but i'm always in need of energy lol :D

    Overextend is good but reduces strenght; it can be counteract with strength mod; Blind Rage efficiency loss is mostly a bad thing, but Fleeting Expertise can counteract it... yes, using corrupted mod that cancel themselves is not really an efficient thing so i mostly choose what i whant to maximize and what can i sacrifice, and choose just a couple of them (that the reason why i did'nt use overextended if i use extensively power strenght mod)

    Yep my mag build is really old, from before they buffed the energy and reworked some of their abilities, that's one reason 'cause i'm looking at different builds for her. Besides, the main problem for Mag is she's very balanced and need almost everything up :|

  12. Hi everyone
    i hijack this post because i'm interested too in Mag build :)

    i need to be honest: i keep Mag for sentimental value and because i like to change warframe here and there and Mag is always a funny alternative. I primarily use her for PoE farming, bounties and occasinal free roaming.
    Using her on wide open scenario, i increased range a lot, and her 3 and 4 are more useful than her 2 because there are almost no choke-point to block. So i built her with range increase and no duration increase:
    Steel Charge (for point, primarly, but also for damage buff on orvius)
    Primed Flow - Streamline - Intensify - Stretch
    Augur Accord - Augur Reach - Vitality - Redirection
    (don't remember the exilus one, but i can go on strenght or on energy with no problem)
    I couple her with Sniper (Vectis) and Zakti + Orvius build (i got a really good riven on orvius...)
    She's doing good anything besides Eidolon Hunting (where i use Icy Chroma with Arca Plasmor)

    Besides, after acquiring more double stats orokin-vaulted mod i was thinking about a rebuild with some combination of Transient Fortitude, Blind Rage and Fleeting Expertise... what did you think?

  13. @DarthMauelOk i tried this different build

    As for the last one on first row, i'm planning on putting there the Augur Secret but at the moment i don't have so i put Augur Message inside 😐
    that will bring me to: 119% duration, 115% efficiency, 58% range and 211% strenght
    i'm also building Hikou so i can create a self damaging item (i can go try using Orvius but i got a very good riven mod inside and it does insane amount of damage... i guess i'll kill myself with it...)

  14. 3 minutes ago, DarthMauel said:

    I personally do not use as much Duration as you are you could swap out Narrow Minded for either more Energy(Flow) or if you have the Mod Augur Secrets which gives a bit more Ability Strength.
    I would also recommend a self damage weapon for your Melee Weapon ( best suited for the job i guess) 
    Other than that it probably comes down to playstyle and you should probably get yourself a high damage secondary (since you claim your 'aim' is bad) 
    To sum it up 
    your build is quite fine i would just recommend using higher range weapons than a shotgun (although Arca Plasmor as a decent range)


    thank you for your advices
    i was thinking about swapping Transient Fortitude to Blind Rage to increase power strenght without reducing efficiency, and so long narrow mind (or increased duration of some sorts) can be useful to counteract TF reduction. Augur Secrets i don't have (yet) but i can farm it with a bit of luck, or buy with plats from someone, i suppose.

    As for self damaging weapon i tried using Orvius. But i killed myself in a blaze. 😐
    I'll try to get my hand on Hizou + Concealed Explosion as many advise :)

    As for primary, i built and level'ed up an Opticor but at the moment i need catalyst (and a decent build) to use it at most; also, i don't know if it's really good, cause stat-wise does'nt seems a good choice

    @purdo84 yes i use Steel Charge for point mainly; i could try to change aura mod but i'll need some forma to give them enough points 😐

  15. Hi everyone

    First of all: I don't spend all my nights hunting eidolons, but sometime i do a couple teralyst run to get some "phat lootz" (eidolon shard, sentient core, even some arcane) and also to do something a bit different than usual space-station-corridors fighting. However, when i do, i use my Chroma (ice based). Someone adviced me to use it because Vex Armor can give you a good amount of damage boost, and also is enough tankish to survive some of "Big E" attacks.

    While i started building the Chroma, i started seeking for some guides/videos. Most of them is of little use for me because are either assuming a) that i have a very powerful weapon who can one-shot synodia and b) i have a not crappish aim so i could effectively hit the synodia as soon as vex armor start, and for his entire duration 😶
    Also, many guides assume you whant to solo the eidolon, while i'm happy to go hunting with fellow tenno (mainly in casual group), and also assume you got not harassed by random grineer, ghoul, dargyn or (when Plague Star is active) infested mobs 😐

    Besides this is the build i'm using:


    it work fine, and i'm not really complaining about that, but it seems like it's missing the points and certainly can be tuned to be more efficient. Sometime i feel like i'm not doing enough damage, or i go down too quickly; energy is a pain in the arse because does'nt rise fast enough e most of time i can't cast Vex Armor when synodia is down (i also use Zenurik focus, just for you to know) so i guess having Primed Flow is not really a solution... 😐

    what can you advice me?

    as for weapon complement, i use Arca Plasmor for primary weapon (with increased radiation damage, 'cause is more efficient against eidolon); and a Raplak-Pencha-Clapkra lvl 30 gilded amp for my operator. I use Zakti as secondary weapon (only because i use it in many different layouts), while for melee i go with Galatine crit build. I tried also using Orvius but i use so little melee in eidolon fight i really think that's not difference (besides i mostly auto-kill myself while using orvius 😧)

    ps: i also have another build, i could use for when i whant use my Chroma but not really into hunting... i used them while leveling him up but then not really found a good use of the Chroma (i got a lot of different warframe for many different use), but i know there will be times when i'll whant to use it, and thus i'm keep searching for a good day-to-day-use build...


  16. On 2018-04-29 at 4:13 PM, GinKenshin said:

    Use this build: 
    Point blank, hell’s chamber, ravage, blunderbuss, seeking fury, x2 elements (corrosive) and blaze
    This is the build I run and it works wonders. You’re also running blast which isn’t really useful all that much

    Ok i used a couple forma and then i copied your build; i don't have the status+elemental for electricity and toxic so i used the standard ones (i also can't maximize them so they are only at +45%)
    besides it works well; i still need to hit multiple times with higher level mobs, but it's way better than before :)

    My only concern, is probably the VHek is more for single target (while the other shotgun i use, the Arca Plasmor, is more CC) so probably is better against few powerful mobs (like grineer or maybe boss) than to control a huge crowd of swarming enemies (like infested). Am i wrong?


    On 2018-05-01 at 6:52 AM, (PS4)AeonDeus said:

    I'm a fan of this build for my vaykor hek:

    Primed Point Blank, Primed Ravage, Blunderbuss, Hell's Chamber, Shrapnel Shot, Laser Sight, Blaze, Convulsion.

    Used it in eximus stronghold defense on PS4 sortie today. Was one-shotting level 80 leech eximus grineer.

    Convulsion is'nt a pistol mod? or you meant Charged Shell?

  17. so...
    half pellet does normal damage
    half pellet does crit -> 4x damage -> 2x base damage
    total is: 2.5x damage than base stated... round down to 2x damage 'cause damage multiplier is 3.8 and crit chance is slightly less than 50%... that's good...
    now i need to increase base damage x_x

    i sure will need a couple forma... :|

  18. Ok, ty for your reply

    the reason i use Blast is because Scattering Inferno and Frigid Blast are the only one dual stat elemental mod i got; no problem in adding different elemental, just the status would be lower. Also, i have only Chilling Grasp  with D polarity :| so unless i forma it a couple more time it's a bit problematic

    I'll try your advised build, of course, and let you know :)

    ps: besides, is better to build for crit? or for multi?

  19. Hi everyone
    for my Rhino build i use a Vaykor Hek, as many people advised me over the Hek. I like the idea of closing combat with rhino charge or holding position on a defense sortie mission, then unleashing few shell of pure doom. Except, well... it's not doom, just a little inconvenience. At second step sortie (i guess lvl 60-80) i had problem killing a corpus hit with full ammo clip (8 shell); if i was not using roar, a full clip was not enough and i had to close more and start hitting with Galatine.

    That's the build i use, focused on crit chance as almost everyone says Vaykor Hek is a must to be built on crit chance (besides, 47% does'nt look so good in crit to me... :| )


    Then i started searching on internet and i see a lot of different build. Really, too much to get me an idea (almost everyone used a completely different concept)

    And i started tweaking it a little, adding something, removing something else, etc. I also tried using Vigilante Fervor + Offense in lieu of Breach Loader + Accelerated Blast but... meh... it seems really a bit crappish for a 8 round shotgun :|

    then i started from scratch and built this build:


    I have not yet used it but looking at the stats it looks better. Way better...

    What do you think about?

    also, what do you advice to let me be useful for something on lvl 100 sortie? at the moment i feel a bit useless, and i can't also spam roar because at lvl 100 Iron Skin drop way too fast and i must keep myself trapped in a loop Rhino Charge -> Iron Skin explosion (shrapnel) -> Iron Skin again and 80 energy for Roar is an expense i can barely afford...

  20. 1 minute ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    Recording thousands of already existing voice lines again for multiple characters isn't exactly worth the effort, at least in my opinion.

    well, there are not really many voicelines; (Holo) Lotus is saying almost everything the same things (tedious, i have to admit, 'cause at the 1234452425th time i play a mission i really don't care about what she says anymore... she's just making noises...)

    Plus, maybe it's unclear (english is not my main language...): i dont' suggest about recording the same voiceline for different characther. This sure will not be worth the effort
    What i suggest is to recording some of the voice lines in a single different characther. Ie: leaving holo-lotus for orbiter voicelines and also for "extraction is available", but adding Teshin says "grineer inbound", "defend the target" or "infestation ahead" while Maroo can be used for the "keep defending the target, data extraction in progress". Some of those are already present if don't remember wrong the Natah questline or the one where you use Maroo's directions to steal something (it's a mainline, right?)

    Chains of Harrows quest is almost entirely made of new questline and special tileset and sure is worth the effort :)

  21. First thing: this could contain potential spoiler about Apostasy Prologue and ofc The War Within, Second Dream, Natah, and consequently many missions tied to them




    So... Hi fellow tennos.
    As you know if you played Apostasy Prologue (or you spoilered it and really don't care), now Space Mom is gone; while we all hope she's just going to a vacation with Ballas (and her endlless kubrow pet enlarged family), we all deeply know she'll not be back before Sacrifice, Plane of Venus-dolon (dunno what's the name) and several mainline in between. Thus, Ordis hinted on 5th anniversary mail that she'll not be back this year. Many of us feels like she'll never be back (at least, not as she was before).

    Ordis managed to create an "holographic lotus" who also speak with a her voices. Cool choice Ordis, and good choice DE so you can change something without having to create entire new voiceline. Ok. But now, i guess i'm getting sick of this trick...
    if you aren't planning to bring her back soon, and there are no something hidden behind this (ie: Lotus is Ordis; L&B they are secretely hiding in some back room of the orbiter; you are really your doppleganger and everything is a dream; everyone is secretely Hydra or Ballas is Kaiser Soze...), why don't create a real alternative to Lotus in game?

    For some voicelines, the Ordis created Holographic Lotus is ok; mainly for when you are on the Orbiter, Ordis is the main player here so it reallly make sense. It could be funny if you could make Holo-Lotus says Ordis' puns, or viceversa Ordis saying Lotus' lines with her voice like "there are some mission over, tenno" or "chaos is spreading..."

    It does'nt really make sense that Ordis advice you during missions; for instance in the Mobile Defense why we need Holo-Lotus? Holo-Lotus is really Ordis, so we can just hack from the orbit, right? It does make more sense if we got someone else giving advices and/or pointing out something useful (even if utterly repetitive).
    Some examples:

    1. Teshin is the main idea here. He's a wise warrior, he has vast knowledge of orokin and the-years-that-where before tenno awakening; he's a loyal servant and teacher of the tenno's cause and also need a little atonement. There is already some voicelines (remember the Natah questline? Lotus was gone for a whille and Teshin gave some advice and some voiceline)
    2. Maroo could be more "in topic" for Mobile Defense and Spy missions. Again if i'm not wrong there are already some voicelines from her quest and from Ayatan Treasure Hunt that can be used again. She can also says some sarcastic things while you are cracking a vault and sure will make more sense than Ordis or Holo-Lotus during mobile defense
    3. Quill Konzo can be a guide during PoE travels. Something llike "i see dead grineer, coming your way" or "the unum seek you defend this vault"
    4. Clem can "talk" you while doing invasion grineer side, and it will be really easy to do: very little variation of the "Clem Clem Grakata" :D (or you can also use Cressa Tal, if you think we really need at this point someone repeating all over the same voiceline we hear since Vor's Prize quest...). Corpus side, a corpus sergeant can be a good choice too, just to not use Alad V
    5. The Operator. At the moment (s)he's saying something like "we have to win this fight" or "infestation, we have to be careful" at random moments. Dunno who's talking to, honestly, probably to him/herself, to their frames' or to Ordis? Besides, can be a good choice 'cause everyone got an Operator awake at this point in the mainline. But it could requires several voicelines for different combination, so probably not the best option...
    6. of course, combination of those ones, ie Teshin telling you "extraction is ready" while Maroo telling you "insert the datamass in to the terminal so i can hack the data".

    Ok those are just some ideas; it's a pretty simple thing to do compared of putting more content so i guess could not steal many work hours from big mainline release, but could be still appreciated as a way to move on with the lore and don't get bored by holo-lotus voicelines (that really don't fit inside lore...)

    PS some ideas i wrote here is based on somethign i read on region chat; so it's not just mine, but i miss the reference of who said this in the chat; so i guess you are not upset if i "stole" your ideas... :|

  22. Some time ago i started hunting The Jackal to farm for Rhino parts. It was my first farmed-and-crafted warframe. I loved it since then:

    At low level, almost the only ability you need is Iron Skin. That alone let you be invulnerable and if you train yourself at looking in the corner to see when it's depleted and keep constant energy to recast, you can start forgot something called "being under fire". Really: nothing can stop you if you keep IS running
    I almost never used Iron Charge at low level but it's a good ability to close distance. Roar is sometime underestimated because it's one of the most powerful buffer. The Stomp is just what advertised: a 360 degrees crowd control ability who let enemies exposed to all sort of damage.

    While you rise on MR (and your enemies level increase) you can afford to nice augment and that's where the Rhino gets even better. Iron Shrapnel and Ironclad Charge build let you rush into a crowd of enemies, let them flying away while you "explode" your iron skin and recast again, buffed from increased armor. At higher level you don't even increase shield nor health on your rhino, while Iron Skin give you everything you need about survivability. Besides, you can build him for Roar buffer, increasing duration, efficiency and ofc strenght at expense of his survivability. No more an invincible frontliner but a very resilient support wich increase damage for all team members.

    His downside are pretty obvious: it lacks a solid movement ability and it's slow, so probably you'll be the last one arriving on the target :|
    also, at higher level you will relay uniquely on your Iron Skin to survive, and if you are not fast enough to cast again as soon as it's depleted (or before, if you have the Iron Shrapnel augment), you'll end down very quickly. Steel Meridian :meridian: augment for weapons and/or weapons (vaykor hek in primis) are almost a must to increase your armor and restore health but you could need a bit of forma for your frame and/or weapon to make him good enough.
    Last but not least, you could feel the need to upgrade to a prime version, wichi is vaulted and so very expensive to buy from other players

    TL; DR
    Rhino pros: very resilient, funny at both lower and higher levels, can be built for a buff version
    Rhino con: slow, could need some forma to reach good performance; prime version is vaulted (and thus very expensive)

    I don't have Limbo so i can't help you with this one. But the Rhino will not disappoint you :)
    ps: i agree the best (and almost only) way to spend platinum is to buy weapons and warframe slot. So in the end you will whant to try everyone by yourself.
    What do i do if i'm in doubt and i have more warframe to try: i buy a warframe slot and start trying the one i can acquire easily (ie that i can easily farm the blueprint/component etc). If i like it, i keep and farm platinum (farm relic item to sell for plat) to buy a new slot. If i don't like, i sell it and try another one.
    The ones you get only from quests, special drop or prime relic, i rarely sell it honestly...

  23. Ok now i did 2 different build:
    i tried this one
    and it works good. really good. i should need to forma again to insert an exilus mod (and maybe increasing overxtended a bit) but at the moment it work fine. It does a lot of damage, and when mutation stack goes high it's a great crowd control. Also, is immortal, and that's normally a good thing :D
    I thought about using Intensity in lieu of Overextended but i suppose is not a really catch up, because Nidus already have the +Strenght and his Virulence scaling up with mutation stack does means strenght is not really important

    Then i dropped Transient Fortitude, so i could try the build @Fabpsi suggested, but i dropped it at the end of the night so i did'nt yet tried.
    As a side notes: this is how my Nidus Look now :)


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