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Everything posted by Raisopod

  1. That bandaids the problem and doesn't fix it, however I didn't know about that so I'll definitely do that from now on.
  2. This is a very minor issue I have while playing Nidus, the Mutation UI updates one at a time and doesn't ever give you an accurate count of how many stacks you actually have until you cap out at 100. On top of that, the constant pinging sound as your stacks rack up at the beginning of a mission is borderline torturous. I'd love a more streamlined version of the Mutation UI that had a real time stack count and didn't assault your senses with a repetitive pinging sound whenever the value changes. It would make all 7 of us Nidus mains very happy.
  3. Nidus starts a mission out with 0 Mutation stacks, locking him out of Parasitic Link until you can hit enough of enemies with his 1 to gain a stack, then you can use it. Normally this isn't a problem, but in certain content like Netracells and Archon hunts, you can absolutely get oneshot before you have the chance, and in the case of Netracells (and eventually the new harder version), this makes Nidus nearly impossible to play at these levels, since he doesn't have any buffer to prevent him from being outright killed this early in a mission, as most other frames do in the form of shieldgating. You can, and often do, get straight up oneshot by enemies in the time it takes for Larva to CC enemies. Rolling Guard does help to an extent, but it is a very flimsy bandaid. You have 3 seconds, not including the time it takes to exit the rolling animation, to cast Larva and Virulence at least once, then cast Link before you start taking damage again. Nidus should start missions with (at least) 1 Mutation stack, allowing him to use Parasitic Link at the start of a mission so he has access to his only method of mitigating damage without having to put himself at immediate risk of failing a mission as soon as it starts. It would make him a lot less of a liability in higher difficulty missions, cause at least you're given a chance to survive.
  4. Necramites are bugged out, they either spawn inside of walls, under the floor, or they're not spawning at all. I tried to do three seperate solo Netracell missions, and in each one, one of the Necramites in those missions spawned incorrectly, forcing each mission to have to be aborted.
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