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Posts posted by Frostyinferno

  1. 26 minutes ago, Leyvonne said:

    When I saw the old vs new cube thingy on the update post I thought they had acidentally labeled them wrong because to me the old looked so much better. The old cube looked like a beautiful, polised golden cube with vibrant reflactions and proper metallic shine and the new looked worn out and dirty and like it had matte surface.

    The issue is that the worn out looking cube indeed IS better for things like, Grineer ships/ architecture, but to me it makes absolutely no sense for any Orokin aesthetics, something that makes up a huge majority of weapons and warframes. Gold really shouldn't look dull or worn out, especially not gold from a culture that valued beauty above all else. I saw the new cube and thought "oh neat they're going to make certain metals look rough" but it seems they just went and changed ALL metal to that new texture, something that has left me completely baffled and quite a bit saddened.

  2. 52 minutes ago, LetsPlayArbitration said:

    Ty For the recent hotfix, everything is looking much better. Frames are still appearing a bit washed out in certain lighting conditions but 25.7.2 massively improved things from what i've seen so far. Thank you for the fix, and i hope to see the lighting get another small touch up in an update as well. However lowering brightness from 50 to 40 seems to have helped a lot.


    Unfortunately, I don't agree. I hate to say it but the whole metallic change in general just needs a revert. There's no point trying to hotfix it. The old metallics just looked better, period. As long as they look scuffed or dull they just don't work for any golden accents (AKA the entire Orokin aesthetic.)

    • Like 5
  3. 59 minutes ago, _Kiro said:

    This is happening in multiple weapons and frames but I haven't managed to check them all. For some reason the colors, and textures in case of the ship loading screens, seem to be ... wrong.

    In the case of the ship, I'm using a Prisma skin and it just looks normal now, it doesn't look "Prisma" anymore as it lost the typical colored effect that prismas usually are recognized for.

    Mag example:

      Hide contents



    I have the same color config on my frame, attachments and syandana. For some reason, orange + dark blue = dark red instead of the typical purple-ish color I have on my syandana.


    PRISMA ship skin:

      Reveal hidden contents


    I took 2 of the "Before" state




    It's just not Prisma anymore. It's just a regular skin at the moment.



    Thanks in advance.

    Ooof, the Prisma Naberus got hit hard. I didn't even think to check until I saw your picture. Messed up my Nekros fashion frame because the dual energy effects on it are messed up now.

  4. Please, PLEASE, revert the metallic changes you made. It singlehandedly has killed my desire to play the game, as so many of the frames I put hours of work into making look shiny and beautiful have lost the luster of the gold/accents. My favorite frame and skin, Inaros Ramses, is straight up just hard to look at now. Before it was reminiscent of King Tut's shining golden mask, why is it now dull and dingy?

    • Like 4
  5. 100% agree. The new metallics look absolutely awful! My Inaros Ramses used to look like a shining gold sarcophagus, now it just looks dull and dingy. Why? All the metallics were made dull. Wasn't the point of the primed look to be beautiful and shiny? Taking away the luster and shine completely neuters the look and "magic", as you say.

  6. Just wanted to chime in and say I love these things and they make chilling in my orbiter chatting even more fun. The fact that your pets attack them and even the Domestik Drones can hit them is too much fun.

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  7. If you kick a Roller Floof into the Operator room, you can get it stuck in the pit behind your operator. It respawns if you exit and reload but considering there's an invisible wall and there's no way to get it back if you can't see where it landed, this seems like a bug.

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