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Posts posted by seventhwalker

  1. Yes, if there was a placable forge / mod machine; players would be able to stay in the dojo and could foster a deeper community with their clanmates. Clan chat is good, but there's something about seeing them in the same room altogether.

    Hoping that the 'Open Room' will soon be allowed to be spawn room as well.

    There doesn't seem to be a number of minimum decorated rooms to join right?


    • Like 2
  2. Thank you DE, for letting the Athodai and Hydroid Prime available from watching from Steam as well (since Twitch drops for some reason doesn't work in our area of the world). Got the Steam tokens and weapon without a hitch

  3. Adding to the twitch concerns:

    Hopefully DE will add another way to get the new hand cannon other than twitch.

    Contacted twitch support before during a previous DE promo, and even they couldn't figure out why the items weren't being added after account linking/re-linking/and the dozen or so things we tried. After that, heard about the exact same problems with players in my country, so not expecting for it to work this time either.

    • Like 2

  4. After seeing the latest devstream about the latest upcoming warframe Odalisk have most of her skills (trench shields, turrets, health/en/ammo recharge station ... except the tracer rewind) very, very similiar as the suggestions we posted here in the vauban feedback has left me with conflicting feelings. 

    For one am happy that those ideas get implemented, but not exactly for the frame it was meant for. While I applaud the buffs to flechette, a lot of the problems such as survivability persist. Makes me wonder if DE was actually able to read our posts.

  5. 'Tap' mechanics for the boost button doesn't work with controllers. Which means the tap then drift speed boosts aren't available for controller users as well. Only the hold / off works. Tried assigning to a different controller button, tried switching the toggle sprint controls to no avail. Using an XB1 pad.

    Also, you can't assign the tactical menu under the railjack section of the controller configs, only on the 'regular' config. Which means you can't bind tactical menu for controllers when you're in the pilot's seat/ side gunner.

    Thanks for reading. It would help a lot for those playing with controllers.

    • Like 4
  6. more bugs:

    • after host crashes + host migration on a railjack mission, several times the radiator or interior base would be invulnerable, leading to unfinishable missions, where the party can only abort and lose all the rewards/loots so far. lost a lot of mk3 parts that way.
    • finally figured out Seeker Volley. for some reason, you can only equip it on the 3rd battle avionics slot. not the 1st nor the 2nd, just the 3rd slot.
    • weird black shapes all over the side railjack guns when turning the camera around sometimes
    • weird frame 'jumps' while using the side railjack guns as the pilot does drift maneuvers. its not on the FPS counter (its steady), even though it looks like drastic frame skips
    • common crash to grey/black screens after exiting crewship / space base. can chat but there's no esc menu, can't /unstuck, can only alt-f4. and if that person is the host, the host migration will often lead to bug no.1, turning the mission unfinishable for the entire party by turning the radiator / internal part of the base invulnerable.
    • infinite loading upon returning to drydock from a mission
    • forge doesn't show progress circle
  7. after the latest hotfix:

    • frequent black/grey screen after exiting a grineer crewship / base in railjack missions. can chat, no esc menu, unstuck doesnt work, can only alt-f4 the game
    • dojo decor showing triangular flashes every now and then after the emperyan update
    • railjack name floating around as you hover over the customization menus
    • does the engineering intrinsic even work? have several upgrades that boost forge yeilds, yet creating revo always create 50 per batch / uses same resources / same refine yields
    • can't map railjack tactical command (L on kb) on a controller

  8. after the hotfix:

    • clanmates / friends appearing offline, can't invite them to a party even if they're chatting with me.
    • several times upon exiting an enemy crew ship in a railjack mission, it suddenly goes to a blank screen, can chat, but can't abort, unstuck, ect.
    • after finishing a railjack mission we had to abort / go to navigation zoom out just to exit and 'complete' the mission 

    • please fix the removal of free movement during combos of rapiers/ vulpine mask, they're not much used, its one of the unique features of rapiers.
    • please fix the increased combo multipier of venka prime.
    • please revert the old zenistar disc time not bound to combo counter, or increase its base time. 

      thanks DE
  10. Not sure on a proper way to fix it,

    I myself do not kill my own litches when the murmur circle is past 3/4ths filled since it would take longer in the long run. Getting killed by the litch would reduce his 'annoyance' level from furious to 'uninterested', which causes him to appear anywhere from 3-4 missions after that one. Instead of just letting them be, fill up murmur by next map > do a proper sequence test the next. That's a difference of usually 3 missions longer. Would opt to go private, however litches seem to spawn more frequently in public even if you're the only one there.  

  11. @Acquire_Manatees

    Agree that his core issues weren't addressed much with the latest rework.

    For a large number of skills to be set into one slot, opted to go for simplicity and speed; hence the gear wheel. Tap it to show > point/scroll to select > hold selected skill to use. 
    repeat when you want to change into another. Being able to manually re-position the skills in those slots would also make it a lot easier for controllers. Like having a players' most used toolbox skills to the up,down, left, right direction, and the diagonals for their lesser used ones.

    For a mode mechanic switch that has nine abilities: mode 1 (ability A, B, C), mode 2 (D, E, F). mode 3 (G, H, I). If you were using skill A, then would like to use skill I after: You'd need to cycle the mode switch button twice to get to mode 3 > cycle the 3rd skill twice to get to skill I > then hold the button use. Would imagine I'd also have a hard time remembering which skill is on which slot in the heat of a battle. With a wheel just appearing when changing the skills, can see at least an icon to help the player identify. It wasn't an issue with equinox since you only had to remember 2 different skills per slot, excluding the switch... graphically as well, its easy for the player to see which mode the frame is in right now. Just wanted Vauban to be straightforward as possible in execution while having versatility in his team utility.

    And yes hopefully DE reads all the different suggestions from all of us  and not just with their partners.



    3 hours ago, Acquire_Manatees said:

    I agree with your assessment of Vauban's current state. Especially floccinaucinihilipilificating the "balls" theme and pointing out Vauban's obsolete CC abilities.

    Your suggestions for new abilities are very imaginative, and far from unreasonable considering the capability and versatility of the other Warframes available to us.

    VERSITILITY isn't something I considered when bringing balance to Vauban's kit, but this does put a smile on my face.


    • That is a brilliant idea. "Orbital Tesla Drones" are the way to go, maybe providing some Damage Resistance and applying an electric stun on-hit with %100 proc chance similar to Revenant's "Mesmer Skin". Consider that Baruuk's "Desolate Hands" can transfer to nearby allies within range. Could Vauban tap on an ally to transfer drones? Tap on an enemy to attach a drone similar to Saryn's "Spores"? This could recycle with the existing stun-lock albeit with much much more interactivity and purpose. Vauban's "Tesla Bank", if it remains as it is, could be absolutely devastating if the drones were not so out-of-control.


    • Your suggestion for a "swiss-knife team utility engineer" sounds like an absolute second-dream-come-true, however it is one that has been bleated into the Void so often that the Man in the Wall is becoming the Man who beats his head against the Wall. Jokes aside, If there is ANYTHING we can all learn from the rework and the extensive feedback it's that Vauban's kit needs (if not better, less buggy/overlapping CC) more DIVERSITY.
      •  A Gear-Wheel sounds like a good way to organize an immense set of abilities, but consider: Equinox has one of the most DIVERSE and USEFUL ability sets in the game, owing to her ability to change form with "Metamorphosis" and as a result, the effects of her abilities. Vauban could have a similar mechanic where he cycles through Offense/Defense/Support ability sets. Then, for example only, the suggested Speed/Slow/Radar and Health/Energy/Ammo beacons could be relegated to another cycle-style ability, streamlining the UI. In this fashion, preventing speed/slow overlap, for example, could be prevented via developer implementation.
      • I agree that Bastille and Vortex should be re-separated. Auto-Collapse of Bastille is convenient sometimes, but not when the Vortex does mysterious things with the enemies once their defenses are stripped. As I have discovered with extensive, humorous testing, multiple Vortices greatly increase pull strength. Sometimes, given the right circumstances and amount of stacked Vortices, the pull is so strong that enemies can be pulled through terrain. I use this method to unreliably bypass the "Hydron dilemma" that current Vauban enthusiasts endure where, as you described, enemies love to get stuck in very inconvenient places. The added inconvenience entirely defeats the fundamental purpose of Vortex. Addressing this issue would be a significant buff to Vauban's current kit, and would be very welcome in (hopefully) the new iteration.


    Thank you very much for your post, I was both inspired and impressed. If only one of your ideas makes it into a "re-revisited" Vauban kit, he will have gained exactly one useful ability.

    Thank you for your consideration,




    Thanks a lot for the kind words Manatees. Very happy to hear the you and Awazx liked the suggestions 🙂
    This game has given me a lot of wonderful playing hours, and hope these feedback (even though it might sound coarse) are ultimately from a point of wanting DE and WF to succeed. Hopefully they will be able to read it. 

    Oh nice, haven't thought about the orbital tesla drones be transferable to teammates. In order to use the full functionality of tap (spawn teslas for you) and hold (teslas for targeted ally), DE will have to agree to lose the 'charge' mechanic to spawn 4 drones though. Personally prefer if the number of tesla drones were just tied to something like his strength stat.

    As for the equinox type mechanic with Vauban having a combat / defense / support mode along with changing the skills, have actually thought about it. But it might be limited since I'll always want his vortex + bastille (his 'signature' skill) available, and the 1st 'skill' will become a mode toggle like equi's day/night form; leaving just two other skills per form. Am sure there's an elegant way to make it fluid that I just haven't figured out yet. Of course would love to hear more of your thoughts on how it can be even further refined. 

    A secondary reason why I opted for a 'gear wheel' instead was that DE already have the similar code and assets to implement it. Giving forms to Vauban would mean slight model changes for his combat /defense /support form like equinox or khora for player clarity. Just wanted to make their lives a bit easier by suggesting something they already have in place to recycle. (Like the graphics for the said new skills as well) 


    • Like 1
  13. I don't prefer that Ash will automatically join in the Bladestorm sequence. Its disorienting and still has a lot of bugs even now: like getting stuck in enemies that aren't immediately killed by BS and ending up somewhere completely different from where you're supposed to be. 

    Holding down the 4th skill button to just send out the clones is claw RSI-inducing for controllers if its mapped to the top triggers/ buttons, and unworkable if its mapped to the face buttons (you can't aim/view with the right stick). The current system of tag and activate is working just fine and great for me and don't want it changed at all. Perhaps if they add a 3rd clone to speed it up and made the targeting a wider cone-like area instead of a pinpoint.


    Thanks for leaving the rework open and up for changes. 
    After a few more days of playing Vauban's rework: additional suggestions / thoughts and summarized version of  previous post.
    As always this is just my personal two cents as a longtime Vauban player (used to be most used, now 2nd):

    Vauban's Areas of Improvement:

    • Vauban just keeps getting left behind in point to point missions like exterminate. his 'ideally planned' combo makes you wait for a ridiculously long throw animation (bastille anim time wasn't lessened) > wait for ball to drop and turn into bastille > have tea while bastille strips armor away per tick > collapse to vortex while calling laser > wait for said laser (thankfully reduced) > wait for blast to get the loot. It becomes much more apparent the more you play with veteran high 20's.
    • Damage wise, that's not as effective as just letting enemies stay in the bastille (to keep stripping defenses) and fire at them with a weapon instead, while bringing tesla bank to spread it. A lot in his kit feels designed to slow him down. At 100 str, it takes 10 whole seconds to strip away defenses, and that is an eternity in warframe combat. In fact, I only found his animation time for throwing bastille acceptable WITH natural talent, which shouldn't be a requirement; his mod slots are strained as it is needing range, strength to strip, and efficiency.  Even WITH natural talent, you can't do a forward bullet jump and finish charging his tesla before coming down, making him stutter stop while your team ever gets further away. If the only way for Vauban to keep up with teammates is just to rely on throwing 1 ball every now and then and just shoot, then its such a waste of skills.
    • His base stats are bad. Why? A lvl 80ish grineer (the type you regularly face in murmur grinds) can one-shot a Vauban Prime from full shield + full health. Try it, don't put any defensive mod/arcane that will add life/armor/shields/reduction and let the grineer sneeze on you. Why not add some defensive mods then? Vauban is already quite taxed in mods needing range, strength to strip, and efficiency to keep up with costs. Since Vauban was just relegated to CC before, he really didn't need str since his old skills weren't worth it to use as damage anyway. And now, with the very, very slow bastille; coupled with the long charge to tesla, you're making Natural Talent an almost mandatory mod for him to carry. And if you want to be at least decent at damage, you'll have to carry Tesla Bank as well ... that's two mod slots already. Even a frame like Khora can at least survive a shot. 


    • Vauban is extremely flawed in static missions like defense. Main reason? Auto collapsing of bastille to vortex, instead of just separating the two with a tap and a hold. Vortex's mechanics are quite situational, and there are times where you would want to keep enemies just far away instead with bastille. When you place a bastille and vortex on the same spot, the vortex would win over and suck up the ones in bastille. What if you just want to wail on enemies stuck in the vortex, while the ones in stuck in bastille are being stripped of defenses ... well sure, you have to place the bastille a little bit further out then, which leads to an ever-furthering line of vortexes and bastilles, which leads to visual diarrhea/ terrorism.   
    • Vortex makes long defense/ survival resource farming runs longer and inefficient since enemies often get caught up in railings, walls, elevation differences, boxes and just be stuck there instead getting to the farming group quickly, hence the preference for a speedva. Nidus' larva grab also works a lot better since it can be cast a little off the floor to get some elevation, along with it being non-continuous. 
    • Bastille is overshadowed by newer frames which can CC much more enemies like Khora's strangledome, (not even counting how well it synergizes with dmg from her 1, and how it has a wonderful pilfer augment). Bastille raising a paltry 10 enemies just seems left behind along with coptering. A lot of frames that can remove enemy defenses can do so either instantly with a high str or in two taps. waiting for bastille to 'tick' them down, 10 whole seconds at 100 str feels just like an insult in comparison. So even If you're in a situation where you would want a vortex instead, you're forced to wait on bastille for the strip.
    • Insistence on grenade 'balls' leads to poor skill performance & bugs. Tesla balls when fully charged spread out in a line, and when used in stages with lots of railings/ tight corridors/ narrow ledges oftentimes spawns less than 4. Other times they get caught up in elevation differences, railings, leading to quite a delay before they teleport beside you again and be actually useful. Overdriver balls tend to not activate when thrown at a flat angle (at your feet, to make sure you're the one getting the buff). The throw animation itself with these grenades just adds clunkiness and only makes Vauban slower than the rest. 
    • Lackluster minelayer tools. Flechette is too weak, not worth stopping your firing to throw it out. Overdriver is too much of a hassle to apply to teammates which are constantly moving, and again, having bugs with the grenade design. Boost pad is bad. Tether coil has a redundant function to vortex.


    • This will be VERY controversial and polarizing, but its time to let go of the "grenade and balls" design. Yes, I understand that was Vauban's thing, but it only hinders his rework to be up to par with other frames. Throw animations only serve to slow down his skill activation, and the ground-based balls following Vauban have lots of faults and bugs. Perhaps something like the laser-pointer mechanic someone suggested beforehand. 
    • Have teslas surround Vauban as flying drones like sentinels.  This will solve several issues: less than four of them spawning in tight railings/ ledges/ complicated map structures. (i.e. kuva fortress); frequently getting stuck in map elements - taking time before they can teleport near you; and them zapping enemies far away from vauban, which doesn't help his survivability. Speed up the full charge time, you should be able to do a full charge while doing a forward bullet jump in the air before landing. 
    • Replace Flechette / Vector pad with a deployable Holographic Manned Turret. We all know DE said they don't like automatic sentry turrets, so as a compromise let Vauban create a manned turret, like the one you see in maps where any player can get in and fire. Damage and duration based on Vauban's mods. It will also give whoever is manning the turret some frontal protection. No need to create new assets, just take the regular map turrets and cover them in holographic effects. Make it pass through for teammates, else it can be used for griefing/ blocking.
    • Replace Tether coil / Vector pad with a 'Slow / Speed beacon' (Oil Slick Beacon / Tar Beacon). Removes the duplicate function of tether / gimmick of boost pad. Makes Vauban a viable party member for a long defense/ survival resource farming run by either speeding up or slowing down enemies, which can be cycled to (slow) or (speed). Movement speed of enemies affected by Vauban's strength and range mods.
    • EVEN MORE IDEAS. Replace Flechette / Tether Coil / Vector pad with a deployable Med Tower / Ammo refill Station / Radar Station. Gives Vauban a true support engineer / field medic action like in the military. Bastille will be the 'wire fencing' / trenching, while the deployable turrets will be the manned 'fortifications'.

      Deployable Med / Energy Tower: will just like be the ones used for defection/ air support: healing or energizing the team in relation to Vauban's range/ strength mods.

      Deployable Ammo Refill Station: could just recycle the ones found in PoE. Have use limits / cooldowns to stay balanced.

      Deployable Radar Station: would give every ally in its range the ability to see enemies through walls and obstacles similar to zenith. Affected by vauban's range and duration mods. Range has to be quite wide and much, much larger than bastille to be of practical use. For the station's graphics, could just recycle a hacking terminal with a Cephalon Simaris floating on top of it. ( HUNTER!

      Like the deployable manned turrets, DE could just recycle the assets and cover them in a holographic effect to make it clear its a player creation. And as before, make it pass-through so it can't be used for griefing.  

      Make Overdriver a stickable beacon to a spot or any warframe. Removes the slow and clunky way of buffing your constantly moving team. Stick it to a spot during defense/ mobile def, everyone in range would get the buff. Stick it to yourself or teammates during point-to-point missions, allies near them get the buff. Radius affected by Vauban's range mods. 
    • If you truly want to make Vauban a swiss-knife team utility engineer, a tap of skill two (Renamed to something like Engineer's Toolbox) would reveal something similar to the gear wheel to accommodate 1. Holographic Manned Turret, 2. Slow Beacon, 3. Speed Beacon, 4. Med Tower, 5. Energy Tower, 6. Ammo Refill Station, 7. Radar Station and 8. Overdriver to select. Then hold button to use the currently selected skill from the toolbox. Have a limit of only two max deployables at a time, and the creation of another will destroy the oldest one. Include of course the usual times used limitations and duration based on his mods. His healing and energy regen for the team could be a little weaker than Trinity, and his enemy movement speed effects could be a little less than a Slowva/ Speedva, to compensate for his Jack of all trades engineer versatility.
    • Photon Strike is in a good spot, especially with the sped up animations. Thanks DE[Scott] (?). If you really want to make Vauban the master adaptable engineer, would also have switchable damage types you can cycle through ala minelayer or quiver: since blast isn't exactly great against all factions and enemy types. Call in a heat satellite laser against infested, call in an electric satellite laser instead for corpus.
    • Either keep the armor strip along with vortex/ have it actually do meaningful damage like strong slashes or make those bastille strip MUCH faster / instant based on str. That way you're not forced to wait for a long time for bastille to do its thing, or can go straight to vortex if the situation calls for it.  Seperate the two with a tap (bastille) and hold (vortex) and not auto-collapse.
    • Speed up Bastilles' activation time and increase the enemies captured cap. Bring it up to par with newer warframe abilities. 
    • Fix Vortex's characteristic of getting enemies stuck in walls/ railings/ elevation differences/ boxes/ ect. Which as outlined before hinders your party in static missions like resource farming defense / camped survival. This may be done in several ways, will leave up to DE which is the simplest and less buggy to code for.
      - Line of sight pull
      - Let enemies keep moving along their intended path every time they get a 'not moving' check while under the effects of vortex
      - Convert vortex pull to short 'pulses' rather then continuous for those still not inside the vortex point. That way, enemies will have time to move forward their intended path a bit before being pulled again. Keep the ones already inside the vortex in a continuous pull state, so they can't fire/ attack.  
      - OP option: turn it into an inter-dimensional vortex that will make enemies being pulled pass through walls and objects. 

    That's what I got for now. Thanks for reading, hopefully it can help or bring about discussion on how to improve Vauban. This rework could be truly something special yet 🙂


    • Like 2
  15. Thanks for the continuous hotfixes DE, its nice to know that you are listening and taking into consideration player feedback: 
    Feedback for 26.06.1


    Like in my previous feedback. the removal of Rapiers' free movement was a big disappointment. They were already a niche used by few players. Weak range offset by being allowed to move freely mid-combo, and being being able to do hold down the button combos. It was elegant, graceful, and most of all fun ... embodiment of of the quick hit and run tactics of fencers. Now, its just stuck to a predetermined movement on the combo, killing any difference or niche it previously had.

    Zenistar disc right now is more of a hassle to keep flying / raising the combo bar to make it worthwhile using.

    Thrown melee is now way more clunkier and longer to use, especially with a controller. With heavy attack now switched to the old channeling button, you have to go to 'melee mode' first, THEN push the old channeling button. Am definitely in the camp that the previous button implementation made more sense.

  16. Thanks for the continuous hotfixes DE, its nice to know that you are listening and taking into consideration player feedback: 
    Feedback for 26.06.1


    First of all, thank you for listening to feedback, and in reducing Vauban's tesla charge time and orbital laser animation time, it gives us hope to Vauban players that his rework is still in progress. For the longest time he was my most used frame, now 2nd.

    When playing with veteran players (high 20's -28's), Vauban just keeps getting left behind in point to point missions like exterminate. There's something wrong with him if his 'ideally planned' combo makes you wait for a ridiculously long throw animation (bastille anim time wasn't lessened) > wait for ball to drop and turn into bastille > have tea while bastille strips armor away per tick > collapse to vortex while calling laser > wait for said laser (thankfully animation times here was reduced) > wait for blast to get the loot.

    Even then, damage wise, that's not as effective as just letting enemies stay in the bastille (to keep stripping defenses) and fire at them with a weapon instead, while bringing tesla bank to spread it. At 100 str, it takes 10 whole seconds to strip away defenses, and that is an eternity in warframe combat. In fact, I only found his animation time for throwing bastille acceptable WITH natural talent, which shouldn't be a requirement; his mod slots are strained as it is needing range, strength to strip, and efficiency. Heck, even WITH natural talent, you can't do a bullet jump and finish charging his 1 before coming down, making him stutter stop while your team ever gets further away. If the only way for Vauban to keep up with teammates is just to rely on throwing 1 ball every now and then and just shoot, then its such a waste of skills.

    In relation to modding. Vauban's base stats should be altered. Why? a lvl 80ish grineer (you know, the one you face in kuva litch grinds) can one-shot a Vauban Prime from full shield + full health. Try it, don't put any defensive mod that will add life/armor/shields/reduction and let the grineer sneeze on you. Silly you, why not add some defensive mods then? Like I said before, Vauban is already quite taxed in mods needing range, strength to strip, and efficiency to keep up with costs. Since Vauban was just relegated to CC before, he really didn't need str since his old skills weren't worth it to use as damage anyway. And now, with the very, very slow bastille; coupled with the long charge to tesla, you're making Natural Talent an almost mandatory mod for him to carry. And if you want to be at least decent at damage, you'll have to carry Tesla Bank as well ... that's two mod slots already. Even a frame like Khora can at least take a shot. 

    But hey, Vauban wasn't meant to be used for point to point missions right? Right now, Vauban is extremely flawed in static missions like defense. Main reason? auto collapsing of bastille to vortex, instead of just separating the two with a tap and a hold.

    Why is that? Vortex's mechanics are quite situational, and there are times where you would want to keep enemies just far away instead with bastille. When you place a bastille and vortex on the same spot, the vortex would win over and suck up the ones in bastille. But hey, I just want to wail on enemies stuck in the vortex, while the ones in stuck in bastille are being stripped of defenses ... well sure, you have to place the bastille a little bit further out then, which leads to an ever-furthering line of vortexes and bastilles, which leads to visual diarrhea/ terrorism.   

    Even then, Vauban's vortex makes him a terrible choice for veteran groups doing long resource farming defense / survival runs, even casually. There's a reason why people look for a speedva during those runs, and wisps there shouldn't put down long range shock motes. Make enemies get to you quicker = more loot / more life support. Vortex actually make those runs longer and inefficient since enemies often get caught up in railings, walls, elevation differences, boxes and just be stuck there instead getting to the group quickly. Nidus' larva grab works a lot better since it can be cast a little off the floor to get some elevation, along with it being non-continuous. While making vortex grab thru walls like an inter-dimensional vortex can be OP; perhaps something like the enemy AI will keep along their pre-determined path every time they make a 'not moving' check until they finally reach the vortex.

    Bastille while indeed buffed with its armor strip is not exactly up to par either. Its a relic of the past overshadowed by newer frames which can CC much more enemies like Khora's strangledome, (not even counting how well it synergizes with dmg from her 1, and how it has a wonderful pilfer augment). Bastille raising a paltry 10 enemies just seems left behind along with coptering. A lot of frames that can remove enemy defenses can do so either instantly with a high str or in two taps. waiting for bastille to 'tick' them down, 10 whole seconds at 100 str feels just like an insult in comparison. So even If you're in a situation where you would want a vortex instead, you're forced to wait on bastille for the strip. Either keep the strip along with vortex/ have it actually do meaningful damage like strong slashes or make those bastille strip MUCH faster / instant based on str.


  17. Thanks for the continuous hotfixes DE, its nice to know that you are listening and taking into consideration player feedback: 
    Feedback for 26.06.1


    -Duplicated weapons are definitely still an issue, especially when its a multi-layered grind which already has a RNG in place for damage values. Grind upon grind with RNG upon RNG isn't a fun gameplay loop, its a boring chore. Please don't keep heading in that direction, DE. Some just want to get them for the MR, and not keep grinding them for the best stat possible. As told by numerous players, after getting several duplicates; it really turns off players (even some of us MR27s slogging KL to 28) from the whole game in general -- especially if this is the precedent of how you'll make new content 'last' from now on.

    Possible solution: Allow trading of unleveled kuva weapons to unleveled kuva weapons only. That way, you could keep it out of the platinum market and a player must have put in the effort to slog through getting one themselves. This can be done by creating another set in the trading window, much like items and mods are separate -- with a check if both items are indeed kuva weapons.

    -Litch appearance after a failed attempt sometimes need way too many missions in between. Especially after you already completed the murmur clues and have the learned of the correct mod sequence. The worst I had was 7-8 missions after getting him to 4 and learning of the proper sequence the hard way (killing tons of thralls along the way). Tried solo so no one else's thralls with spawn, or in groups. Suggest that their bar completely don't fall off to 'uninterested' from 'fuming' in a failed attempt, especially during lvl 4-5, and after you already figured out the order. It just feels like yet another tedious content padding. 

  18. Hi DE

    I Love WF, don't take this the wrong way. Have grinded every frame & weapon all the way to MR27 and would like to thank you for all those hours I have fun playing the game. Do care about the future of this game, so just have to warn that this update has started to become eerily familiar to korean MMOs I left behind because of the grind.


    Right now it feels like a convoluted way to pad out new content, which I'm not saying that was your intention, it just how it feels. Am not saying it takes too long to complete either ... since yes, if you powered through it, you can complete several in a day. (so its not about wanting every new thing *now*). What I am saying is adding grind upon grind to stretch things out often leads to boring content that's not much fun to play. 

    Its grind for your litch > grind for requiem relics > grind for traces to radshare the relics > grind till you get the requiem mods > grind tons of thralls for murmurs > repeat till you get the proper order on your parazon > finally get weapon > reforma said litch weapon 5 times > pray to rngesus that you won't get a duplicate litch when you create another > repeat 13 times.

    Like I said, its not the actual time it takes to farm for one, but rather the monotonous grind upon grind that just zaps out the fun in it. Sometimes, you can push a free player into 'paying up' more by making the grind more tedious, not necessarily making the actual farm time longer. Time can be relative. It can pass by quickly if you're having fun, or feel like an eternity if you're just going through the motions. Having that grocery-like grinding checklist feels like that latter. There was this certain game I played before where the devs said they will never be pay to win, but slowly, surely, inch by inch, they made the grind more and more tiresome and drudging ... until you can't really say it wasn't pay to win anymore, until they alienated their free players out. 

    There's a fine balance of stretching it out and making your new release last with turning them into a chore rather than a fun game. Have played other games where getting a legendary took me months of grinding to get. It actually felt like an accomplishment after getting it, because of the challenging but fun trials I had to endure along the way. A lot of the steps in getting one of the kuva litch weapons feels just like doing chores. We could discuss other, more meaningful ways to extend the 'life' of new content for the older players. Good games would know how to drip-feed meaningful carrots along the way to a long term goal, to keep it fun. 


    Once my most used frame, now 2nd. Train-man's rework has been a mixed bag. While I do appreciate It, feels that there are a couple of more tweaks needed to make him up to par with other frames. First one is casting speed and animations, then the decision to strip defenses per 'tick'.  It makes him sluggish and slow. Even creating 4 tesla balls is a long charge. To illustrate his 'ideal combo': 

    Wait for an extremely long throw animation > wait for ball to drop and become bastille > have tea while bastille strips away enemy defense per second  > collapse to vortex while calling photon laser > have coffee while waiting for said laser > wait for blast to get loot > run after the rest of your team already 3 rooms ahead.

    And yes, that was with Natural Talent on.

    So maybe perhaps he would fare better in Static location missions.
    On defense:
    hey vauban! what are you doing with those vortexes? enemies are getting caught up on the railing and can't reach to us fast. we're speed farming materials here!

    In survival, camping a spot:
    hey vauban! what are you doing with those vortexes, enemies are getting caught up in the walls and can't reach us quickly enough to get life support!


  19. On a bit of related note, Is there a way to not be paired up with players using non-english characters in party chat?
    Even if i'm in the Asia region, since there are actually a lot of asians that use english. Even in NA or OCE can still
    see ******* in party chats.

  20. Rapiers lost their free movement during combos and hold down attack

    Not sure if it was a bug during the transfer to the melee system, or if it was a design choice. If it was changed that way, am appealing for it to be returned the way it was. Rapiers had short range but it still had its nice niche of being able to just hold the melee button to attack, along with being able to fully control your movement while doing said combos. Now its locked in a predetermined move while doing the thrusts and slashes, not as graceful or safe (able to move out of the way of an enemy attack mid-swing) in using it anymore.

    Thrown melee could use some streamlining

    It may just be me not getting the intricacies of the new system yet (or a bug), but before the changes you can go from firing a weapon to hold the melee button, it attacks once, THEN throws the weapon. Right now from firing a gun, you need to attack once with quick melee, THEN press the old channeling button, then it attacks once, and then finally throw the weapon. Know that there are button limits (esp with controllers), but there has to be a way to streamline thrown melee, as evidenced by how some mmos can cram all their functions on a controller. You should not need that initial 'attack' before actually throwing, which leads to...

    Zenistar disc hardly seems as useful now

    With that extra 'attack' needed to switch from firing, coupled with the nerfed duration the disc is out, It seems to be a chore and inefficient to keep throwing out the disc to complement your gun attacks, when you can just keep firing instead. The old duration seemed to have the balance of it stays long enough to compensate your time actually throwing the disc (with that slow animations of one attack before throw, and disc travelling into place), rather than just keep firing your guns, or using a room clearing melee instead.


  21. Started WF, played till MR11ish, then took a 6-8 month break and played other games.
    Came back, still playing at MR27, but take breaks every now and then when new games that I want to play come out.

    The beauty of a free to play game is that you can leave and come back anytime you feel like it / when there's
    new content available. Am actually more surprised if you don't need a break after playing the same game all the time for so long.

    It's odd at how some people would feel the need to make it a grand, public event to tell the whole world
    that they're leaving game X,Y,Z complete with theatrics. No one's forcing them to stay or come back whenever they want.

  22. Ash skill's basic mechanics are fine for me, use him a lot, and would only buff them up in terms of numbers and:


    1. Aside from Shuriken getting higher damage on more str,  allow it to throw multiple stars per shot. Needing the

    augment to strip armor makes it mandatory to carry it around, perhaps it could be baked-in even at slightly lessened numbers.


    2. Right now Smokescreen is a short duration Invisibility with an augment that can stealth nearby allies. 

    Baking-in the current augment doesn't seem to be OP if its still capped at 8s max regardless of mods. Perhaps to have a small

    diversity in the usual Str-based Ash build, a new pilfer augment to increase drop rates to enemies blinded could lead to

    +range +duration farming Ash variant.


    3. Fatal Teleport combo on special enemies / bosses being non-effective: have a secondary effect for them like extreme slowed movement/

    attack speeds.


    4. Echoing what others said, make Bladestorm targeting into a cone-ish area and make the higher lvls of BS allow several more clones attack

    simultaneously on different targets, making it much more streamlined. Even with attack speed mods, after tagging 10+ enemies, it would

    still take a long time to dispatch of them because of the current clone limit.


  23. same. having severe FPS drops after a host migration, it only started after the saint update. never had this problem before when hosting / hosting after a migration. can run the game into hundred FPS regions consistently before this update (even when hosting), now it crawls to stop motion like speeds after. hosting from the start still works fine, after a migration seems to be the problem

    for some reason, can't delete the double post above.

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