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Everything posted by BR31

  1. Tbh just make direct shots work on everything but giving less charge compared to headshots.
  2. No, not happy at all. We either need 100 recipe or the archwing charges treatment. RN air sup has a cooldown and takes a consumable- they need to choose 1.
  3. Just played pub alchemy fissure- and it was a mess. There are few big problems: It requires way too many element canister throws, what creates more problems: 1 -Since it takes too many- people are refusing to participate in the mission objective and wait for someone to surrender and do it for them. Usually it's 1-2 people in a squad actually doing the objective. 2 -Since it's only few players doing it- puts a lot of strain on hands, way more than other modes. And quite a chore at that. 3-You need a lot of specific canisters, but other colors still spawn and your minimap is a pure chaos. No visibility. Suggesting few solutions. 1-Lazy one and boring one- put a timer after the correct throw, making it so it takes the same time as solo. So even if multiple people throw a canister- it takes the same time. 2- Since the element canister is basically a lantern from the NW event/ deimos boss- Why not to take the mechanic from there? You pick up a canister/lamp/lantern and you have a choice- throw it right away or charge it with kills and then throw a super charged one. Less strain on hands , more engagement. Second variant of this is charge the super canister by running through the same element canisters (so pick up a canister- run by another ones of the same color without picking them up everytime)- helps with the strain as well and gives you a quest to go through the chaos and finding the correct ones.
  4. on the last def target the mech just used his bomb attack and oneshotted the def target through the pick up defense thing...
  5. Absolutely the opposite- i played 2.5 circuit cycles to be done with the system. And i'm playing everything with shards since their release - 3 months of kahl , because i couldn't stand it anymore. Nowhere near done, esp not after the mixed shards and tau change.
  6. FOV messes up with the los check.
  7. Don't forget nezha's aug pls and los check is still clunky .
  8. it's quite bad, in the elite version you at least can choose one slot , because 50 vosfor is not a big reward. but it's still rought against 450 disruption mechs with more modifiers.
  9. I'm ok with the overguard nerf, tragedy los change is actually tragic. A brick can nullify your damage competely. Closed maps in general. if you decided to keep it los, please make it more loose.
  10. helminth eclipse wasn't that broken at 150% for years since the system release. it wasn't the best option for every situation; where people used it- it was consistent, full buff (while i can understand toggled consistency is gonna nerf it a bit, but not 5 times, literally as now). in the patchnotes there was a section about roar vs eclipse and why it's gonna be 30. but how many builds will use 2 buffs, rotating through them? if toggle is such a high price- why not make it similar to rest and rage -where you have to choose before the mission starts? Since it's still gonna be more consistent- i'll take 75-100% for helminth version. nerfing it as now 5 times- it's quite absurd ngl.
  11. I really hope that we can at least use 1 gear slot without a randomizer. Otherwise i'd have to delete a lot of stuff from my inventory to reduce rng (and do it only for 1 activity). I farmed duviri with it and it was a pretty bad experience but thanks to reroll mechanics- made it through. But you cannot reroll for archmedia. Full rng would mean pubs being fully unplayable with most players being leeches, waiting to be carried .
  12. His kit revolves around his 1 . And los for it are too strict and clunky rn. Before the rework it was really smooth, rn i see an enemy -i aim at the enemy in 15-30 m and nothing happens quote often. I need to adjust the reticle and while i do it - i could've just shoot the gun or my teammates kill it and his abilities become useless. It's especially bad on maps with complex geometry and unstable spawnrates like duviri's curcuit. Before the rework grendel was disruptive to others because he held hostage all the enemies on the map. RN he's similar to nidus that playing with others stops your kit working. And teammates are disruptive to him .
  13. Same, i'm having similar thoughts for a while. I don't mind a few, it's a good way to keep some player retention. But at some point enough is enough and you need to use another methods.
  14. I think it's funny to stack DR , but you have to pay some offensive or grouping/ stripping/ energy multiplication/orb generation opportunities for it. and just having 75 % dr even with armor and adaptation is not that much for this investment and that many slots. i'd rather go shieldgating route if i want it or just straight up to invinc,/invis frames if i need to do level cap disruptions, cascades or something in this range. and for other content i'd rather choose offense.
  15. not a fan of randomized gear, you cannot reroll gear - they said everything resets every week-similar to archon hunt bonuses. it might be not the worst- you pay 2 netracells keys and they said you can run the mission as much as you want without paying again but you can only get upto 5 rewards per week from it. it looks like a duviri score system. i'm not sure if you actually need to play the randomizer or it just will be faster and gonna require 1 cycle instead of 2-3. would be a healthier system that way too tbh . but you can be sure that pubs are going to be super troll and full of leeches because people are going to choose the randomizer options and don't contribute to the mission, assuming that that are going to be carried,so they would still get full rewards themselves. so it would be better if it's a score system that just requires more runs.
  16. I thought it was intended with the new ships and abilities- but i guess not. Tbh pls change it like you did with the archwing charges . Or at least make a bigger crafting recipe- these things are way too annoying to craft. Pretty much only started using them after the Eye and Kahl release.
  17. Probably never. People should've seen it coming tbh. with the exalted slot they lost most of the synergies with arcanes, conditional mods, lost additional stance capacity , have to reforma normal and prime eventually instead of equipping 1 statstick, since you wouldn't use your general melee anyways. And now people are asking for a pseudoexalted slot, thinking that the same won't happen to them. You don't need a usual melee on them either .
  18. ofc there's no info about it. just doomposters.
  19. SP is Steel Path, second harder version of the starchart. Boss fight is different, has additional stages and gives +5 more clamps and some steel essence. Check wiki for all the data about arcanes, but usual and SP have different pools of loot. Wiki has the map of their locations. Usual enemies and the orowyrm are way tankier. And yeah i still think that being tped out of a puzzle that you can do solo during archarbor cycles and never care about, since it doesn't have any good evergreen rewards behind it is way better than being trapped in the undercroft for 10-15+ mins , which gives you a big plat and arcane dust value+ clamps. If you never tried SP , try it and you'll understand why you'll need decrees.
  20. I think more than that- 1 player should be enough to force everyone to tp into the undercraft . Or give an option for a player to solo it if others don't want to (I would not mind this solution). I would agree with you about go lone story if you want clamps. But there are 3 big no about it . 1- You are held hostage without being able to do anything if you went in . (it's much worse than you being tped into the undercraft). 2- Portal arcane farming. That's more important that picking up resources in that mission. You cannot do it in lone story . And then we're going back to 1 issue. 3- If you're doing SP version - lone story can be super dicey without a good loadout rng against the worm. And duviri experience fixes it, since you can cover bad rng with good decrees.
  21. Yes it needs tweaking for a while. I have a hearing impaired friends and clanmates. They are sitting ducks in this mission pretty much. Quite often i'm not any better- because i rarely play with a sound on- podcasts, music, voice calls, etc. And that's literally the only relevant content which forces you to do it. Not to mention post-beep syndrome after playing it. Went to groceries after playing it and constantly checked is where a beep lol.
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