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Everything posted by Tachmag

  1. Calling out for the removal of a gamemode that others enjoy purely for a personal whim backed by made up facts (surely Conclave has an insane maintenance with it's 1 minor patch a year) and then victimising oneself is a true Warframe classic.
  2. Not it isn't. It is in fact very easy. Especially when you consider that melee is the biggest problem with Conclave, followed by ability balance. What you are suggesting already exists. It's called every other grounded shooter. Go play them.
  3. I mean, fixing is best but history shows ability kits rarely get fixed for Conclave. Also, Nyx's 4 is also technically busted since you can cast cancel it almost immediately.
  4. Players will not have an easy time getting into a high mobility PvP gamemode where their Braton's entire magazine doesn't even kill someone.
  5. Hydroid and Nyx seem to have remained in Conclave after their rework unintentional. In Hydroid's case, his 4 doesn't do much as it doesn't seem to be able to interact with players whereas his 2 is able to occasionally hit someone multiple times resulting in absurd damage, capable of one shotting even the currently inflated player HP. In Nyx's case, she retained her Mind Control's damage multiplier and teleporting ability, the latter being very problematic as it allows the Nyx to teleport a player into a spot where they are permanently stuck and unable to play (in addition to just the overall cheesiness of freely teleporting someone into something like a Tigris shot or Simulor vortex with no possible counterplay). PS: Untelated but on the topic of unintended behaviour, Fragor Prime heavy slams seem to be dealing 500+ damage due to combo multiplier carrying over to Conclave, Tonfa slide attacks have ridiculous multipliers exclusively when unstanced and the PvP damage multiplier straight up doesn't work on the Dark Sword Duals.
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