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Posts posted by TheGeekyOne

  1. Normally the router drops Packets which are not matching a forwarding-rule.

    If you put your IP into the DMZ, these Packages are directly forwarded to your PC (at least on consumer productline routers).

    We all know the Internet is a dangerous place, especially if your system is not fully patched (even if it is patched).

    So normally your router drops ~95% of the packets which are crap, not four you, even a few malicious ones...

    If you put your IP into the DMZ, your PC is directly accessible over our WAN IP (unless specific Ports get routet elsewhere).

    And thats where your local firewall should kick in and block unwanted packets.

    DMZ is fine to test routing issues, but better not use it longer than you have to ;)

    As mensioned before, when Using the DMZ, always make sure your Software is Up2Date and double check your local firewall is running.

    if the game works fine now, I assume this could be a routing issue.

    so this needs a few more informations.

    who is hosting the Game (as far as I know, Warframe is not serverdriven, so the one all others join is hosting the game.), you or one of your frinds?

    try out both combinations and check wether it works.

    I Assume you are not playing in the same network.

    It is always one of my friends. He is the only one of my 4 friends who can host. The others cannot see me online when I am on, besides him. I can only connect to his games both lobby / ingame sessions. Otherwise it will tell me that "That friend is currently not in a joinable session" or something along the lines of that. I cannot host at all to the other friends, besides the one I can connect to. I have tried hamachi and that hasn't helped at all. Same network as in Warframe WEST and East and such? All playing in the same.

    Edit: I guess using it more than I have to is a bad thing. I just don't want to be open to hackers of unneeded danger of my computer. So, in the instance that I do use it, I should make sure to have everything up to date to make sure nothing slips through. Thanks for that information.

  2. You may be able to configure your pc to be in the DMZ of your router, but I would only recomment this for testing purposes, as all traffic from the internet gets automatically routed to your pc then when no other rule matches... (depending on your router of course)

    What Router are you using?

    You configured the port forwarding in your router?

    Does the router have it's own firewall (or does it rely on NAT)?

    What Firewall is installed on your client? (if there are several installed, did you disable all of them for your testcase?)


    NEVER turn Off you Firewall if your PC is the DMZ ;)

    I am using a belkin. It has a firewall section...but I dont think it has it's own besides NAT( my understanding of this is lacking )

    and I have windows security essentials and basic firewall from windows + Malwarebytes anti malware(those have been turned off + firewall).

    I put the ip into the DMZ(but is this dangerous?) and now when i analyze network it works fine now.

    Another problem arose though...when I put my computer in the DMZ, I can't use ventrilo...XD So now I have the problem of not being able to communicate with my friends.

  3. The error I receive is


    Strict NAT detected. UPNP is malfunctioning. Please forward UDP ports 3960 & 3962 to"

    I already have these ports open for UDP, and even opened it up for TCP to test if it would work again.

    I have tried portforwarding, directly connecting to my modem, and turning off and turning on UPNP(Originally was on already). I did not receive this error before, besides only recently in the last 2 weeks or so. I have checked if warframe is allowed and it is in both public and private. Turned off my firewall and anti virus's + ran it in adminstrator( right click run etc) and no dice. Any ideas? Because I'm all out of them. :[

    Edit: I already have the ports ingame and on my router to port it. No luck.

  4. I've port forwarded as well, and I cannot get it to work. =T

    I would like to be able to play with my friends, and I didn't use to get this error...

    I've also checked my firewall and warframe is allowed through.

    I don't know what else to do.

  5. Is there something that can be done about the ragdoll physics on item loot? More specifically the loot that is dropped out of chest or off of the things killed, because when they fly off into a place that I cannot get to,(in the rare chances it does) it is infuriating to lose out on rubedo or material because I swung my scindo like a baseball bat and hit that sucker out of this world like a homerun. Other than this complaint I have, I love this game and thanks for the interacting with the community. Keep up the good work!

  6. Items that fall into a pit normally spawn back up like a player does, sometimes you need to fall down into the pit to see where it spawned back up.

    Tho...with the recent update, some pits don't seem to work correctly. Like in the area you fight the jackel, a player got knocked into the pit but was just stuck on the bottom, same thing in Xini on Eris, a player fell down and was stuck in the pit, but pits like in the Asteroid map do work as they should.

    I was stuck down there for jackal fight, I had to abandon and go rejoin. I heard they did recent changes to falling so you could land where you previously were before you jumped off rather than the nearest platform or place. So maybe there's a bug for now.

    Also, I didn't know you had to fall down to resee where the item went to but it's still a search.

  7. Is it possible to change how far the loot will when breaking a chest or killing anything is? Sometimes the items fly off the map or to places where I cannot reach. I don't mind that it comes out and flys in front of the chest or locker that I open but it is really annoying when I charge my scindo and I hit whatever material like a homerun.

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