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Posts posted by (PSN)Eloraeon

  1. So this weapon is super cool. Not sure if the stats are great, but it's probably one of the best feeling weapons to use that we've gotten in years.

    It has a sick shooting animation, cool reload, fun recoil, and great sound to it. The reload slightly bugs out often sadly though.


    It also offers great utility by refreshing your combo while shooting. Just like with Perigale, I'm already looking forward to the prime.

  2. One of the worst things regarding this game's combat for me has to be the input queuing on controller. For those unaware, this makes inputs entered while already executing an action slightly delayed, so that they'll occur once the current action is complete. 

    If you want to test this easily, use a semi auto weapon that fires about 1.5 times a second, like the Aklex Prime. You'll notice that many inputs entered with the weapon's weird fire rate don't go through, and to maximize your fire rate you need to time shots more carefully. Another example is the Prisma Obex, where  spamming the trigger just makes half of your inputs disappear.

    Weirdly, there seems to already be larger input queuing with some melee weapons and abilities. Protea turret spamming and Tonfa combos are examples of this. 

    I'm not sure if input queuing is tied to attack speed or even specifically set, but having some options regarding these would really help controller out. I'd say that Controller parkour feels extremely fluid, but the gunplay is definitely lacking compared to mnk. Would like to hear thoughts or reasoning regarding this.


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  3. Sol Gate looks and sounds amazing... Which makes it pretty disappointing when you find out that it falls off before steel path, and unlike many other damage abilities, doesn't have any meaningful utility that it offers when the damage is lacking.

    Of course, we shouldn't have every damage ability scale forever, but this is a final ability with an insane energy cost that's also channeled, restricting your actions. In many ways it can be detrimental to use it, so I think Sol Gate should at least be stronger than one protea turret no matter the level.

    You can't even really sweep it over a group of enemies for easy radiation procs, because the damage tick rate is awfully slow. If an enemy is getting exposed to the wrath of the sun, they shouldn't only feel it once a second. 




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  4. As a console player, one of the biggest gripes I have playing the game is using fast melee weapons for general play. Once you have some attack speed buffs or mods (which are a big part of melee damage) you need to basically spam the input over and over with no thought. 

    I at least use the trigger melee input setting with little force needed to melee, but the addition of an auto option for this would make me use melees so much more for general play!


    • Like 5
  5. Hi.

    I think everyone would enjoy being able to bring console progress over to the PC, and issues with that can be easily fixed.

    Many console players (Including Me) always get left out while we watch how PC players enjoy quick hotfixes, better trading, and much faster updates. In fact, I have a PC, but after spending 1000 hours and around 500$ on Warframe for console, I'm not starting everything over again.

    It could just be a one-time thing. When you create an account on Warframe, you have a option to copy progress from PS4, Xbox one, etc. From then on, progress won't be shared, but both accounts can still play to their heart's content. This way PC can gain more players too. I hope some staff sees this and takes this into consideration.

    Thank you for your time

    - Eben

  6. I wanted to craft myself a plague kripath when operation PS came around a few days ago. You were unable to earn operational supply standing or view the syndicate from Nakak. The event ended and we received nothing. I ask that the event comes back and works properly. Thank you.

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