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Everything posted by Gaxxian

  1. It would be great if the Volt itself could opt-out other players. So, short press = personal speed, long press = team speed. This could be an extra above other options.
  2. Nop, its not the same :( You cannot kill "on the run" as before. Ik ^^! I had a lots of problems with Noctua... I was wanting to use the weapon's passive to put as many +60% ability buff as i could, and then use it to put extra oomph into the abilities... but... it just wasnt worth it ^^! Maybe if Wordwarden was a better ability, you could recharge Noctua's alt fire more consistently, but isnt, so maintaining all the buffs ended being a little too stressful to my taste, so i made a lot of changes and tests. Then i did from zero a build for the companions (several, until i found the perfect one to me, Diriga to activate that Archon Reach and giving aoe virals and free ability casts) and the weapon (a Helstrum that added a lot of slashes and viral around the room, using Duplex Bond for extra spread and energy). And I went like that for every piece of equipment... ^^! I'd seen enemies in front of me not receiving Tragedy explosion. Oh, and Dante stopping your own abilities still happens too. I've personally never had any issues with DV (i'd say that it was pretty bearable, at least). LoS for DV is great, DV NEEDS LoS. And its great that they improved LoS. But its not the same for Tragedy ^^! You can hit, and kill, but you need to use x4 times more times 334 than before. Its not agile nor rewarding. I could pick my Inaros with his Exec and kill easier, faster and more dinamically. So, to me, Dante is dead because he is boring to play now. No, they went to the knee jerk and rushed solution. They could have done a lot of things (removing base dmg from Tragedy as an easier one), but they didnt. Them improving LoS (and OG interactions) is good (and it was about time, i'd say, they should have done those changes ages ago), but they didn't need to kill Dante's gameplay in the process.
  3. Well, ofc the variables are finite... after all, too many DVs in different groups and the first one will end losing the DoTs, for example. But clearly you had more to think than just "there are 2 groups so... 334, 334". Before you could add just an extra DV to kill an extra group, or you could kill 2 different groups... You needed to choose independently on the fly. Not big brain tactical strategies, ofc, this is WF after all, but it needed more from you. Well... it depends of what do you mean with "mastery trip". Do you mean +6000 exp (9k, it has a weapon)? Then just like 10 minutes. But, if we are talking about designing his build, making it, testing him, rinse and repeat until i was happy, then yeah, we are getting pretty close to the 20 hours that i played him in total. Maybe 15h. Its not just about the frame itself, but the weapon loadout, the companion, etc. I did a build that fully sinergized with the gameplay that i wanted from him. Well, before i remained mobile the full time. Things like casting once 3 to a group while i was jumping above a balcony to cast the second 3 to mark another group there and then casting 4 to kill them both. That was the normal gameplay for me, and the expected one from a frame like that one. Now you must remain nearly static while you cast the full 334 combo, looking at the same group. So... yeah, it does the same dmg, but its boring af (and thats if a shadow doesnt stop your 4 for no reason -__-). Its not the dynamism of choosing the numbers of 3s you caster before the 4, but the fact that you were able to move nonstop while you were doing it. All that is lost now. It works "perfectly" as a LoS. I tried in necracells several times... you know the high but narrow circular room where there is a big void mirror spinning at the center? I was killing like 4 to 5 enemies for each 334 while i was trying to play him as before. I was doing way more dmg using Noctua than using abilities... so it was sad to me. It was like night and day, unsatisfactory, boring... for that tyle of game, i could just pick a Plasmor and do the same with less effort in build and gameplay. Yet i don't pick a frame like Dante to end shoting a Plasmor.... 🤷‍♂️ I still think that if you want things done, there are better ways. But I will not make assumptions about their experiences, i dont know if they used Dante in low levels or not (i know that i never did xD It was a surprise when i learnt that he did indeed was a problem at low levels), i don't know either if they tried him after the nerfs. I also dont fault them for losing hope when DE showed us that they don't care at all about what we said. Why writting long ass explanations with detailed feedback when DE will act like you dont exist anyway?
  4. Even then, the number of DV is variable and the result more dynamic. Right now its invariable... 334 334 334 nonstop :( Boring... i prefer by long Dagath (even when im not superfan of rotations) since she feels rewarding and consistent. 20 hours in less than a week. I LOVED his casting gameplay and i dedicated a LOT of hours and resources into him. 10 Formas, Exilus, decorations, tau shards, etc. Worse, he went straight to Boring and Inconsistent Tier -_- Now i just get frustrated everytime i try him, so i stopped playing him completely. But yeah, he isnt "weak", funny enough, he can do as much dmg as before, but in just a bad and unrewarding way D: Tbh, a lot of people lost the hope pretty fast and then just started to spam the general idea "revert Dante", as a way to leave some proof of their discomfort. DE doesn't listen nor care anyway, thats for sure. Im so sorry for your loss :(
  5. Luckly WF isn't a competitive game, everybody wins the same loot regardless of who made the kill, and the kill number doesn't affect anything in-game (except the player ego). So this isn't a problem at all :) Can you imagine what would happen when you kill more than others using Saryn otherwise? :P
  6. Lately it seems even more annoying that before....
  7. I would love to hear about why do you use the silent treatment towards the community like you were an abusive partner.
  8. The reason is to minimize the amount of players that would be able to see the difference between the before and the after with Dante. The less, the easier to make people say that "they don't understand why others are complaining".
  9. Still having normal arcanes + arcane adapter into EDA. Still having RNG based "difficulty". Still having LoS in Tragedy. Thanks for nothing.
  10. Yeah, yeah. Im sure that with only an hour played with Dante, you already know better than others here. Go to your cave again.
  11. So... DE, when did you said that you were removing LoS from Dante?
  12. Btw DE, i remember that you said that Tragedy needs LoS because its the dmg AoE ability with more range... how do you classify Sleight of Hand then? as a support ability?
  13. You are completely right, i also find Noctua a fantastic weapon :) But... you didnt used 334 a lot, did you? People is "crying" because 334, not because Noctua. Try to make a build around your 334 and look by yourself how it performs 🤷‍♂️ It will kill? Sure. It will work? Kinda. It will be so fun as using a good weapon? No way on hell xD Now, THATS the issue :P But people likes to exaggerate or missrepresent to others, specially when it doesnt affect to them ^^!
  14. Why not half meter? I'm pretty sure that with max range you would be able to reach 15 meters. Plenty for a master skilled like you. Heck, the true and real Warframe players would have enough with 8m top at max Range. Oh no, i wouldnt dare to play Cookie Clicker... only real players like you could play WF and that one at the same time. I wouldnt be able to learn both games. But ty by you good attitude for offering me you great video. Next time i would prefer to try your high horse, just to see how do you look everything from there, but its ok this way.
  15. Yep, my new Dante's play style is using Inaros with Exec. I kill way more with less work, its more dynamic, it has no liability either, and all that without needing an overcomplicated build to manage energy... or nothing, really, since also im also way harder to kill without having to though about it at all. Optionally, i change to my Dante's Valkyr strategy. Where i pick Valkyr and i just destroy everything on my path while being immortal. And if i feel lazy, i just pick my Soma or my Plasmor. It kinda works like the new 334. It has great synergy with my Dante too.
  16. Yes, i went to a necracell yesterday and i was killing from 3 to 5 enemies each time i casted 334. It was extremely satisfing to play /s
  17. The "nuke worries" are addressed removing the base dmg. Reducing range you are entering a new nerf field of probabilities... remember Nezha's augment nerf with that -50% range xD Also, it doesn't really solve nothing at low levels, the only levels where the base dmg does something (unless they go full Nezha's style and gut range to 10m or something).
  18. XDDD Just as Dante is an OG weapon platform, lol xD
  19. I don't have access to the game rn, but I will share my build using Overframe in case that its helpful for someone to take ideas: For shards, im using 2 Yellow Tau for Casting speed and 3 Red ones for Strength. Im using Archon Stretch, because i play Dante paired with Diriga (i will share the build at the end), so it procs the electric buff to regen some energy. In my Noctua i've tried a lot of times to make extensive use of Tome mods... but at the end all that whole package it feels clunky af and at the end i'm just using Xata for energy regen. This is my Diriga build: When the bugs with OG and companions dissapear, i will be able to swap a few mods, but for now this is it. With Deconstruct to benefit from Equilibrium and Duplex because i'm using Helstrum, so the copies help to spread those Virals around. Nothing too fancy, but it makes the work. And the Helstrum build, for the sake of completionism: With Internal Bleeding, its capable to add a good amount of extra Slash procs too (since Helstrum is slow firing, it has a 70% to add one). Again, nothing fancy but it works pretty well.
  20. Remove base dmg & LoS from Tragedy. Tyvm :)
  21. ... Thats LoS... just normal LoS doing its work. Its working as intended. What do you people though that LoS meant? It feels bad, its bad, yeah, thats exactly how it performs. Dante went to hell... welcome to the others :)
  22. True, but that gives him an advantage killing Acolytes too ^^!
  23. Nobody received it. They had to rush some nerfs lately, it was a life or death situation xD
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