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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. I can only hope that DE, at the very least, considers letting us use the "forward combo" by pressing left or right instead of only forwards. It makes no sense that pressing sideways would trigger the neutral combo (which usually catapults you forwards, and in most cases completely prohibits sideways movement) - unless this was done to "hide" the fact that the warframes legs now always "walk forwards", even if it is actually moving to the side.
  2. All purple shards is obviously the stronger option - you can get ability strength from mods instead. That being said purple shards are currently bugged.
  3. The "!" means you got a "double red" crit. You'll proc slash mostly when your target is immune to radiation procs, in that case all radiation damage is ignored for the purpose of procs. Bosses have special damage reductions that aims to prolong their life, and make you deal roughly the same damage regardless of equipment - though elements and removing armor still matters! You really should be using Tennokai on the Skana (I recommend Discipline's Merit), those heavy attacks take chunks out of everything. Also the Iron Phoenix stance's forward combo is great for proccing Tennokai. For the Torid I prefer a corrosive setup over Hunter Munitions, as long as you put 2 green archon shards on your frame for 100% armor removal.
  4. Yep, 8.1 seconds duration speed Volt player here, I spam that skill faster than you can backflip. On the plus side I only have 25 meters range, so if you keep a respectful distance you won't get the buff. I do think an opt out for buffs is a good idea, not just for speed, it can also mess up your elements for example - because I also buff everyone with electricity damage, and if you happen to have an innate toxin weapon with a cold mod (to get viral), I turn your Hunter Munitions viral gun into a magnetic toxin one. You're welcome by the way ^^.
  5. Any weapon that has access to a particularly fast stance, bonus for special heavy attacks, forced slash on heavy attacks, good hitboxes on said stances, and exceptional crit stats. Really, the value of a fast stance cannot be overstated, it's the difference between a free heavy attack every 1.1 seconds, and a free heavy attack every 4 seconds. That being said, here is what I currently enjoy using: Free heavy attacks every 1.4 seconds (base), absolutely massive critical stats - the Skana was terrible at killing groups due to it's 0.6 follow through, but with Melee Influence (and on Saryn) it is a complete monster. Free heavy attacks every 1.1 seconds (base), 0.8 follow through and forced slash on it's heavy attack. You can also make it deal Corrosive (from the Arcane) and Radiation, by replacing Weeping Wounds with an Electricity mod (or on Volt!) - great for killing anything resistant to Slash procs, like bosses. Sinking Talon also has pretty wide hitboxes. Nepheri also doesn't need Melee Exposure (because of the Slash procs), so you could use Melee Fortification or Melee Vortex (with a Magnetic primer - which could have Primary Obstruct on it!). Don't have an R5 Melee Vortex yet, but I'm sure it'll be great.
  6. What for? Also I seem to recall that there's a sentence in the EULA that says you're not allowed to sidestep a ban by making a new account, so if you request a merge you might just get both banned.
  7. The +2 corrosive cap shard does *not* work for the companion, by the way, I assume thus that the topaz one will be fixed to similarly only get procced by your warframe.
  8. I have no clue whatsoever what the effect is supposed to do, or does do, after reading all of your descriptions and patch notes. Does it now infact give me 5 shields for every blast proc I cause, as it says on the thing? Or does it something else entirely? Okay, after reading some comments, it apparently *does* do that now. Doesn't that basically make anyone with a rapid fire, blast proccing weapon invincible?
  9. Also melee stances got cut into pieces and stitched back together all weirdly, for example the gunblade shooty stance had a melee slash added to the first attack in it's combo - luckily that instance got reverted after revolts on the forum, but many other stances weren't so lucky (Wise Razor...). In fact a lot of stances we currently have aren't even finished, they have the same combo in multiple of the 4 slots (neutral, block neutral, forward, block forward). I guess DE just gave up halfway through.
  10. Same. Though I don't see why decoupling the animations would be unrealistic, we had stances that did this in the past.
  11. How would you feel about the option to crouch in order to perform the attack in place? Personally I like having attacks with flashy movements - if I also have the option to attack practically instead.
  12. That's precisely what the difference of neutral combo vs forward combo is for, is it not? The neutral ones can have big animations and big damage, while the forward ones can have lighter attacks that mostly involve the upper body. If you look at the combos and their multipliers (and the forced procs before most of them got deleted anyway), the forward combos were clearly meant to be weaker.
  13. I don't, unfortunately. However I can assure you that it looked much better than what we currently have. With enough attack speed, the legs just flail around in their attack animations during movement (where you are even allowed to move) - it would be vastly better if they just walked normally. You are correct with your "turret tank" analogy, that was basically how it worked. It might not have been perfect, but again, *vastly* better than what we have now. And, also again, you always had the option to not make use of the "turret tank" animation by just not moving sideways - no movement input resulted in pretty much what we have now.
  14. That's 2 good stats, one useless stat, and an okay negative. Also no multishot unfortunately. I'd say 60-150p.
  15. Unfortunately I can't make a video about stances prior to 2.9, since I have no access to past versions of Warframe. As for current stances, you can just try walking sideways while attacking with them, it evidently doesn't work, and in the cases where you're actually allowed to move for one attack out of the entire combo, your legs keep pointing forwards and look super janky. Like I said, you're free to not care about this stuff though. It's fine if you just activate melee lock on and mindlessly attack, I wouldn't enjoy that at all though!
  16. There is precisely zero exaggeration in my post. It is 100% accurate. You're free to not care about animations/melee fluidity though, I do.
  17. Let me get straight to the point without sugar coating it; Melee stances and their animations are *way* worse now than they were before melee 2.9. And I don't know why they've been downgraded like this, it makes no sense and must be urgently rectified now that people are using their melees once again. What's the issue? Simple, take Vulpine Mask (the rapier stance), before melee 2.9, and I'm talking about the main (the "hold") combo: During this entire combo the player was able to move freely in any direction of their choice, now the only direction they can move in is forwards, and even the forwards movement is constantly getting interrupted. <- This is a huge downgrade and makes stances feel like garbage. The player was also able to not move at all, not even a tiny little bit, by crouching during the combo. Now combos will catapult you forwards against your will and past your target, unless you have melee lock on activated (which is also complete garbage and feels horrible to play with). And the player still had the option to use the stances innate movements, like we are now forced to, by not pressing any movement/crouching. Now we have no options. Furthermore, the animations of the legs and the upper body were seperate. You could have perfectly natural walking animation (even sideways, with the legs pointing to the side), while the upper body did its attack animations. It looked great. Now your legs always point forwards, and do the attack animations, even while walking! Its complete jank all around, everywhere you look! So please, DE, *urgently* decouple leg and upper body animations, completely remove any interruptions to movement in any and all "forward combos", allow "forward combos" to also be executed with the "sideways" input (you currently, and wrongly, get the "neutral" combo instead).
  18. Yeah, Glaive Prime is what you're looking for. With other melees you'll want to use arcanes and build up combo and the like, while the glaive can just be thrown with 2x from Corrupt Charge (or 4x if you use the aura + exilus too) and still kills anything.
  19. I'd still really appreciate if Garuda could get her jump and the shield on overguarded enemies, I don't even need the orb or the bit of damage that comes with it. The problem is that sometimes there are *only* enemies with overguard around, and they usually die literally the very instant their overguard is depleted, meaning Garuda basically has no abilities whatsoever in those situations.
  20. Earlier I ran a couple mission in a group, and we had the time down to about 7 minutes. The mission drops on average 1.5 arcanes, a void pinion (tradeable for more arcanes), and 1/3 of the stuff you need for a single Energize (on Steel Path). So it comes down to about 7 hours of mission time for a full Energize, but you're also getting some new arcanes and some Zariman ones at the same time. Doesn't seem at all terrible to me (but then again I already have an Energize).
  21. Every time a new event comes out, anythng you interact with always disables the sprint toggle. Was that way with Railjack (turrets, piloting, artillery, forge, everything disables sprinting), and still is that way to this day. The new operation disables sprinting every time you pick up one of those rods. Can we, after 10 years, finally get a working sprint toggle? No, of course not. Aparrently something so basic is beyond DE...
  22. Could you reconsider this change? I enjoyed Steel Path Netracells...
  23. This was reported immediately after Zephyrs rework, just as the bug where Tornado kills Zephyr was reported (in fact I've reported both of it together). And it takes literally 3 minutes of time to add a couple zeros to it's health pool. Clearly DE (Pablo specifically, since he is responsible for both the rework, the bugs, and the fixes Zephyr *did* receive) *chose* to not fix Tornados ridiculously low health, lower health than the enemies it's supposed to kill, in fact. And since it wasn't fixed when the bug was fresh and Zephyr got attention, it is *never* going to get fixed. Like many, many other things in this game. All it would take is 3 minutes. 3 minutes, Pablo.
  24. I don't believe it. Anyhow, what's your excuse for not increasing Tornados HP, since 500k is laughably low?
  25. That's a lot of words to say nothing really. The game can make a target that has Well of Life cast on it invincible, and at the same time still correctly record modded damage done to it - which is then both used to heal the player, and stored to be dealt to the target once Well of Life ends. If Well of Life can do it, so can Tornado. And even if for some arbitrary reason it was impossible, DE could increase Tornado's 500k health by simply adding more zero's. There is *no* excuse that could possibly prevent this. Lots of enemies have way more than 500k health.
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