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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. Could you reconsider this change? I enjoyed Steel Path Netracells...
  2. This was reported immediately after Zephyrs rework, just as the bug where Tornado kills Zephyr was reported (in fact I've reported both of it together). And it takes literally 3 minutes of time to add a couple zeros to it's health pool. Clearly DE (Pablo specifically, since he is responsible for both the rework, the bugs, and the fixes Zephyr *did* receive) *chose* to not fix Tornados ridiculously low health, lower health than the enemies it's supposed to kill, in fact. And since it wasn't fixed when the bug was fresh and Zephyr got attention, it is *never* going to get fixed. Like many, many other things in this game. All it would take is 3 minutes. 3 minutes, Pablo.
  3. I don't believe it. Anyhow, what's your excuse for not increasing Tornados HP, since 500k is laughably low?
  4. That's a lot of words to say nothing really. The game can make a target that has Well of Life cast on it invincible, and at the same time still correctly record modded damage done to it - which is then both used to heal the player, and stored to be dealt to the target once Well of Life ends. If Well of Life can do it, so can Tornado. And even if for some arbitrary reason it was impossible, DE could increase Tornado's 500k health by simply adding more zero's. There is *no* excuse that could possibly prevent this. Lots of enemies have way more than 500k health.
  5. I've had this happen two times today, the riven fits into any weapon but has no stats. If I reroll it, it becomes a normal riven for a random weapon.
  6. I don't think that's true at all, for example enemies under the effect of Well of Life, Mind Control, or Blood Altar are all invincible, but they are still perfectly capable of tracking incoming damage and using that value in different ways. Also it would take literally 3 minutes for Pablo to increase Tornado's health from 500k to 50 million. Problem solved. The problem is that Pablo doesn't care.
  7. Single sword's Iron Phoenix is also pretty good, 4 attacks in 1.4 seconds with the forward combo.
  8. Not at all, every seperate attack (every button press, so only one chance if your button press causes a flurry of 4 attacks) that hits any number of enemies counts as one chance to proc Tennokai.
  9. The discipline one (proc every 4 hits, no RNG). More important than the Tennokai mod however is the stance you're using - there's some that have 4 seperate attacks in 1.4 seconds, and others that need 4 seconds or more. Really made me re-evaluate all of the current stances. Some good ones are: Four Riders (claws). Eleventh Storm (sword and shield), in particular the forward combo. Sinking Talon (dual daggers) - 4 attacks in 1.1 seconds! Pointed Wind (single dagger) - 4 attacks in 1.2 seconds! Seismic Palm (fists) - 4 attacks in 1.4 seconds. Claws and all daggers also have forced slash on Tennokai attacks, so those are really looking good with rapid fire 12x heavy slash procs.
  10. You can't do the bounties on Steel Path, so what you're saying doesn't add up. Also if you can charge your Lex on a regular bounty you probably have a very special build, specifically designed to deal no damage. Also I said 4 rotations take 25 minutes, because that's what I had to measure the length of the mission (you don't get the good loot until rotation C, so that's what I did a couple times, on the actual Steel Path by the way). I was well aware that you merely did one rotation to get the bounty done and factored that in.
  11. It looks kinda like a grey, flat box of stone with several pairs of fingers on it. These are kinda hidden on ledges and in caves, in the excarvation/sandy area. Functionally they are just regular containers, showing up on your loot radar, and they drop a very tiny amount of resources about 2 seconds after you break one. Here's a picture:
  12. Your post looks quite ridiculous to me. Also one guy bringing an Incarnon Lex to a low level bounty where he'll be hard pressed to find anything he won't oneshot (and thus get no charge), and an AFK Mesa being proof that TS needs (more) nerfing. Funny stuff. I'm not even being facetious, honestly it's just peculiar and amusing. Oh, and 4 rotations of Mirror Defense take 25 minutes, so that Gauss apparently did at most 50 kills per minute, which is *very* low.
  13. I... I just got this mod I've been farming for the last two days...don't do this to me, DE...
  14. Just now I can't seem to connect to Warframe, I had trouble when finishing a mission, and then when I tried to open the arsenal after was finally able to connect to the server and finish the mission, the game disconnected me. During this entire time my internet was fine, I was able to use this forum and Youtube just fine, I tried using my mobile internet and that worked fine as well, it's just Warframe that is inaccessible. I am *still* unable to login.
  15. The best melee Incarnon, if you want to actually melee stuff, is the Hate. If you want to use it as a stat stick for abilities, it's the regular Magistar, given that you have Magus Aggress. The Ceramic Dagger is fine in either role, but where that weapon in particular shines is as a stat stick for Mesa with Secondary Outburst on a secondary. If you have a build that wants to kill with finishers (for example to proc Arcane Trickery), the Furax Wraith can do that fairly effectively with ground finishers, if you use Larva or Pull to group them up. The Prisma Skana can get 53% base crit chance and has high damage on it's combos, I don't think it's very effective regardless but maybe you can make it work for some purpose. It can certainly kill Acolytes really quick like.
  16. By the way, on weapons with 2 innate elements it gets even more complicated, because both of those elements go last, but which of the two goes before the other depends on the elements in question - Heat > Cold > Electricity > Toxin. Also, elements from abilities work exactly the same, meaning you cannot get Viral + Heat damage by using both the Heat and the Cold buff from this mod:
  17. Long story short, if the weapon has an innate element, and you don't want it to combine with your mod (Toxin in this case), you need to force it into a combined element (like Radiation) to get it out of the way, and you can only do this by using a mod of the same element (in this case Electricity) + another mod (in this case Heat). Basically, by modding the weapon for Radiation, you force the innate Electricity *also* into this combination, leaving your Toxin mod free to do it's thing. You cannot get Radiation + Toxin without using both an Electricity and a Heat mod, despite the innate Electricity, because innate elements always go last in the mod order (unless you also have a mod of that element on the weapon), and thus you'd get Gas + Electricity if you don't add the Electricity mod to the Heat mod.
  18. I was excited for the new augment mod from Nightwave and even got myself a riven for this weapon I hadn't used in a long time, only to find out that the Catabolyst is bugged beyond believe. Like seriously, there's nothing about this weapon that isn't bugged at this point. Some highlights: The weapon had innate punch through on release, this is inexplicably gone. It is considered a launcher (punch through from mods has no effect), yet Primed Fulmination has no effect either. The augment appears to be multiplicative on the grenade, but additive on the beam. The grenade cannot benefit from multishot. Various bugs with the reload/grenade throw, resulting in no throw at all or a 10% power throw. Horrible screenshake while firing the beam, that can't be turned off and wasn't there at release. The weapon would be super clunky if it worked right, but it doesn't and thus it's completely unusable garbage. Why would you even release a new augment for something this bugged? Just delete this poor thing from the game if you can't be bothered to fix it...
  19. I really liked using Archwing during Railjack, at launch. You know, before they made the enemies 10 times easier. Railjack itself was of course terrible (still is, but with less game breaking bugs at least). I agree with your post, and I'd love to have Stalker playable in normal missions. He's basically the long requested Ash rework.
  20. The passive is basically just Frost's passive, and Frost's passive is terrible. 1 is identical to Valkyr's 1, and Valkyr's 1 is terrible. 2 sounds a lot like Inaros' 2, and Inaros' 2 is very likely the literal worst ability in the entire game. 3 seems like it could almost be a functional ability, but it's still low impact best case, and detrimental worst case. 4: Do you know Grendel? With all due respect, it appears as though you've collected all the worst abilities that already exist in Warframe, and consolidated them into the single worst frame ever. Should it also have no shields for good measure?
  21. Man, this movie is gonna be great. I've got my popcorn ready, you're welcome to release it any day now! Surely there's gonna be a movie, right? You wouldn't lie to us, right?
  22. A 20% chance means some players will get 3 Emphemeras back to back, and others (you) will not get a single one in 10 tries. That's just Warframe for you.
  23. Isn't there a Zanuka beacon you can buy from Baro every now and then?
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