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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. Because when they tried it players got a crapton of Nightwave cred within the first week (mostly because it was bugged, but nevermind that), and someone at DE went all red in the face and decided they had to roll back the entire bonus weekly thing. That they then pretend it was all meant to be totally different (including rewriting the past) is just par for the course when it comes to DE. For some reason they are utterly allergic to admitting mistakes.
  2. What would you have DE do? Have the boss be invincible for 98% of the fight? They did this, we didn't like it. Have the boss be an absolute bullet sponge by reducing your damage to literal single digits? Same as above. Make a dynamic fight where it's about mechanics and movement instead of a healthbar? Not worth the effort (to DE). Have the boss and our damage be in an equilibrium to make the fight balanced? DE is incapable of this.
  3. I think Mag would be great if only her bugs were fixed. Magnetize failing to activate on ragdolled enemies, ceasing to pull when the target dies (but still blocking your shots, redirecting them to a now empty space), and Crush disabling melee for a moment are all very noticable and bothersome.
  4. Yeah, you clearly haven't if you think that Spores scale at a rate of >1000 per second. How can you not be embarrassed telling straight up lies like that? I have by the way, here's proof: As you can see I have capped Spores out at 100k. Took about 1.5 hours from the last time I accidentally walked into a nully bubble. Oh, and Spores stopped doing *anything* a long time ago at that point, as the enemies still have >99% damage reduction after Corrosive procs, and the Glaive can't benefit from Condition Overload. I could be playing an unmodded Inaros at that point (keeping him alive with Protective Sling), and I would be no better and no worse at killing stuff.
  5. This is specifically a response to a person who knows nothing about Saryn (nor Atlas, it seems), who claimed both Landslide and Spores deal 200k damage (both of which are completely false). Also, Landslide being able to scale with Arcanes, mods, and crit, is precisely why it is strong - Spores don't scale with any of that. In a mission you'd use Arcane Avenger for permanent uptime on crit (it procs while invincible from Landslide). If you want status, use an Incarnon weapon, it gives your Landslide easily 162% status.
  6. And that's where I stopped reading. Dude, if you know *nothing* about Saryn how about you just don't get involved in a discussion about her? Spores scale at a maximum of 14 damage per second before strength. That's the cap before strength, so it'll be 28 with 200% strength. You have clearly never ever even played Saryn.
  7. You're being ridiculous, acting as if Atlas can't have more than 150% range while at the same time assuming >200% range on Saryn (because her Spores are not passive as you say with insufficient range). Your claim that you never use Slash procs from weapons just as much. So you never use Hunter Munitions? This only proves further that you have no clue what you are doing/talking about. There is no use arguing with you if you are going to make the most ridiculous and unrealistic assumtions, just for the sake of arguing.
  8. That's ridiculous. If you mod Saryn for 150% range she's not going to work at all. This debuff has absolutely zero effect on Slash procs, which is the preferred way of killing enemies. So the most this can do is make bad weapons usable, but not in any way increase the damage of already good weapons. I was simply responding to the claim that Spores deal comparable damage to Landslide, and this claim was made by pretending that Landslide deals 200k damage (which I have proven false), and that the spread out chip damage that Spores do among all enemies should be considered equal to damage that can directly kills enemies (which is just objectively false on principle).
  9. Yes please. Why can Ash teleport onto eximus units and finish them, or kill them with Bladestorm, but Garuda can't jump to them and get her shield? Because DE half-assed overguard, that's why. Come on DE, it's been broken for over 1 and a half years at this point. I know you are slow, but introducing broken enemies and then just never fixing them is not okay.
  10. Here, some random build I cobbled together with 139 ability strength: The enemies kept dying before I could get the 4x Landslide combo because the damage was too high. And I used no riven, no Incarnon weapon (their evolutions work on Landslide), etc. - in other words, you can easily deal 20 times that damage. But then again even at level cap, enemies only have about 3m HP which this already oneshots. Compare with Spores, dealing 10 damage, and then another +14 damage per second, reaching 100k after a minimum of 2 full hours (a bit less if you have more strength) yeah, your whole argument doesn't make any sense. Like at all.
  11. No, I disagree with everything you say. First of all, Landslide does not deal 200k damage but a lot more than that. A lot more. Second, we have Slash procs so Corrosive procs aren't really relevant unless you use sub-par weapons in the first place. No matter how you twist and turn it, Landslide deals vastly more damage than Spores do.
  12. Hunter Munitions is generally better than innate Slash procs, unless you have a weapon with >50% Slash damage and quite high status chance. One of it's big advantages is that you can mod the weapon for Viral damage without reducing the Slash procs you get. If you have a weapon that innately procs Slash, and use HM on it, you'll get more procs is all. A good Weapon with HM will kill pretty much anything, so you can still use it on Hildryn, though if armor is not a concern any combination or single element of Viral/Heat is fantastic.
  13. No, this is a real consideration that's completely applicable to games in practice. If you kill an enemy in one shot of your weapon, and you also have Spores deal 50% of the health of each enemy in damage by the time you get to shoot it, you might think your Spores did half the work, but in reality your Spores did nothing.
  14. This is completely faulty thinking. You can deal 1 damage to a million enemies, that's technically a million damage, but in practice it has absolutely zero value.
  15. And that was the point, Spores are a support ability that kills stragglers and softens targets up for your weapons. It does not deal 200k damage as claimed.
  16. ...this is so wrong on so many levels. Spores do literally 10 damage and have a decidedly mid status proc. What is that, their damage scales up? Yeah, to a hard cap of 100k, and it takes around 1.5 hours to get there. Meanwhile Landslide can deal tens of millions of damage instantly.
  17. Glaive Prime has been oneshotting level cap for years, replacing a 15% ability strength shard on your frame for a +3 Corrosive Proc one isn't going to change anything about our power level. It just means we can use a lot more different weapons.
  18. None of this gives us more power, just other ways to attain the same power. And there's no need to buff enemy HP, you can just cut the Viral status effect by 50% and suddenly everything is 2x as tanky.
  19. That's correct actually, but for the most part 98% should suffice, considering that this retains the 75% damage bonus. I'd be interested to know if the cap increase also works on enemies that have a lower than usual cap.
  20. I disagree with everything you said. Just one tauforged shard will give +3 proc cap, which is 100% armor strip. And this would make any weapon viable, worst case scenario you could use a primer to apply Corrosive. Also Saryn is not OP at all, not even a little bit. Every frame can nuke low levels just as good as her with Thermal Sunder, and at high levels all of her abilities have *zero* effect currently. Seriously, just using Mags Pull+armor strip is *vastly* superior to anything Saryn can do. Hek, just using Pull and a decent weapon already is.
  21. Yes, but not really. See, Corrosive is perfectly fine at entry level Steel Path. It only falls off hard as the level increases - and at that point, I think it's perfectly valid to expect the player to invest some effort into keeping up with the scaling. A lot of weapons simply cannot make use of Slash procs, this will make them viable. It's great.
  22. I'm really glad to see DE take a more experimental approach to these, and while there will likely be a bunch of misses in the available stats, just the increased Corrosive proc cap alone is already enough to get me hyped! Corrosive status hasn't been useful at higher levels since the nerf, and this will not only bring it back, it will also chip away at the dominance of Slash procs - it's not exactly powercreep either, since you still need to apply the extra stacks, you sacrifice a shard slot for it, and we already have Slash anyhow. More variety, more options, more toys to play with - that's what Warframe needs (and seemingly will get!).
  23. Stat sticks being a thing means that rivens for warframe abilities are a thing. I don't think that's a positive in the abstract. On the other hand, I have zero faith that most of those abilities will still be relevant if you remove stat sticks - I mean, there's lot's of abilities that *don't* use stat sticks, like Ash's Shuriken or Embers Fireball, and they're all pretty much useless.
  24. I'm all for it, Mach Rush in the Helminth. But please don't nerf it's speed by 50%, and the range of the augment by 50% as well, for good measure.
  25. You might want to revisit your Garuda build, let me tell you I'd prefer her over Ash any day of the week if you told me to do a level cap run.
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