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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. That's where the idea came from, people have been asking for *years* to have precisely that function on Ash - long before Kullervo. So the answer is unfortunately "no", if DE wanted to fix up Ash they'd have had many years of opportunity, they chose not to.
  2. The big problem with the old system was that you'd feel the need to have *less* shields. With the changes you are no longer punished for having a bigger max shield value, and this is just objectively good. In place of the previous shield gating strategy (get your shields down to ~75 with a decaying dragon key, and get one of your abilities to restore that much via energy to shield conversion) there will likely be 3 options: Same as before, except a) you need an extra mod slot, and b) you don't need to hit 100% shield restore per cast - say 85% would be totally fine now. Rolling Guard + shield recharge delay mods. Not sure if this actually works, but if it does it might be problematic. As much shields and / or shield restore as possible. Simple and effective. As someone who has used shield gating quite a bit, I'm satisfied with the changes. It's an improvement for sure.
  3. So you want to play with random people, but you also want those people by chance all: Stay in the mission for at least 20 minutes, have no emergencies or sudden visits or calls happen, stick to you like Robin to Batman, play at exactly your pace, do all the objectives for you, not use any nuke abilities and/or generally just don't kill anything they don't absolutely have to. Ithink what you're looking for is a slave, not a random person.
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