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Posts posted by Sovereign991

  1. 1 hour ago, JackHargreav said:

    I wonder if the dumbass content creators created this angry and stupid mob who don't understand what does this mod booster does.

    Again. And I will ask this until someone answers it. Did ppl use the loot synergies for mods? Or they used it for resources?

    That is exactly what happened, and most of the people whining had never even done dedicated multi loot frame power farming, and those that DID never did it for mods, they did it for resources. Which is still a joke, loot frames with 4 charmkats, lol what grind? Its complaining to complain because welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.

  2. 7 hours ago, Artekkor said:

    Well its hard to say, since ninjas were all about being... well, ninjas. They werent a combat unit, more like a spy combined with a mailman. There's not really that much info on them.
    Being messengers, the technique is super usefuul for them. Obviously its not easy to pull off and there's years of training involved.
    Naruto exagerated the technique - they lean too much forward with silly hands flailing around. In real life it was more moderate and hands were usually held on hips.
    Its also unknown how much the technique was actually used, if it all, but apparently it did existed and that's all you need to know really.

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    My dude, if this was in any way a legitimate "form" of running it would exist in modern day marathon running or the Olympics. Get over your dumb weeb fantasy.

    • Like 1
  3. On 2019-09-11 at 5:24 AM, TheNasky said:

    we are not many, and i have the impression that, if DE doesnt fix gauss's ult we are going to be less and less with each day.

    People talking about redline being useless and how kinetic plating is bad are terrible at theorycraft and dont understand how gauss is meant to be played.


    Redline removes the need to mod for attack speed on melee and makes your melee stronger.


    His 2 works just fine if you arent just sitting still shooting enemies for 14 seconds under sustained fire. I took gauss to an arb last night, zero issues, went to round 12 no problems even in sight, left because everyone was ready to be done.


    Guess needs minor QoL tweaks, hes a perfectly good frame.

  4. 39 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Well Danse Macabre is pretty much just a better WoF so he’s technically better than Ember (which isn’t saying much), and Hydroids a good frame with nowhere to really shine rn. While Revenant is just the worst.

    Rev is also an invincible frame, who has % damage options for hard targets. Your hate is irrational gears, dunno where the hate-boner comes from.

  5. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    It’s either because someone really wants me to look wrong on this particular subject. Or it’s some guy who’s very keen on trying to make me look bad because I hate Revenant with a passion and call him the worst frame in the game. But hey free rep.

    Imagine thinking rev is worse than a frame like ember or hydroid, wild.

    • Like 2
  6. 23 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

    doubt it.

    people are overrating new things just like always once the hype fade away we wont have those convos

    It's funny how I've totally sussed out this isn't about giving volt additional fx on his 2, that was just your in to complain about the new frame being faster than volt. Because you seem to have A LOT more responses being mad about people talking about how volt isnt about speed and gauss is. You didnt even comment on my take on adding effects to volts 2 lol

    • Like 1
  7. 57 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

    they are almost identical like i said and in tilesets volt is faster gauss only able to keep up in open world other than that almost every corner or jump will benefit volt

    without volt's 2 on gauss he doesnt go crazy fast


    also since gauss needs to be micro managed for every corner he is not the most comfortable frame to play in a tileset still fun though

    They are not "almost identical". Gauss outuns full power strength volt WITHOUT volts buff applied to him, with it you start to not even be able to see due to the field of view constriction. There is video evidence of this being done on the orb vallis, the gauss even waits to give the volt a head start and then after he STILL passes him, he waits AGAIN, and still beats him.

    Also, as for the the in inside tile sets thing, gauss can still maneuver faster, because he doesnt have volts insane momentum. If you use controlled bursts of gauss' 1 in tight quarters and full sprint with it in long straight stretches, hes better at that than volt is too.

    I'm sorry all the volt mains that play him for speed are having their temper tantrums because a faster frame is out, but thats just the facts. Volt is still better for tridolon and for ESO farm.

  8. 3 hours ago, 8faiNt said:

    I didnt compare SPEED I only compared visuals. Even then Gauss' speed and volt even in a straight line is close to identica

    You could not be more wrong lol, even at 337% power strength, volt gets left in the dust by gauss using his 1.


    On point of the topic, I'd be fine with them adding an electricity effect eminating from your warframe under volts 2, dont see the harm in it.

  9. 47 minutes ago, DeathDweller said:

    Only that they did, i main Volt and at max speed so i know when something's wrong but this isn't just slightly it feels like i got him on 150% strength now, even the animation is slower.

    You're right bud, DE nefariously nerfed the frame that's used for his shields for tridolon and 4 for eso clearing, and sometimes people meme a 315% powstr. for starchart for movespeed, to boost the sales for gauss. But they didnt put it in the patch notes because remember, NEFARIOUS.

    Or, in the real world, they changed his animations and you're conflating the difference in appearance with a nerf.

    At worst whatever loss in speed there MAY be would be a bug at best and fixed in an upcoming hotfix.

  10. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    Are you saying that it feels like this update made Volt's Speed give less of a speed buff?

    Or are you looking at Gauss, and now feel slow by comparison on Volt?...

    If I understand this correctly, it seems DE made Volt's dumb as S#&$ "slippy feet" animation go away and he doesn't "ice slide" everywhere with high speed anymore. It's just a visual change but people are conspiracy theorists and think they nerfed volts speed for gauss launch. (They didnt)

    • Like 3
  11. 42 minutes ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

    >Kit Synergy Suggestion: What would encourage me to keep moving even when dropping/using his 3 would be if there were some benefit to Mach Rushing through it? Perhaps if enemies are Frozen by 3, they'll take true damage from direct hits from Mach Rush. If they are being affected by the Heat charge, perhaps Mach Rushing through the zone could 'fan the flames' and not only refresh the heat proc but seriously overcharge its damage on tic.

    -Mach Rush: Perhaps enemies could take a reasonable amount of True damage from being slammed into walls (not unlike Snow Globe), or from taking a direct hit from him in Mach Rush, as the Lore would suggest. (As a whole, I would really like to see the idea that 1'st abilities should be nigh useless or utility at best be scrapped)

    Both of these are AMAZING suggestions that would really bring gauss' kit together, excellent thematic match and it could solve his ability damage problem.

    • Like 4
  12. Redline empowered 3>hold 3.

    The ability tip section says this shreds armor. It shreds such an insignificant amount that it may as well not. If I'm going to rush into range of heavy gunners, napalm, etc, stop moving to double cast my 3, it needs to remove ALL of their armor. Saryn can remove entire maps ENTIRE armor in seconds with her spore ticks, giving this to gauss isnt going to break anything.

     Gauss' ability damage is 100% useless at high levels, even the slamming from his 1 while kinetic plating active making them deal slash and slash procs dont matter when the ability has 800 base damage and you're fighting enemies with tens to hundreds of thousands of hp.

    Please consider giving gauss a real way to do damage with his kit, hes a selfish frame in that he doesn't bring anything to the team outside of small aoe CC at best, and his own damage.

    Maybe massively increase the damage his 1 with kinetic plating does, and also make it so you can apply that damage just by bowling over the enemies. Even better, allow his 1 to stack with melee mods, ala landslide.


    Bottom line is right now gauss feels badass to play but he hits for pillow fight damage.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

    It's still something that has been lost with the new system. This is a negative, and therefore is one of the few ways that the new system isn't "objectively better in every conceivable way".

    It doesn't even have to be about damage, you can block blast procs and scorpion pulls, this was quite useful whilst aim gliding so as to not be pulled down to earth. That is no longer possible.

    Lol. Just lol. Ironically you go ahead and explain how the RMB combo works with the current system, and funnily enough it's not "literally identical" to the old system at all. Your continued usage of hyperbole is further proof of your hypocrisy.

    Did you miss the part where I said, "Whilst using a slow firing weapon"?

    You did, didn't you? It's okay, glad I could repeat it for you, you evidently needed it.

    And there we have it, you admit that there is a loss, rendering the system not better in "every conceivable way", your comment hypocritical because you yourself used hyperbole and this entire thing... humourous.

    Take your self righteousness and have stroll buddy, your condescension is quite noticed. Your desire to be an edge lord is not worth reverting the changes. I'm in the simulacrum right now doing rmb combo after rmb combo whilst i spam right click, weird that its not forcing me to aim. There are also plenty of weapons under the old quick melee that advanced you forward, so pretending that you could just spam E on a bubble without holding S (Which is all you have to do current too, WEIRD) is rose colored glasses at best, and a lie at worst.

  14. 49 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Look who's being hyperbolic now.

    "Objectively better in every conceivable way".

    • Blocking is objectively worse, as it received a direct nerf and it's no longer possible to glide/block. Gliding requires you to have your gun out, which means you'll take damage you would have otherwise blocked with the old Melee.
    • RMB combos can currently be pretty horrible to pull off, it feels like the game is actively working against you by routinely shoving your gun in your face and messing with your camera, something especially annoying if you're using a scoped gun. Having a button that is used in melee but will also switch you to gunplay is simply ridicuous.
    • Whilst I don't consider those who use quick melee to be proper "melee users", it's benefits were undeniable. Whilst using a slow firing weapon and having a nullifier encroach upon you, quick melee was superior to the current iteration, an iteration in which several stances will actually send you into the bubble instead of whittling it down as normal.
    • Loss of regular sheathing/unsheathing animations is a bit of a blow to me.

    Glide blocking is a meme, you take reduced damage already in the air, and if you actually needed to block damage to survive, you'd be DoA as soon as you started attacking when you land at the enemy because nothing exists in a vacuum and other things are going to be shooting/meleeing you while you're attacking. So miss me with the ridiculous contention.

    RMB combos are literally identical to how they functioned before, because even if hold down RMB forces an aim, there is zero latency between that action and starting an RMB combo. It is functionally no different. You wont even scope in if youre using a sniper and you try to do an RMB combo. the fluidity is faster than the scoping animation. The same logic applies to non-scoped weapons. Again, fake point of contention.

    Complaining about not being able to quick melee nully bubbles, as if that is actually faster than what we have with the new system where you can go from wild melee abandon to instant primary or secondary high RoF weapons that will out time to kill a nully bubble even if youre stacking AS on your melee.

    The loss of sheathing is valid if you're into RPing for cool points i guess. I'd take that as a loss for a better melee system.

  15. 52 minutes ago, MCLapisGaming said:

    WAIT FOR REAL? damn they could have made that more noticeable! you, my friend, have made my day and saved my life.

    Good thing you went completely off the deep end with that hyperbolic title, right? So sick of people complaining about the melee changes when its objectively better in every conceivable way.

    • Like 2
  16. 13 minutes ago, cheliel said:

    Perhaps it’s good to remind that the hp heal of rejuvenation + coaction applies to all 4 members

    Just look how fast they all heal! 

    Not going to respond to my question cheliel? Yes, rejuvenation w/ coaction will heal everyone for 4hp per second. Given the multitude of ways the game offers everyone to recover hp that are orders of magnitude more powerful than this, but few options to render the most oppressive form of enemy scaling, in armor, on a map wide scale like corrosive projection does, or an aura that boasts everyone power strength, on what grounds do you stand that this pitiful heal is useful?

  17. 25 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Should be ~4hp/s. 

    It increases your aura effectiveness by 15%, and increases aura effectiveness on you by 15% (including your own).

    Still not worth ofc, just clarifying.

    You know, it's been so long since I've looked at coaction,  I had forgotten about the 2nd 15%. It's that bad lol. You really think this person isn't a troll monkey? 

  18. 3 hours ago, cheliel said:

    Some do think there’s only 2 viable auras? 

    Keep this topic going then, we need to spread the word on open ended aura possibilities 

    It's another cheliel post.

    I want an honest response from you chel, do you understand what coaction drift does? Do you acknowledge that adding it's effect to the rejuvenation aura mod adds 0.45hps to the effect, netting you an hp regen aura total of 3.45hps? Do you both understand that, and can you confirm that you believe this is a combination that justifies using both rejuvenation and coaction drift?

    • Like 1
  19. 28 minutes ago, cheliel said:

    MCGamerCZ and Distant Observer are both fond of Ember. Both are credible sources giving educated opinions on YT. 

    Even the game supports YTers and gives them freebies and viewer giveaways

    And why can’t I use them as a quantifiable survey of players? That’s hard video evidence compared to anecdotes...

    And those same youtubers would laugh in your face if you told them your "unsquishy any frame mod combo" is anything but a meme, because vitality with no armor is pointless, even less so on a frame with no ability DR, and rejuv by itself is a W O R T H L E S S aura, a rank 1 magus nourish is over 3 times as effective, to say nothing of elevate. Coaction drift adding 15% to a heal aura that heals you for 3hp/s, my god you've added an entire 0.45hp/s, not a waste of a mod slot at all.

    No one is taking you seriously because your points are objectively stupid and you're either trolling or incapable of understanding basic facts.

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