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  1. Right off the bat I'll say that, in my opinion at least, a meta will probably always form around whichever damage type ignores armor, which in yout suggestion seems to be puncture. So really, as long as a damage type that can bypass armor exists, any other options will be less appealing by comparison. Still, unless I'm misreading it seems like viral+slash would still be king, proccing bleed that bypasses armor and is enhanced by viral. Very interesting idea for blast with the whole "fuse" mechanic, I like that a lot. Same for magnetic. Corrosive also seems interesting but given that we don't usually mod for enemy resistances and rather for desirable status effects I don't know how useful it would turn out, plus we'd already have to mod for corrosive, so if an enemy is weak to toxin or electricity we can't take advantage of those weaknesses at all, and also mod space for having to jam other elements in there... Interesting idea but maybe not quite the best execution. Not loving the void suggestion, I agree that it should be changed from bullet attractor to something else, but triggering random warframe abilities, or lifted status? Big no from me on that one. Tau seems way overtuned, like WAY overtuned. It also makes me wonder, do these new statuses also affect our warframes the same way or would there be some special considerations for the way they affect the player? Overall this was a good read. I think most changes here are either good or at least interesting, with a few odd exceptions, but I don't think it would ultimately change how we mod things, unfortunately. I remember a time in Warframe where I made use of all three configs on each weapon, modding for Grineer, Corpus and Infested respectively, and had to change each config any time I went into a mission. Sure, it was objectively more varied than what I do today which is just bring config A to everything, but it was also annoying to have to enter each weapon mod screen individually to change the config, one by one, because the mission I decided to run was a different faction. One of the reasons a meta forms is that its good enough to deal with anything without having to change it, not necessarily because its the optimal way to play against every faction. We COULD build a better config for corpus, or murmur considering they're straight up resistant to our current meta, it would be more optimal, but it would also mean changing configs every time we go into a different mission, and doing that every single time would get really annoying really fast. With that in mind, I think part of a damage rework that not many people talk about is UI or QoL changes to be able to select different configs faster. If people could select config B or C for each weapon right from the star chart I think that would go a long way to incentivizing different builds. Hell, put it in the little player profile thing in the upper left corner of the screen, where you can hover and see all your (and your squad's) equipped weapons and frames. Just add a "A | B | C" selector in there and let us swap configs straight from the star chart or bounty screens. Anyways, interesting stuff. Good post.
  2. I'm currently doing the regular nodes to have starchart completion but I'm very intrested to see how doable the netracells are as a solo player. Also, not related but holy crap Alchemy is a blast.
  3. I'm not against the idea, but I do worry about how it might look to a new player in terms of, for lack of a better word, "devaluing" the content that has been produced in the past 10 years of Warframe by giving them the option to skip through it. That said I do understand the position DE is in and why they'd want to implement something like this. I think in the end, as long as the option clearly states that all of the skipped content can be replayed from the codex whenever the player decides (and as long as that content isn't removed *cough* Destiny *cough*) it should be mostly fine.
  4. I thought the same thing, but to be honest his drip is so out of this world that I don't care anymore. I love the alternate dimension train conductor look.
  5. In terms of currently existing tilesets my favorite is the Zariman, There's just so much going on visually and from a lore perspective that I find it the most interesting tileset of the bunch. I would like it if we had a more urban city-like tileset next, one that made use of verticality, going from street level to rooftops and sniping down below. There's a tile in he Circuit, the town one, which I absolutely loved for this exact reason.
  6. Some very nice QoL changes in there which I didn't expect, thank you!
  7. Absolutely magnificent post, I was hoping someone would compile all of the Duviri lore into a single place after I finished getting the lost island fragments and reading up on those. As a side note, after going through this again I think the Golden Hive might be another reference to the Zariman children, with how Erra refers to them as "bees". The song could refer to the void's song that was mentioned during Angels of the Zariman. This is why I absolutely love Duviri, so much speculation to be had.
  8. I disliked it at first but I've come around to it after some more playtime. Stats aside, I disagree on it being on the low end of uniqueness, I think its probably one of the more unique incarnons and it plays into the whole revolver/six shooter style. I would like to be able to aim down sights and aim glide with it, but other than that I think it's fine as is.
  9. I'm pretty sure this was something DE had designed as a reward when Disruption was rolled out on the star chart after Hostile Mergers, you could farm a resource kinda like somatic fibers called "echoes of umbra" and use Helminth to "umbrafy" one of your frames for 24hs, giving them the Umbra passive. As far as I'm aware it's sitting in someone's desk at the DE offices.
  10. Will head to the Circuit and test the new defense changes right away! Thank you for the hotfix.
  11. At first I had some concerns about SP Circuit and even posted some feedback, but the more I play it, the more fun I'm having with it, and the Duviri landscape is probably my favorite open world so far by a country mile.
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