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Posts posted by Cool3303

  1. No it cannot and everyone that thinks this is actually a buff must be delusional:


    #1 Tentacles will kill anything instantly on lower levels, this so called "QOL" is supefluos.

    #1.2 Shooting enemies on tentacles is ridiculously hard

    #1.3 Nuking them will just take out too many not on tentacles for Hydroid to actually matter

    #1.4 There is no point in waiting till tentacles can no longer kill enemies instantly since... you could just restart


    #2 Speednovas Explosions will also kill anything on lower levels so she still cannot be used with hydroid


    #3 You could use Hydroid or... just don't. See this will probably break your heart but Mesa kills enemies 3x as fast and gets 2x Loot from Nekros: So she is now surpassing Hydroid.

  2. *Thinks about making a thread with righteous fury about the upcoming nerf*

    *Sees thread in General Discussion*

    *Thread is written by someone that somehow completely missunderstood everything and whines about unrelated things with horrible formatting ontop

    and first page already filled with "wtf" responses*

    Just great -__-


    If you want to know what's so wrong with the change:


    The next PC Hotfix will have something to speak to this directly: with Pilfering Swarm equipped, enemies won't need to be killed by the tentacles to have an added drop chance. Simply dying on the tentacle will be enough to trigger Pilfering Swarm. However, we will also be removing Power Strength mods affecting Pilfering Swarm to balance this change.

    That is a HORRIBLE change, a huge nerf. Aside from the huge dropchance reduction (150%) and removing the combo with equinox ...

    I mean aside from being a 3th of the original droprate this change wont fix anything to why hydroids tentacles are useless without the excessive dropchance.Almost no buffs work on them.They have rather low basedamage (finisher damage though).They pop up wherever they want and dont hit enemies reliably.

    Even if this would get fixed you can't use speednova (which is the most important to speedup kills) because 60% of the enemies would still die by single enemies exploding because of the Molecular Prime.

    Also Hydroids drops are by no way broken.
    During the quadruple ressources weekend the consensus in my clan was that Hydroid had no feasible advantage over mesa which has much faster clearing. Obviously Equinox tipped the balance a little bit but such a nerf is uncalled for.

  3. The next PC Hotfix will have something to speak to this directly: with Pilfering Swarm equipped, enemies won't need to be killed by the tentacles to have an added drop chance. Simply dying on the tentacle will be enough to trigger Pilfering Swarm. However, we will also be removing Power Strength mods affecting Pilfering Swarm to balance this change.


    That is a HORRIBLE change, a huge nerf. Aside from the huge dropchance reduction (200% and more) and removing the combo with equinox ...

    I mean aside from being a 3th of the original droprate this change wont fix anything to why hydroids tentacles are useless without the excessive dropchance.

    Almost no buffs work on them.They have rather low basedamage (finisher damage though).They pop up wherever they want and dont hit enemies reliably.

    Even if this would get fixed you can't use speednova (which is the most important to speedup kills) because 60% of the enemies would still die by enemies exploding while dying trough the tentacles.


    Hydroids drops are by no way broken.

    During the quadruple ressources weekend the consensus in my clan was that Hydroid had no feasible advantage over mesa which much faster clearing. Obviously Equinox tipped the balance a little bit but such a nerf is uncalled for.

  4. I don't know. Fought a guy spamming Kogake. Killed him faster with Boltace than he could kill me. 

    Look at op's name:Ps4

    I guess he didnt get that his feedback is irrelevant to the current state of PVP

    Currently with parcour 2.0 melee weapons are not as important for mobility and Kogake's DPS is far inferior to any other weapon and especially Boltace and Kronen.

    Before carrying them meant to wreck your mobility but now (U17) there is no tradeoff and since melee makes you CC immune Kogake gets useless.

    Additionally landing jump attacks has been far easier then relying on Kogake ever since Martial Magnetism broke in some update (for me it was broken atleast but Ironically I always got the effect without having melee equipped)

  5. 6 warframe power kills.  This one could be easily achieve by using oberon #2, Rhino #1, and Excal.  These three are the easiest to get power kill imo.

    If you have no idea what you are talking about don't bother:

    WARFRAME power kills are kills made with the #4 of a frame

    as opposed to:

    power kills which can be any ability.


     "Kill 3 enemies using melee, guns and Warframe powers"

    That's as far as the description goes.

    If you wanna know what 'guns' entails and how to actually complete this, go figure.

    I tried to do 3 melee first (kogake), then I did 3 lex, then 3 paris, then 3 mag ultimates and all kills were successful. I had over 20 kills in a 2v4 match and we were leading, but it still didn't show any progress beyond 1/3.

    If I were to guess:

    You need to kill a enemy after damaging them with Melee and Powers and Guns.

    Could be worded better....


    I completely agree with the op too:

    The missions are partially way too hard and too much trouble for not even adding extra rep.

  6. "The rewards of playing pvp have risen a lot"


    Let me rephrase it "we replaced uncommon fusion core drops trough uncommon conclave mods"


    Now PVP has a lot of other issues too but I am getting extremely annoyed by the notion to make content as difficult as possible to acquire while completely isolationg PVP mods from PVE.

    And I don't even expect getting cores, credits or actual rewards out of conclave I just want to have all the ""sidegrade"" mods.



    Remember when the Dev's told us all weapon variants would only be sidegrades?

    Let's look at the reality:

    Almost all normal versions are now objectively worse than their counterparts.

    ->I used the MK1 things because they were easier to get now I guess I will have to build the normal things (MR16 player)


    Nonsense Reward Structure:
    You won now have 2 times the same unnecessary bronce mod. Different drops? Higher chance of getting a rare? Nope
    You got 2nd place in Deathmatch? YOU LOOSEEEEEEEE


    Awfull Droprates:

    There are only few (16) Conclave Drops yet some have a miniscule dropchance:
    ->I heard rumours about Hydraulic Chamber being at 0.67% before U17 (no Idea what is now because Conclave droprates are a secret)

    If we get more mods it is going to get infinitively worse, this system cannot be allowed to continue.


    Allmost all mods are now locked behind Teshin:

    ->Remember when Handspring was a COMMON DROP from Conclave??? Yeah that was removed for replacing it trough a much better mod that you can get from Teshin. Leaving it equippable?Nah that would be crazy.


    Duplicate Mods from Teshin:

    All weapon mods have 3 different versions.The Reason? Grind more.

    Mods for weapon classes such as firestorm and Beam Mods proof that putting in the same mod 3 times is some stupid bullS#&$ that someone came up with, without zero consideration for the player.

    Heck they are even full priced (15k standing)



    Mods that are equally important to all Warframes and weaopns should drop equally weighted

    IF mods continue to be equal across all weapons atleast posses the dignity to make 1 for all "pvp weapons"


    Winners of Deathmatch should be #1-4 with #1 Getting very high rewards and #4 getting standard "win" rewards


    There should be multiple mod drops, more drops for the winning faction and possibly even rotations on certain maps to encourage not leaving because the cephalon and orokin derelict maps are awfull and the leveldesigner should be....Seriously, had entire teams leave because of these multiple times.

    Teshin should only!!! sell niche mods: Such as Augments for Single Weapons and Warframes or mods that are specific To a small group of weapons: Depleted Reload(Pvp version)->Interesting for Vectis prime and Tonkor

    Mods like faster weapon holstering (which is equally usefull to all weapons) have no buisiness being in his inventory requiring to grind for points.


    Small rant on missions:

    I don't like having to play differently to complete the missions, Headshots and power kills are annoying even though achievable in the current state

    Requiring kills in general or Mission objectives is much better. Why is the cephalon capture mission only 1 Ceph though? It is completed much to quickly.

  7. in old pvp u didnt have a chance to catch up someone becouse coptering dont take any skill. if someone bocoptered away and u bo coptered behind him u had no chance to catch up and land shots on him becouse u both were same fast. what u are telling here is the total opposite of my experience so far. i rly like the new pakour

    That was a element of Balance (after Bo's damage nerfs atleast). Gram for example being incredibly strong but awkward to move with.Boltace and Glaive were held back by similar problems.

    Also Kogake were able to catch up to Bo when properly used, just shows that there is always a bigger shark/cheese

  8. I can see potential... I can also see lazy changes for Level Designers that put stupid geometry everywhere (Making Wallhop necessary)

    and even more unforgiveable animation locking.... (Good that slam attacks are falling faster though, make the dead recovery frames look even more disgusting)



    ->I get that coptering was supposed to be less strong, but right now it removes momentum and locks you into place on  A LOT of weapons.

    Why did Aerial Melee's speed get removed? It was never criticized it was never part of the ridiculous "hurhur bug hurhur" BS that surrounded coptering it was simply a move on its own and didnt make you overshoot as much as coptering.

    Why did slide jump get removed?I was quite fond of it.It seems unnecessary to bind bullet coptering to ground moves.

    Why isn't there any momentum system... wasn't it promised at some point?
    Why isn't there a charged jump? It was discussed too... what would be the rammifications of that?



    Pro:Good useable move, covers a good amount of speed (less than the best copters did, but improves on weak weapons)


    Slidejump replaced trought it FOR SOME REASON

    Locked into 2 stupid variants: A.Horizontal, B.Vertical, and aiming doesn't affect these proportionally(it does but only slightly) which makes it unreliable on anything but flat ground.



    Good for nothing as jump extender with aim glide or momentum boost to Bulletjumping

    Pros: Gives a more dynamic feel.

    Cons:Makes it way too tempting and effective to just spam space+strg (along with BulletJ and Wallhop)

    Doesn't really add a direction changer...



    Pro:Allows kicking off small obstacles


    For building momentum requires looking at the next wall/destination before hitting the current wall to jump off (extremely unintuitive)

    Bandaid for broken Vaulting animations (spamming space will catapult you over every obstacle) which are still incredibly slow, fixing these would have sufficed

    Removed Wallflinging/Walljumping (that's what everyone is missing) replacing it with a jump going at best 1/2 as far.


    Aim glide:


    Allows for shooting most weapons in the air

    Extends jumps greatly

    Looks, admittedly impressive


    Glorified bandaid for roll animations breaking weapon reloads and being generally way too long (once again easy fix for the animations department)

    Really odd due to high camera zooming

    Doesn't retain height very long  especially in small and low tilesets.

    Forward motion is boosted strongly,forcing you across huge rooms (even if you only wanted some still aim gliding)


    Wall latching:



    Barely any uses? Breakes flow of most gameplay.




    Parkour2.0 is centered around Bulletjump as means of gaining speed.

    Parkour2.0 adds


    #2Doublejump (cannot change jumps much)


    #4Wall latching

    #5Aim gliding

    #6 Running on Rails (which prevents you from using powers and makes you rigid, having no benefit whatsoever)


    Parkour2.0 removes

    #1Coptering (Ground/Air)->Absolute lacking momentum also gimps melee weapons

    #2Directional Air Melee->Absolutely lacking momentum also gimps melee weapons air reach

    #3,4,5 Wallrunning(Horizontal/Vertical+ Shooting)->Requires sitting still to shoot now, Upwards wallrun was equal to Wall latch

    #6 Wall flinging

    #7 Ground Slide Jump->Nope only bullet jump

    #8 Hanging/Sliding on Rails ->Yes it wasn't all too good but it allowed to focus on shooting, new system is just distracting.


    Parkour2.0 fixes:

    Momentum locking you to walls (mostly)

    Coptering bug hurrrhurrr so bad de pls nerfff hurr hurrhurr


    Parkour2.0 bandaids:

    Too long Vaulting Animations

    Too long roll/jump recovery animations

    Wallrunning not working half the time because incompetent level designers added overhangs/ledges to every goddamn object (now it only bugs 1/4th of the time GENIUS)


    Parkour2.0 does not fix:

    Being able to bypass all content by rushing (hell it even adds a accuracy debuff to enemies now)

    Every single animation being completely rigid

    Inverse Kinematics being unheard off in DE's animation department



    I don't like it, bulletjump is a ok replacement for coptering but I want Directional Melee, Slide Jump and Wallruns back.

    Mobillity currently either consists of spamming space+strng or really carefull just normally jumping while sliding which is actually faster.

  9. ps4


    oh so if you dont have energy, you just have to bend over and take it 


    IGN: 10/10

    You should think about what you are saying:

    You can view energy as Killstreak rewards or Special Weapon Pickups... just whatever.


    And I can see the counterargument: It doesn't involve (as much) skill to get it.

    That is true to a degree but let's be honest here. Would you prefer if the more skilled/cheesy players would curbstomp the new players EVEN MORE?

    It randomises games and alows new players to pull of a few kills on their own. As annoying as Volts spamming 4 are, the concept is good in itself.


    We are looking at a 1/5+  KD for anyone which uses the strong gear halfway competently why complain about the 2-3 Cheesy Deaths in a match?


    By the way it is absurd that this topic has been going on for 4 pages.

    There are way more broken powers:

    Rhino Dash oneshotting weak frames, Rhinos Iron Skin explode

    Excalibur getting invulnerability and ridiculous DPS killing any and everything with about 50 energy

    Oberon's hallowed ground not only doing obscene damage but also giving him 75% Damage reduction.

    Frost -__-

    Volts 4


    And lets not forget all #1 Abilities without cast time that make DPS exchanges really fun.

  10. I hope this gets read:


    There are a couple of flaws with the current defense system and changing the way waves work wont help much.

    The issue with defense and the reason why everyone in his right mind camps it with mesa is that it progresses trough waves of enemies.


    Essentially if you dont have the best combo to kill enemies when they step right out of the door it is going to cost time. A LOT OF TIME

    This makes defense without camping strat... the longest slog ever.It is also the only mission type aside from exterminate (which is only played with nuke frames too) that has killing enemies as main objective.

    And if the number of simultaneous enemies gets toned down I fear that the time it takes to do a defense (over wave 10 anyway) is going to skyrocket.

    Especially if you are trying to get wave 40.


    I think this is a issue that needs to be addressed. 

    Mobile Defense is incredibly flawed too: It takes 2,3,4 minutes for 1 or 2 consoles. This means one Mobile def can take 2 minutes or up to 8.

    I just stared instantly leaving Mobile Defenses with 2 consoles.

    Similar issues are in Exterminate (enemy count) and Normal levels (ice,fire is ok)


    And on a Sidenote: Enemy Spawning in Mobile Defense and Survival nowadays is a slow trickle.

    Excavation is the only mission type that really puts up pressure. Interception seems planet dependant

  11. The exploit is probably the way Fusion Energy works:
    Duplicates fuse at 100% Power->Maybe unranked ones wont be refunded...

    Cores and Mods with the same polarity fuse for 50% Power

    Other Mods (different polarity) fuse for 25% Power ->Interesting Bit



    If you fuse mods with the same polarity you will get them repurposed as fusion cores->Compatible with any other polarity (operating at 50% efficency)

  12. We are Technological Superior Elite Warriors that butcher whole Legions alone.

    We keep the Solar system in a permanent War by preventing that any of the Sides establish Order and bring peace to the system.

    Our only motivation to do so is for pillaging and looting military bases.


    We are the baddest Bad Guys ever and we even have epic Propaganda to make the others seem worse:

    Grineer: They are violent and aggressive monsters and must be prevented from curing their Genetic Diseases which cause their behaviour and just stem from tampering to turn them into war machines in the first place and they listen to the Twin Queens (Hey they are actually like the Tenno)


    Corpus: They are greedy and corrupt merchants (which is bad in which way? So maybe taxes get raised if they take control but it wont be constant war)


    Infested: They just are the infested which other reasons do they need.

  13. Why is the Question if the nerf is "sufficient".When you are biased like hell can you please STILL put a neutral question with a option to disagree to the nerf.

    Greedy Pull is working perfectly fine as convenience tool being carrier +1

    That it is used 4x more than any other power shows 2 things: 1. People love the augment 2. People use it outside of Farming since that ALWAYS includes a necros.

    Pull casts much faster but that can only account for 50-75% of the uses if it is cast 4x(as mentioned in Devstream) as often as Desecrate (which is without a doubt the most used ability) it has to mean something...


    It doesn't contribute towards draco in any way, using Trinity or Limbo is just as easy and the ressources are irrelevant BUT people like to get them

    It doesn't contribute towards camping in Tower, Trinity works just as easy and the ressources are irrelevant BUT people like to get them

    It DOES contribute to all normal gameplay vs Corpus or normal Void missions, by letting everyone replenish ammo life  energy and get loot (which still isn't relevant) but it allows mag to have a purpose aside from killing corrupt corpus (which are trash compared to the lancers) to the team.


    Triton is full of mags and they are actually helpfull and allow me to take Zephyr or Frost since I know I will get those Nanospores I need without stopping to Def (yes I need(ed) Nanospores dont ask why)


    Frost Changes:

    Will this make me play him outside of Defense? Hell no! Ok changes but which point do they have?

    Don't Limbo/Hydroid/Zephyr need more help?

    Necros is still a loot gimp after his QOL

    Nyx is superfluos because of Irradiating Disarm



    Movement in conclave:

    It is way too fast if players want to be fast.

    There are people which do nothing but getting energy and coptering around the map.

    Nerfing the damage of Bo Prime has only made it to the Sigil of those jerks.


    Parkour 2.0 (in conclave):

    I feel parkour suffers from being unable to grab onto some walls completely, others in a certain angle and offcourse by bars on walls which kick you off when you try to run above them.

    If this is fixed by Parkour 2.0, which I don't believe it might be worthwile.


    Why would anyone want to play conclave more because of it?



    Corrupted mods:


  14. Hmmm I kinda talked beside your post in my last reply

    The point I was trying to make with the drop tables is that the Ducat reward, the Dev assigned "worth" of an item is hardly related with the actual difficulty of any given mission.  There is kind of a pattern, but it just seems like they threw the "valuable" items into missions randomly.

    Regarding your concerns towards Ducats:

    I think that it is just because the responsible persons aren't overthinking that Stuff as thoroughly as they should.... but however lets just look at this objectively.

    Most Tower missions are not "hard":

    Naturally you would assume that doing lower tower missions is easier but that is just untrue since the higher Tiers especially are undermined by bypassing that difficulty:


    Capture and Sabotage are trivialised by a well build Loki on all Tiers, infact cap can mostly be rushed by ignoring spawns (if teammates kill the T4 targets)

    Defense,Survival and Interception(although Intercept traditionally isn't) can just be camped with Mesa

    Extermination can be beat by any well build frame and staying behind teammates suffices on ill build frames.


    What it boils down too is: Practically everyone would be able to and would infact camp higher tiers if the Ducat Reward would be significantly better.Shifting Ducat balance in this state wouldn't do any good


    As for increasing the C Ducation:

    I generally agree that this should be the case.Currently getting a hold of another key is trivialised by all the other keys (T1-3) you get as reward and If I remember correctly no item is T4 exclusive

  15. I completely agree drop tables are an utter mess.

    It is surprising how well this is ignored but I guess people are too distracted by people playing the way they want.


    When people datamined and figured out that some prime parts had a 2% droprate there was an uproar by the community.

    But since Droptables are now encrypted this won't happen anymore.


    When T4 came out and prime parts dropped 3 times DE had to release a PSA and apologize.

    So they just worsened the Droprates.


    When R5 Cores in T4 got nerfed and orokin cells got added people were annoyed but not much happened.


    Now Loki Prime Systems are worth over 100 platinum and it gets a mention on the Devstream.




    I  don't really get what you wrote about the T4 defense you had.
    I neither get what your tables are trying to tell me since you focus on another part of the apparent problem:

    DE is removing Prime parts just to trick people into thinking that the drop percentages they directly control are not getting worse while there are plenty % to fit in all the stuff

  16. Might as well include every weapon that's not puncture based, a soma p and kogake.


    Hell the Angstrum is total garbage.

    Sicarus/P is also garbage. With the amount of players using tanky warframes, it takes an entire clip just to get close to downing the player, and only if you manage to land all the shots.

    Viper... I don't even know why this exists.

    There are so many weapons that are outclassed in every way possible. Just find weapons that don't appear often in PvP. If nobody uses it, it's underpowered, with how much Warframe's PvP community loves easy kills.

    Some of these weapons need some love but I think they are generally "usable" (for whatever that means)

    Additionally all of the weapons you listed are rather ... generic (except angstrum which I found ok to use, it is a onehit afterall)

    Of course there will always be an best Assault Rifle but I also want an usable black hole generator

  17. On-topic: Sorry, can't really say much because I don't have it yet. Maybe the idea is to use it for the staggers and not the damage? For example, have you tried creating some bubbles on your Cephalon in CTC?

    The Cephs are way too open with each Map having 3 Attack Paths, and planting it ontop is useless everywhere except in the corpus map since the stagger doesnt exactly remove momentum

  18. So I tried out the new Simulor in PVP and it is Horrible.


    Let me give you a short rundown:


    The Arsenal Screen is completely wrong again -__-

    The Simulor shoots small Bubbles that attract each other:

    After fusing 2 Bubbles all enemies within 5/10? metres range receive 20-30 Points Damage and get staggered/knockedback.

    If a Bubble consists of 4 or more bubbles it will change into a singularity and have a stronger pull to Bubbles and also pull Players a bit.(the Explosion still works the same way)

    Additionally it deals 8-10 Dmg in 5 metre range each tick


    Pressing rightclick will detonate the Bubbles/Singularities which does whatever damage it wants and inflicts a electric proc


    The problems are:

    The damage is half as low compared to a Lex prime and the AOE and Stagger would remedy that IF

    you wouldn't need 4 shots to charge up a singularity (that takes 2 seconds to do if you "hit all bubbles")


    Additionally the reload is EXTREMELY long and you have to comit to shooting atleast 2 bubbles because a single bubble is useless.


    And the biggest downfall currently is that your only chance to do damage is stacking up a singularity as trap or shooting on a unorganized groupfight since any single player will instantly rushcopter you after the first stagger/dmg he gets



    Possible Solutions:

    Double Firerate and reload to allow placing bubbles faster.


    Hitting a player triggers another shot/damage pulse to avoid getting rushed/coptered because a player decided that he doesnt want to stay in that dmg radius

    A much bigger pull radius (not damage radius) to force players towards the singularities you place instead of just running around them

  19. Since Tubemen launched on PS4 and Xbox1 let's settle this:


    Who is the morally superior character?


    Nef Anyo:


    Paying the Tenno to ""kill"" Alad V-> Something is definitively in for him considering how greedy he is


    Alad V:


    Paying the Tenno to purge the Infestation out of his body-> Wants to stay alive? -> Somehow got Grineer Weapons


    Reasons for and against:



    In favor:

    Killing Alad V is no bad thing, after all he is a ruthless psychopath etc.


    We are taking his money, something that the Lotus wants us to do anyway



    Loosing a potential cure for the infested ~(Unlikely that a entire faction gets purged after just recently developing J3 and Behemoth; To all the ppl that say "Lotus will give Alad wrong research and check his actions HOW IN HELL IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO STUFF WITH FALSE DATA and how the hell is lotus supposed to develop a cure on her own without Alads expertise???)


    Aforementioned: He won't do stuff without profit (Which might just aswell be getting in the Corpus Council and staying ontop of defense measures with Bursas against the Grineer which dont get their Tubemen)


    ~Emotional Arguments~

    Dera is a worse/better weapon

    He is a nice/terrible character

    His voice is annoying/underlines his character





    Salad V:

    In favor:


    Potential cure -_-


    Saving him (WHY???)




    He has killed countless Tenno, defied us multiple times and revenge is an old Tenno Law(as seen/heard in the Law of Retribution trial)


    Alad V is a Corpus like Nef Anyo, whatever he is doing he will ensure that he ends up better then as "Infestation/Leader of the Mutalist Empire"


    He might just use the research to make :Manic infested/J3/Behemoths whatever

    Since he got his hands on some Karak Wraiths he might join the Grineer




    He is a ruthless Psychopath/Poor lost Soul

    Karak is a worse/better weapon
    His voice is annoying/underlines his character

  20. You know it's on Earth, which is kinda like an intro stage for spy really. The enemies starting level is like 3-5. What did you expect?

    Fair point... if this would be a stealth game... or the vaults not "unstealthable"

    The alarm time after I got seen was 115 seconds, I already had hacked a panel at that point and was done with 80 seconds left.


    Let me clarify how I judge/see the Vaults:

    Each Vault has atleast 1 Weakspot (really easy acess) which might be blocked randomly

    Each Vault can be trivialised by using Invisibility and Teleport

    Each Vaults has enemies moving on rails and multiple ways to access the vault, just by waiting


    Good Vaults let you observe the Guardians/Traps movement patterns if you are patient, which is (for me) really entertaining and a switchup to the normal hectic gameplay

    Good Vaults have acess points and shortcuts which aren't immediately obvious thus making it exciting to "master" the vault and sneaking (visible) trough the main enemy route without killing anything


    Bad Vaults instantly present every possible access on a silver platter and/or don't even require a minimum of ability to Stealth (grineer vaults for example mostly dont have lasers but are mostly good because your positioning must be perfect to take out or walk past the guards

  21. So I was trying the new Spy Vaults without Invisibility when this happened.




    On that matter though.

    I really find these new Maps way less creative and downright insultingly easy compared to the Spy2.0 pushout.

    Seriously 1 of the maps is just a pipe with 2 Sentries and 4 different, trapless,unblocked ways which are 10 metres long to get to the vault (might upload a video for that in a few minutes)


    I mean sure if you have invisibility you can ignore most of the threads anyway but the Corpus Tower-Vault atleast had a pretty damn amazing "optional" maze you could do, so did the Corpus Vault with the Moving Walls....


    There is 1! "good" new Vault in my opinion: You get in a big map and have to hack random panels to drain Water to access a lower region but because you can oneshot everything and have huge range it is really easy too

  22. I'm going to guess here that if I back Nef and he loses, everyone who dogpiled on helping Salad Shooter is going to get a fancy weapon and I'll get a "you tried" sticker. That about right? I wasn't around for the Gradivus thing but that's the impression I got from these divided events.

    Currently the patchnotes say:


    If you supported Alad V or Nef Anyo in 4 Conflicts you get the Event Weapon


    Dera if Nef wins

    Karak if Alad wins.


    Alot of people interpret this as subtle hint towards getting a weapon even when supporting the loosing side, clarification is incoming

  23. Given that the forum population is likely a small, unrepresentative, percentage of the player base, it's unlikely that one could get an accurate read simply by viewing forum threads.

    Less content more conspiracy


    Considering both sides started at "50%", the 20% increase in an hour isn't that drastic for the surge of people starting the event. 


    Actually it is:


    Clans will tell their population later which side to support run like crazy and tip the scales.

    I am in Eingreiftrupp myself and we didn't even determine the side to run (Nef Anyo)


    Also a 20% increase in an hour means that:

    Nef Supporters=X

    Alad V Supporters=X +Whatever it takes for 20%



    No, I did a poll and Alad V won, he is going to win the whole thing as the Karak is just going to be a better weapon than Dera. 


    Where did you get that impression lol.

    They are both going to be absolute crap, mediocre at best.

    ->Machete Wraith,Gorgon Wraith,Boar Wraith etc... and all vandals too


    Additionally we will get both this time? probably?

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