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Posts posted by Cool3303

  1. Like I already said, if the reward cap wasn't a straight punch to the face I would play it 8 hours a day and eventually stop at 100k rep in reserve.

    Actually no.... because of Dex Dakra, too short casting animations, disconnects,host migrations and so on and so on.


    Surprisingly a 1.4 K/D (is that statistic even up to date?) doesn't feel much more rewarding than my usal 1

  2. WTH :( What about us solo players??

    The problem with solo is that you have way less enemy spawns... and less players that can be detected by some random stuff.

    You don't have to deal with people getting frustrated etc...


    It is way easier solo.


    I am surprised to see so many well... loud? spy runs.

    I think everyone instantly knew/guessed that the way inbetween the vaults is the hardest part to do stealthily


    Yet we see submissions where all enemies are slaughtered with powers and on the lowest levels ontop of that. The problem with that is that the vaults have more obstacles (and larger hack puzzles) on higher levels.

    I think favoring a certain tileset is ok even if it means that it is a lower level but going on susei (mercur lvl 5-7)? Scylla Neptun is the highest mission (lvl 20-22) on that tileset.A bit weak IMO

  3. I can't agree with this topic. You can get your daily rep in about 10 games. 

    Also about not finding games, try changing your ping limit, because i find games instantly every time.

    10 games are a lot keep in mind that you mostly get mods that are limited exclusively to pvp.

    I would understand it if there was no cap because "if you love pvp then you can get all the stuff" but seriously with the cap it only becomes one more tedious thing to grind down everyday.



    Things doing pvp won't earn you:


    New Weapons for pvp

    New Warframes for pvp

    Fusion cores for the mods you acquire (2 commons? Yeah maybe in 10000 matches)


    This makes it a pretty big letdown



    Just gonna go ahead and say: this is not a healthy game to be a completionist... If you're frustrated with this... What were your views on primed mods...?

    I'm comfortable with the rate of conclave rep, good rate of progression and it feels rewarding when I can get a new mod (keeps me coming back to Teshin and feel dat lore)

    OP just wants all the pvp rewards for playing for an hour... Not how syndicates work bro

    The point is you can immo equip all upgrades on every gun, which makes them straight upgrades.


    Also probably your mastery rank is not as high. You do realise that you need to play 1 match (5-10mins) for 600-1000 points with a 1-5 ratio to just have host migrate or DC?

    No Fun over 10k points daily.Over 2 hours just to get it maxed everyday.

    And even if you feel the flow (or whatever) the maxed rep cap just *@##$slaps you: "NO STAHP BAD PLAYER GRIND IS BAD YOU WILL BURN YOURSELF OUT (that and research has shown that ppl that are forced to return each day spend more money on the game)"

  4. I read most of the concept, however I skipped the Warframe/Sentinel/Weapon Designs- Those dont belong in own documents and only distract and clutter aspects like rebalancing and overhauling of current issues


    It doesn't really seem like you are interested to deal with current issues:


    Your ammo rebalancing should serve to help for ammo inefficient weapon but changes nothing since ammo expensive guns dont have a high dps anyway (except synoid gammacor)

    Rather than posting a billion stats you should have defined weapon classes and set rules: (Prime=20% stronger Dex=25% stronger Wraith=30% stronger)


    -Storm Rifles- Karak, Braton, Boltor

    Damage per shot-30-50



    Mag size-30-50

    Ammo Pickup-40




    Damage per Shot-45



    Mag size-90/120

    Ammo Pickup-90



    Even the best Shotguns do only 10k Sustained Dps while also requiring huge enemy masses to hit all pellets

    Augments make weapons less useless, but not usefull, that applies to your augments too


    Same for snipers, your first shot mod is interesting but does not synergise considering that no sniper has a cooldown and weapons swapping takes forever (oneshotting bosses though JAYYYYYY -__-)


    Most of your augments ideas are useless too, mostly because you don't touch up or straight up ignore current mechanical issues or just take them as granted

    Take for example rhinos puncturing roar.the 80% dmg resistance focus laughs about the 70% dmg reduction proc

    oh and ripline, an excellent ability -______-

  5. yeah... i still havent found how to get to the maps, there's nothing on any of the planets, and unless im incredibly dense, its not as easy as just selecting it.. its on the relays, isnt it?

    Stand before the starchart console and turn right

  6. I don't think the stat screen is accurate for all weapons. MK-1 Furis does 30 damage per shot in game and feels like it fires a lot slower than 8.3 rounds per second.


    Bo Prime does two more damage and has 0.1 more speed than the Bo (52 damage, 1.1 attack speed).


    Prisma Gorgon is definitely way better than Wraith. Two less damage but the faster fire rate helps it spool up faster and achieves a higher fire rate at maximum... spool?... and the increased accuracy is also very noticeable.


    I appreciate that they tried to differentiate all the variants, but yeah, some of them are questionable.

    Thanks for the Bo prime stats, added them and the mentioning of spool up time to the op.


    Values ingame seem different.

    Either shield takes a different amount of damage or dmg resistances are in

  7. So I just noticed that some stats are just beyond ridiculously strange, either the UI misses serious elements (such as pellet count and charging damage) or someone straight out forgot to balance those weapons.


    Things that are definitively fishy:


    1.The gun that believed to be Akimbo:

    The winner of the totally strange stats is definitively the Lex prime:

    Lex Prime vs Aklex vs Lex







    So the lex prime is basically the lex... with 2 more shots? but akimbo dmg and firerate?!?!!?!?

    WHY? I build a aklex as akimbo and want to use the lex prime to hit harder do I need to waste 50 k again now?


    Also with all those mag mods there is no way that the aklex is equal to the lex prime (reload speed mods lie)


    2.Two guns 1 winner

    Sometimes some guns are just the same but... upgrades

    Guess the winner:

    Lato vs Magnus








    2.2 2x2 Guns 2 Winners.. wait 1?

    Also the accuracy of semi auto is too damn high, both are straight upgrades

    Aklato vs Magnus









    When Adjusting the Kohmak someone made a small(just kidding it is gigantuous) misstake

    Kohmak vs Lato:








    Okay kohmak adds 1 bullet on every shot ->maximum pellet count of six pellets per shot.




    Double firerate AND damage then we have an shotgun right there.Right now it is free standing for the enemy

    PS: I like shotguns done hate me for the caps


    4.Upgrading the Upgrade:

    Gorgon vs Gorgon Wraith vs Prisma Gorgon









    Looks like the faster firing gun gets more accuracy because it is more significant if it misses a sho...oh that makes no sense

    Oh and the spool? Almost forgot about it, good that the faster firing, more accurate gun has 1 downside besides 1/50th of the dps

    Also the straight mag/reload upgrades are disgusting


    5.Quickfire bow or upgrade?

    Paris Prime & Paris

    vs Mk1 Paris







    What is the charge damage?




    Strun vs Mk1Strun






    7.Lazy Game Designer math:

    Mk1 Furis vs Furis




    24x8.3=199.2... 19x10=Rly?


    So lets just change 2 stats and call it a day.. sure^^

    Where is my bigger mag and 10dps missing?Sure more firerate but shooting a fullauto really doesnt allow being precise...


    8.Even Lazier

    Mk1Kunai vs Kunai


    No difference? GENIUS



    Melees are hard to compare but some are fishyyy->


    9.Wow that is just WOWWW

    *Hey how should we make players use the new swords?*

    *Double the damage and call it a day*

    Dex Dakra vs Dual Skana:






    Fang vs Fang prime





    11.INB4 Op

    Mk1 Bo vs Bo vs Bo Prime


    Dmg: 45->50->52







    I could not check some stats because I dont have all weapons

    It would be nice if you could provide me with the  stats for the following:

    Latron Prime (only got wraith)

  8. In almost every match I play there is a Kogake user. I don't know how you almost never see one. 


    I can counter Kogake if the user is of low skill. But someone of equal skill to me? I stand no chance against Kogake. My strategy is to just run away from them. If that doesn't mean it's OP, then I don't know what OP means in your eyes. 

    Well I am usually the Kogake user *Ähm*AHAHAHAHAHAAHA


    Running is a pretty bad idea, try the strategies I listed.

  9. THEY control that confrontation, and a skilled player with Kogake won't let you escape, the recovery frames just arent there with handspring. And it's not like the kogake user HAS to continually KD. They can easily just Knock-down and follow up with a base lex, and decimate you with no hope.

    That wont work against anyone with handspring, it surely is viable against people without.... but Handspring drops so often and there is plenty of place for it


    If it's not OP, how come everyone and his mom is using Kogake (or Bo P/Dakra which are also OP btw)?


    Why don't I ever see anyone using Furax or Fang or Ripkas? Oh right, because those are useless compared to Kogake/Bo P/Dakra. 

    Well there might be some weaponst that are left behind in balance .... but honestly I almost never see people melee or use kogake.

    Also some weapons might be used because they are genuinely fun to play


    Can you not get killed by a Kogake? Sure you can, by skillful play. Doesn't mean it's not OP though. 

    Well If you can counter it with just skill it is not really op.

    Gram and Dex Dakra are just as strong

  10. I was honestly not really suprised when I found so much Kogake hate on the forums but on the other Hand I expected a bit more.


    KOGAKE are not op


    A lot of people have picked up the opinion that Kogake users are sent by the Devil and horribly OP

    The ongoing Opinion is that they Stunlock, which is just not true.


    Without Handspring you have (aslong as the finisher doesn't kick in) 2 free shots,lex or latron clearly seal the deal.


    With Handspring you need to be knocked down 3-5 times and have a lot of chances to copter away  or counter yourself


    Kogake have a very clear and easy ruleset to counter which make them only mediocre at best:

    So far no Kogake Users have outclassed me and I usually have double or more K/D

    I suggest you to try the following to win against Kogake/Melee and post your experience


    Easy Rules to defend against Kogake/Any Melee



    0.Guns outrange melee weapons KEEP DISTANCE


    1.Dont turn your back to a kogake user ever -If you are knocked down by surprise COPTER AWAY AND SHOOT

    1.1Only try to countermelee if you hit the health of an enemy.


    2.Kogake users are animation locked-If they traverse the distance between you and them SHOOT

    2.1 Aim for the head

    2.2 If you use a bow, don't be a hero, copter away if your enemy gets to close


    3.Dont underestimate the Force-Dont think the enviroment saves you when you stand on a crate, air slams stun even when hitting next to the crate and get you killed, this goes for any melee.

    3.1 Edges are not a legit cover, seriously standing around a corner gets you killed everytime

    3.2 Doing a wallrun and shooting/using a ability is really strong against melee and rarely used.

    3.3 If you are caught in the corner behind the open door in the orokin map spawns you are dead

    There is no vision for the enemy on you.... but really we know that the flag carrier always  hides there

    If you dont have any vision however.... everything can kill you


    4.Quickmelee is not a certain kill/counter- Run and gun

    Your average Kogake user wont but... I carry a shotgun for specialists that think meleeing gets them out of the fight easy

    4.1With Bo (Prime) you have less Damage dont engage however we all know that you picked that weapon to escape a fight  just dont be so sure about that

    4.2Contering with Dex Dakra once you are knocked down does only work if you know that your enemy has 80 or less life


    Intermediate/Dependent Counters:



    Kogake users are assasins. If they jump you and you are unguarded you deserved to be killed

    If you keep within reach of someone with a good weapon you are golden

    1.1Standing close to each other makes you weaker, Kogake have only little range to knock you down, so do other melee weapons

    1.2 Dont try to hit the kogake user with your melee.Honestly I made a sweet triple (2guys with Handspring,1 without) because I could just jump between all them.


    2.Lag affects melee way more

    Yep, already jumped trough people but my shots never missed that far (though enemies have been lagging/jumping)

    2.1The good shooters always get the highest KD, dont believe Kogake can wipe a server



  11. Oops

    Just found the things you mentioned

     Update 16.1 (Volt Prime):


    • Increased the Standing cap for Simaris to be the same as other Syndicates.
    • Rewards for Synthesis scanning now count towards your daily Standing limit.
    • Fixed Chroma’s Effigy giving players a stacking credit boost.  One Effigy per Chroma

    I didnt find it because it isn't chronologically sorted in between the others (sticky)

  12. Some of your "unlisted changes" are straight up false. They're not actually a thing.


    Radial Blind still has the stealth modifier bonus. It's just lost upon the first melee hit, or you doing anything to make them aware of you (like bumping into them). Been like that for a while now.

    Well apparently it used to keep that before.

    The thread I can't seem to find right now mentioned that the ability now makes them aware of you,whereas it didnt do that before (so when hitting them during the stun even if they weren't alerted before won't trigger the stealth multiplier now)

  13. You CBA to find it in the patch notes, but I should be on your beck and call to do so for you? WTF?

    I tried.

    All I could find was:

    "Fixed issue caused by Simaris’ community scanning"16.01

    "Fixed Codex and Library scanners still showing as being equipped during a Host migration.

    Fixed both Ordis and Teshin transmission not matching corresponding subtitles." 16.02


    Why do you react so aggresively?

    I completely understand that I can error, I double checked all of these "I checked the patchnotes, couldn't find the Rep fix"

  14. Off hand, from your list:


    mirage blind doesn't have the finisher bonus, so if excal did, one of the two is bugged.


    simaris rep was in the patch notes.


    sigils were mentioned yesterday as "all bosses" with the exceptions listed(and were apparently not working properly before then).

    I never said that those things arent bugs, however they changed.


    I checked the patchnotes, couldn't find the Rep fix (please quote or write the number of the patchnotes)


    Quote:"Fixed Boss Sigils missing from the drop tables. Our apologies on how long this took to investigate."

    No they were not listed nor were exclusions mentioned

  15. Edited title since Changes after U 16 got irrevelant (sry)

    Now discussing if the boss sigils can be listed correctly


    Enabled Boss sigils(16.15)-But for different Bosse than mentioned in update 16

    Grineer: Captain Vor,Vay Hek(Both Terra Frame and Normal Form),Sargas Ruk,Lech Kril

    Corrupted Vor drops the Lech Kril Sigil

    Corpus: Alad V,Ambulas,Hyena Pack,Jackal,Lynx,Raptor

    Infested:Phorid,Lephantis,Mutalist Alad V

    Mutalist Alad V Drops the normal Alad V Sigil


    Bosses Without Sigil:Kela De Thaym,Nef Anyo, Tyl Regor,Sprag & Venkra Te'el



    An Official List of all Changes by DE would (in my opinion) be very helpfull.

    What do you think about correcting and expanding the changes that were missed?


    I was able to collect the following which were not included in patchnotes:

    I can't confirm things marked with ?, verification would be helpfull.


    In update 16:

    Excalibur-Radial Blind(not javelin)-Removal of stealth multiplier


    Reduced droprate of energy orbs from Grineer Containers (fixed 16.3?)


    Endless Mission Keys are lost when dying/leaving before 5 mins (fixed later?)


    Firerate of Semi-Auto Weapons capped at 10 (15.10? because of framerate issue?)


    Crit Damage change?(for Primaries?) Update 16


    In later Hotfixes (sry DE boss sigils still confusing though)

    Enabled Daily Cap on Simaris Targets (16.01?)Patch 16.1


    Chroma-Effigy Doesn't stack anymore-(only Elemental ward was mentioned in the patchnotes)-16.03Patch 16.


  16. The other interesting thing is that conclave standing takes hours to max, especially with mr19

    Atleast I got 75k standing on simaris first day... got to grind to 100k for the skin though...


    Raids are just gross with the timewall.

  17. So with update 16.15:


    Fixed Boss Sigils missing from the drop tables. Our apologies on how long this took to investigate.


    Uhm okay which Sigils???

    I guess:


    (Update 16 Sanctuary)Added Boss Sigils for Nef Anyo, Jackal, Vay Hek and Tyl Regor.


    ....Hammered Anyo for an hour didnt drop.... Jackal did.... Tyl not what the heck.....

    *Opens Up Codex*

    Boss Sigils Drop from:

    Vay Hek,Captain Vor/Void Vor,Sargas Ruk,Alad V,Raptor,Lephantis


    De, I don't know what is going wrong with you but please get your act together.

    I like reading  good patchnotes.


  18. As avid Kogake user I have to inform you that equipping Handspring worsens it.

    It simply means that you get stunlocked by being knocked down again without the attacker having to fear that you start shooting inmidst of the long recover animation, which makes you invulnerable unless the ground finisher triggers (which is random? I dunno)


    Also a good Latron seals the deal on all melee users.

    Dont try to melee back if you dont have your melee out and channeled

  19. Such a long time... can't even remember the last in well over 1 year now... Think i got 1 once

    I even partially stopped playing 1 day to set the rewards table to the lowest tier.

    Given up on that... My Vauban BPs are happy.


    My Brother had some more often but mostly 50% which are already rare for me (if then 20%)

    Thinking about buying some plat...today with the 50% my brother got and then sharing it...=/

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