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  1. Almost there, these changes are closer to what this entire debacle has been about. Line of Sight in general for Tragedy should still get removed. The entire point of Tragedy is to 'Cash In' on Dark Verse's DoT. Line of Sight on a 'Cash In' is clunky. And no, range is also not his issue either. There's multiple frames that have wide area damage that is not affected by Line of Sight. There are even some Weapons that don't have Line of Sight checks. If things not having Line of Sight is a problem then where is the consistency across the board? It doesn't seem fair to me that a frame with just a little under a week of releasing is being subjected to a ruling that some frames that have been around for much longer, do not adhere to. Also I don't know if the Data you were looking into to see his Nuking is based on Normal Star Chart or from Steel Path. Because everyone late game, knows that if you are basing his Effectiveness on JUST normal chart Hydron, then that Data is obviously going to make something look good. At this point in time with where the game is at, I don't think focusing on just standard Star Chart is a good indicator of a Frame's position on the Power Scale. And some people would say that even base level Steel Path isn't the best Indicator either.
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