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Posts posted by Rettycombine

  1. Why do we still have the hek, strun and the Braton, Burston?

    Hek is still fairly powerful, Strun is a decent enough shotgun, burston and it's prime are also solid enough in midgame but not for late T4 survival



    Gorgon is just bad compared to other automatic rifles, the accuracy is pretty bad, it's one of the only weapons with actual recoil and the damage leaves a lot to be desired.

  2. Somewhere in the fan concepts section, someone had a backstory of lore for a sizable Stalker faction that has its main base on the moon.  Even has a series of missions you can go on to meet the other members and possibly join the Stalker group.



    We don't know for sure that a "Low Guardian" is not a Tenno.  Is it likely Stalker wasn't a Tenno?  Yes, but TBH, unless we get more info about these "Low Guardians" we can't be sure.


    Maybe he was a "new" Tenno, as in he just got back from the void and was starting to train and develop his powers, but due to being new he wasn't "officially recognized".  Or maybe he was part of a special unit of soldiers, or low rank Tenno who's main job was just to play guard duty at the Orokin HQ.  


    This could also be why he hunts the Tenno.  It's not so much as he's angered at the Tenno for their betrayal, but that he's angry at HIMSELF for failing in his duties.


    But unfortunately we don't know for sure.  We're just given small snippets of lore every few months and for all we know "Low Guardian" could just mean he was the security guard at the local mall and just so happened to be nearby and got to go to the big victory celebration.  


    Or he could have been a specific type of Tenno, or a "traniee" who hasn't fully developed his powers and skills and thus he wasn't given all the ranks and privileges of the "full" Tenno.


    I just wish DE would give us more updates on the lore.  Would be nice to see Loki Prime and Rhino Prime updated with more lore stuff.


    Except there were barely any Tenno to the point where the average grunt in the Orokin army thought they were just myths, i don't think Tenno would be classified as a myth if every low guardian was a Tenno.

  3. Not on our side. I think it's more he wants the power of the Warframes for himself and is a bit obsessive over it, as with everything else Orokin. He's like The Illusive Man wanting to control the Reapers, even though they are vastly more powerful than himself. That goes along with the video of him talking to the Queens, where they tear him a new one for failing and wasting time by trying to capture and control Tenno instead of destroying them when they are most vulnerable. 

    Vor seeks the Tenno so he can unlock the power of their warframes


    Ruk seeks the Tenno as they are much better warriors than his Grineer forces


    And Hek seeks the Tenno because they are in the way.


    Just to reiterate something I said in another thread: 


    It seems mostly like panic. News outlets like Joystiq and such don't have any actual factual evidence. Until DE releases the official word, every single report (be it twitter, gaming sites, etc) must be taken with a grain of salt as they have as much information as we do.
    People are panicking, assuming the worst, etc and then other people take those assumptions as facts, propagating the panic in a dangerous fashion. 
    We don't know whether PWE is purchasing 100% of DE's shares, 49% of DE's shares or just a paltry 1% (we don't know how many shares DE has unrestricted). Basically we currently know nothing except that PWE has expressed interest and there's been some unofficial verbal (not even written) non-binding agreement between DE and PWE involving the selling of shares. We don't know how many shares either.
    tl;dr We have no definite info on the matter. Stop jumping to conclusions.


    Quoting this for all the people who think warframe got omae wa mou shindeiru'd

  5. Now... this is just what I heard... but I heard the Orokin were a mystical race that lived together in harmony and friendship and then some big monster showed up to try and destroy them, and it did, but not before it was sealed away in stone. And thus the power of Tenno and friendship saved the universe from falling further into chaos.


    Here, let me pull up a copy of some archival footage of these magnificent beings.




  6. Most automatic weapons except the gorgon have abysmal recoil, most of the recoil on those weapons is just the screen shaking, this makes a lot of the guns feel very powerless and just feel like reskinned laser rifles. Stabilizer is almost entirely useless since the only thing that is really affected by recoil are automatic weapons, and most automatic weapons save the gorgon and some others just has screen shake instead of recoil.

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