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Posts posted by Rettycombine

  1. Whenever someone brings up the topic of Nova or Valkyr prime they get told off by all the "Nova was created by the council" and Valkyr needing her original form to be primed ETC ETC


    But you could still upgrade them with orokin tech, Vor was able to merge a regular grineer pistol with Orokin technology, and if the Grineer can make artificial primes why can't the Tenno do it as well.

  2. Because you made the G3 drop both rare mods, and Brakk parts, going after the harvester is barely worth it anymore, this has resulted in the Corpus steamrolling the Grineer during invasions, this leads to the well discussed problem with Ceres, if the Corpus take over every node then beacon farming will become slow as molasses since the only place to get beacons from would be Exta.

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