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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. The most common complaint is the visual, since fashion is all. Sometimes people don't like that lowers the effectiveness of Hunter Adrenaline or alerts/staggers enemies, or just don't feel like they need the assist. I can't say I've heard any of these a lot, but that's perhaps sufficiently explained by the fact that I stopped using it habitually. There are definitely more people playing Dante in squads than Citrine. (Which is a shame. She's a really good frame.) Trinity is one of those frames I might see once or twice a year. I also see him more than Harrow or Oberon. Less than Wisp though.
  2. To support other Tenno I mainly play solo, so they have to deal with my foolishness as little as possible. :P More seriously I don't tend to actively look after other players unless they're clearly trying to contribute but getting downed a lot. Then I'll try to stick close, whether I'm playing a support frame or not. That augment lives on my Nezha builds pretty much permanently for those reasons. Although since some people don't want the help or dislike the visual or whatever, I don't use it on squadmates unless they're struggling or they ask.
  3. I have noticed that other weapons with ramp up time are currently showing their initial RoF instead of their ramped-up RoF in the Arsenal. In these cases it's been purely a UI bug, afaict, with no actual difference in the weapons' mechanics. I've barely used Mesa, so I'm not qualified to say if anything is different about Peacemaker. However once it does ramp up, it's clearly firing much, much faster than what's shown in the Arsenal. Which makes me think it's mostl likely just the same issue.
  4. I've only done limited testing of this. But when I've tested it before, as well as just now with electric and slash, and properly controlled for variables, it's always given a clear +30% bonus to status damage. Do you recall anything about the circumstances where you saw it lower status damage?
  5. I don't see why it would be a bug. It's a semi-auto weapon as far as the game is concerned. And is literally one if built for more than one round in the mag. I've got a lot of weapons to review, but so far I'm not slotting Cannonades much, and Semi-Rifle looks like it'll be the rarest. Basically because of two mods specific to the class: Amalgam Serration and Primed Shred, that are hard to give up on the builds where I'm using them.
  6. Ah, good to have that confirmed. I wasn't sure about Dual Toxo but a couple of other weapons have the same issue. It's seemingly due to an upgrade they can get later on that involves a different kind of trigger.
  7. Did you have any abilities running? Many abilities that aren't channels still leave the frame vulnerable while the operator is in void mode.
  8. Torid and Vasto can't equip them even before using an Incarnon adapter on them. I imagine Dual Toxo is the same, but don't have a non-Incarnonononanated one to verify.
  9. Nope. The closest we can get at this point is having duplicate Incarnon weapons with distinct perks chosen on each.
  10. We have a "Hold to Aim Weapon" setting on PC/Console. Do you not have one on Mobile?
  11. Oh totally. OTOH this is true for a lot of player animations too.
  12. I long for the olden days in the early 2020s when impossible, though it didn't mean "impossible", was closer to "somewhat difficult" than it was to "mildly inconvenient".
  13. I mean, you don't need Jetstream to avoid playing Zephyr like a mostly deflated balloon in a light breeze. :P
  14. The alerts have much higher than normal Eximus spawns and these are always the jade variety. Standard missions seem no different than always to me, other than that jade Eximus are now possible spawns in the Eximus pool.
  15. Incarnon, shotgun, speargun, and bow seem to work well. But semi and throw don't pick up everything in their categories, and sniper still adds some of the"not snipers, but used sniper ammo once upon a time" weapons.
  16. Probably because of Incarnon Torid's held trigger mode. But interestingly regular Torid can't equip it either.
  17. It doesn't hurt to bug report it, but that's a very old issue with disarmed enemies with paused AI.
  18. It's a total damage bonus. So for one thing, it's hardly necessary to reach 8x.
  19. I agree they seem limited, although I've got some cases where I'll use them. However I think they should stew for a while just to see what players come up with. But even if they do get adjusted making them exilus ain't gonna happen.
  20. FWIW, you can now make weapons become Auto via an Accessibility option. This doesn't eliminate the semi-auto RoF cap. Which is actually reflected in the Arsenal now, thankfully! But I've verified with a stopwatch by timing how long it takes to expend an Akbolto Prime magazine. Virtually no difference between 9.5 RoF with Anemic Agility and that plus sufficient RoF to more than half the expenditure time if it was actually uncapped.
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