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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Status application is what I'd like, whether it's from status chance, or RoF, or more pellets. If it's one of the latter two, I don't even mind if the damage per shot went down proportionately. But I expect a Prime is the only form in which we'll see any Rauta updates.
  2. You mean spam Heavy? Not appealing to me, I'm afraid. Hah, that's hilarious.
  3. They do seem limited by the existence of Primed Faction mods, which do the "status damage" job better, and also enhance direct damage. And there aren't too many other mods on my "serious" builds I'd want to replace. So... I'll use the shotgun one on Exergis, as it'll replace Ammo Stock and give me a great damage bonus on top. I'll use the melee one to replace any Killing Blow mods I'm using. I think it will also be a replacement for Gladiator Might on some builds where I have a crit damage riven. I don't have any Expedite builds, but maybe these new mods will inspire me. I'm sure there will be some more, but those are the ones I've been thinking of right off the bat.
  4. Combo counter visible all the time would be great. One of the nice little perks of Kullervo, as he gets this already. I'm more conservative on the rest. I'd like to get rid of combo immediately going to zero too, but I think the decay should be very rapid. Perhaps 40 per second. That way combo duration modding is still very useful, and Power Spike doesn't need to change much. (Although giving it an additional bonus would be nice.)
  5. An extra shell in the magazine plus a bunch of reload is normally how I play with it. I don't use RoF on any build. It's potentially useful, but not compared to other mods for the way I play. Maybe if I built for three shots. I'm not sure what that means. If it's about manual reloads, I don't think I can tell a difference. According to the wiki the weapon has no automatic reload delay.
  6. Oh, that's bloody brilliant. I assume you've got it unranked, haha.
  7. Exergis is one I want to try. Single shot unless modded for it, base damage is multiplicative with Galvanized Savvy, and Shotgun Vendetta is a fantastic arcane for it without a base damage bonus to dilute Cannonade. And the punch through bonus is enough to make its innate 0.5m a lot more relevant. (0.5 doesn't get through the largest enemies, and often doesn't get through normal ones on their "thick" sides.) A lot of shotguns are promising just because Vendetta is so good.
  8. Under "Event" in the Navigation screen. Also in the main console in the Orbiter.
  9. Hunter Adrenaline and Rage are only supposed to work through Overguard when its provided by an ally, not when it's provided by the frame itself. (Or a specter owned by that frame.) From 35.5.6: Now, Hunter Adrenaline can convert the Damage on Overguard granted by allies to Energy while Shields are inactive. More specifically, they will trigger when the last source of Overguard originates from an ally (includes spawned allies, such as Specters). This allows shield-less Warframes, such as Inaros and Nidus, to be able to regenerate Energy via these Mods when they would have previously been blocked by Overguard granted by allies.
  10. I'm curious about the circumstances. Sonic Boom was working for me in a quick solo test against Grineer in Adaro, causing damage and ragdoll. What kind of enemies? Were you a client in a squad?
  11. Three words come to mind: Dual. Toxo. Ellowelle. :P
  12. This won't make you feel better,--not that I want to take away anyone's excuse to drink anyway--but we've had three, which has got be average or less than average for a release week. There've been other release weeks we've had three in a day. :P
  13. It turns out I do have one of them from Ascension. With Dante, they don't stack in the way you probably mean. Fortifier only stacks with Dante's ability overguard until it gets to 15000. After that it stops contributing. But I confirmed it doesn't interfere with Dante's ability cap if the latter is higher than 15000.
  14. I think you've answered your own question. :P But yes, it was bugfixed on Tuesday. Fixed the Incarnon Ceramic Dagger upgrade Gun and Blade triggering when killing enemies with a Secondary weapon.
  15. I don't have the arcane, but that should have been fixed with the patch yesterday: Fixed the Secondary Fortifier Arcane overwriting existing Overguard values if they are over the Arcane’s 15k cap.
  16. It's intended. Hunter Adrenaline only works off of health damage normally, but DE altered the mechanic somewhat for damage to overguard that's been given to a frame by allies.
  17. With just a 360% arcane, a 240% Cannonade is a 52% increase in damage. But most builds will be using GunCO too. Which, without Encumber or some other methods, realistically brings it down to 20-30%. However there are some weapons that benefit from multiplicative scaling between GunCO and base damage%, so the diminishing returns are significant but not as severe. And some builds have no space for or don't want RoF bonuses, where Cannonade's penalty isn't one, or is actually a bonus, since it negates RoF penalties too. And sometimes GunCo isn't a factor, like in bossfights, some snipe-builds, and for newer players. And it's hard to put a number on the value of punch through, especially for (single target) shotguns and sidearms. That's a lot of caveats, but it's still kind of a trap for geared up players most of the time. tl;dr: RoF bonuses are usually very valuable, base damage not so much.
  18. They show up in other missions, just as a random selection in the eximus pool.
  19. Known Issues (Either Investigating or Pending Hotfix): Blast Procs cause self-damage in close proximity
  20. These mods are limited to weapons that are classified as "semi" under "trigger" in the Arsenal. Ogris is semi. Zarr is semi in both modes. Envoy is auto.
  21. Just to get the obvious out of the way, do you have the right setting enabled? Under Options // Accessibility: "Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously", and for the right control? There are separate settings for Keyboard/Mouse and Controller. If so, I don't have any other ideas. All of your examples are firing continuously for me, and the setting hasn't taken any special measures to get working. Oh, I wonder if that's the issue. Have you ever had any problem with the game not registering Steam Deck controls?
  22. Pshaaw, everything's steel path viable these days. Is it L9999-armor-tank-Banshee-while-drunk SP viable though, eh? Eh??
  23. You can basically keep targets frozen permanently--for nearly all practical purposes--anyway, just by applying cold fast enough at the right times. So that as soon as it thaws, it's got 10 stacks again. That's not as doable for slow weapons and some abilities though. and not as practical if you want to accomplish other things. Which makes me think the mechanic could be a kind of safeguard, just to keep silly things from happening, perhaps specifically involving automation. Or maybe it's just a bug / oversight. /shrug.
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