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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. It's not a deflection to ask about the nature of a dev statement, when nothing about it has been specified. With no facts I can look up myself I'm making no judgement, but I have noticed that players cite more promises than developers make.
  2. If reload mods aren't made exilus we might have room for agreement in part, in that I think there is some room to make reload mods more powerful. Although what I most want is a full pass on reload times, cutting these down for most weapons, single target weapons especially. Unless I'm playing an invisible frame, in the content I play, more often than not I don't have the opportunity to reload "in between groups of enemies". Even when I do have that opportunity, I usually like to cut that window as short as possible. So it's advantageous to me and efficient to have shorter reload times. It might be helpful to think more in terms of KPM, as I agree with you that standing in front of target and unloading mag after mag into it is a relative rarity in this game. A constant flow of targets though...I do that a lot. They can on the minority of weapons with falloff, especially the ones with very punishing falloff. Especially if they're used like they don't have falloff. There are probably a few more with low projectile speed and extreme arcing like Pox where there are effective DPS gains to be made with these mods. Although again, just like falloff, some of this is fixable without using mods.
  3. My theory is Greedy Pull is one of the main reasons Pull's range is nerfed so hard on other frames.
  4. Holstered reload mods I think are treated differently for two main reasons. First, they're much weaker than standard reload mods for sustained DPS on the weapon they're slotted on. The fastest one of these mods can do a complete reload is 5 seconds, which is as long as the most excruciating unmodded reloads. Slot regular Fast Hands instead, and one of those excruciating conventional reloads is down to 3.8s. And that's a best case scenario for Tactical Reload: the comparison will look much worse on weapons with shorter reload times. Of course the whole purpose of them is to switch to another weapon, and so miss out on little or no sustained DPS. And it's super convenient to make partial reloads, which most weapons can't on their own. But that brings up the second reason: I think it's clear DE likes to incentivize switching weapons. I'll also quibble a bit with the word "precedent" you used. That makes it sound like holstered reload mods were wrapped into the exilus system later, when in fact these mods were classified as exilus when the system was introduced...i.e., at the same time as Fast Hands etc. weren't classified as exilus. If that isn't what you meant, than one could just as easily say the fact that conventional reload mods aren't exilus is the precedent, and holstered reload mods shouldn't be either. (I wouldn't make that argument either. These mods are related but not the same, and it doesn't bother me that they get treated differently from each other.) All that said, I do think they are one plausible justification for new, exilus specific reload mods though. And for increasing the bonuses on the current conventional reload mods.
  5. Tactical Reload is specifically for "Assault Rifles" so doesn't cover snipers and some other oddball primaries. Even if it was a general primary though, or one was created for snipers, Sporothrix probably wouldn't work: AoE weapons are largely disqualified from slotting passive reload mods. You can still get passive reload for snipers from the Synth set.
  6. Definitely, and same with Regurgitate. Weaker, more energy cost, whatever. Frankly because it's just dull not being able to cast abilities simply because there are no valid targets to eat, whether because of Overguard or your squadmates killing/CCing them all. And his passive should do something with nothing in his belly too. Because all it is now is an aspect of Feast, and not a passive.
  7. Happening consistently or inconsistently? I couldn't get it to do what I got it to do when I made that video. So it'd be good to track down what's causing it if you have any ideas.
  8. Considering they sell prime release items directly for real currency, and random relic packs for "premium" currency, I don't see DE selling specific prime release relics for currency that drops in game. If you want to do this indirectly, use the player market to turn items to plat and trade for relics. Though you might be better off trading for the parts.
  9. Ah, have you used it recently? Because that thread is talking about this: Which AFAIK was only happening for a few days during DanteGate, while DE was messing with some abilitys' LoS, including Pull. Playing with it for a minute in the Sim, it's doing about what I expect from it. Naturally that's not long enough to proclaim it's bugfree, but it's not doing the silly things shown in the video, which were close to 100% reproducible.
  10. If the leaks are true, we're getting something to accompany Dread, Despair, and Hate. Spoiler follows, proceed at your own risk.
  11. I'm not sure I've experienced this. I use Pull on other frames, not Mag, so maybe there's a connection there. Like it not working as it should with Magnetize, maybe? Or if you see it in co-op, it could be an issue with other abilities taking priority. Otherwise I'm at a loss. Honestly I didn't remember much about her rework. I interpreted what you initially said about her passive being the only thing that wasn't looked at as an acknowledgement that her active abilities were at least touched up, and didn't look into it. Reviewing the update now, it does seem like the changes were quite small. Other than Pull, closer to a remaster than a rework.
  12. That strikes me as a very pessimistic way to look at it, lol. Rather than something like "Other than her passive, all her abilities were improved! \o/ " There are frames who would love to get that kind of attention, probably including some who are still worse off than Mag was before those changes.
  13. Sure, but almost whatever it takes to justify needed reworks is fine by me, given how dubious they've been in the past about reworks being worth the effort.
  14. Oh, that's a good point. I'd honestly forgot that Healing Flames was a Fire Blast augment. (If it's not clear, I don't know much about Ember. :P ) How does it work now when he gets additional Overguard from an ally?
  15. Unless you know something specific about the Khora build that precludes it, I think Whipclaw damage being ridiculous is very likely enough explanation. Do you remember what melee weapon was being used?
  16. Not sure who "they" is, but that sounds like it's referring to gas status when it inflicted toxin damage...and, for a while, triple dipped into the melee stealth multiplier. Before my time, so I might have this garbled somewhat. Anyway, about a century ago. Gas status can, in effect, double dip on headshot damage bonuses, which only it and electric status can do. They're also distinctive in being AoEs, so can take advantage of overlapping damage. And the gas AoE is unique in potential area and lingering after target death. It can be very, very, effective, but it's finicky and demands set up. DE did refer in the dev workshop to gas double dipping with faction damage bonuses. Which is true, but all the DoTs do so. So it doesn't track as a reason to call it "extremely powerful", particularly when it has serious disadvantages the other DoTs don't.
  17. Dread drops almost 14x as much as each of the other two signature weapons, so having so many Dreads isn't odd. It's unusual that you have that many Despairs and no Hates, but I'm afraid it's entirely possible without any bugs in the droprates. FWIW I've got 50% more Hates than Despairs.
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