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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I think your information is out of date. Or you're talking about something I can see no trace of at all. There was a 1/3 total armor strip on unaugmented Sonic Boom for a long time, but this was fixed a couple of months ago, and still is AFAICT.
  2. And since the shield rework, there's even less reason to make a distinction between shield gating and shield tanking anyway. FWIW, Banshee can currently shield tank base SP (at least) with only incidental shieldgating. i.e., Redirection, Adaptation, and Deflection, not Catalyzing Shields, Brief Respite, Augur, or even Rolling Guard. She does have some advantages over some other frames doing this, but I don't see how she could be said to be the best at it either. So my guess is @vixenpixel's comment was correct in any case.
  3. The orb makes for a nice, visible target, but really the only deadzone is the bottom 1/4 of the pillar or so. It would be a nice little improvement for the whole thing to be valid though. The doubled fire rate of the pillars also lasts for 5 seconds after being activated by Containment Wall or Crucible. and that 5 seconds can't be refreshed until it's complete. So feel free to move the beam where you like after activating it.
  4. Well, take the versus out of forum PVP and we're left holding our PPs.
  5. It was bug fixed, so unintentional. Other than that, I don't understand why it was changed either, except that it made the augment somewhat less valuable. But my guess is any balance consideration was minor or non-existent compared to just fixing a bug. What I really don't understand is why you keep referring to Banshee as "him". :P
  6. It does, but it's a lot less consistent than it is with Noctua itself. It's weird playing around with Atomos. Very rarely I'll get a 5 target hit by a fragment. If I add punch through, it happens a lot more, but targets beyond the fourth take very few procs. Wordwarden does work with AoE, but I -think- its capped so that it can make only so many attacks per second regardless of how many targets are in the area. The wiki says its cap is 9 per second.
  7. It's going to be a setting, not a mod. You may be thinking of the new mods they talked about that would add punch through and damage but disallow fire rate bonuses. Plans can always change, but Pablo specifically said they wouldn't be exilus.
  8. Pretty standard for new primes. The prime will almost certainly be better than the original after two dispo passes, just one if you're lucky. So roughly 2-5 months from now. If you're thinking that it shouldn't work this way, I don't blame you.
  9. Basically what Berzerkules said. Even if you build for it specifically as a primer, it's mostly just a supplement on heavier targets. Not something I would want to rely on for priming in normal play. If you want to get the most out of it though, unlike normal primers ignore multishot and RoF and build for status and whatever status weighting you need. And if you need multitarget priming out of it, you pretty much have to use a grouping ability.
  10. To be clear, the Sonic Boom augment still gives armor strip, more powerful on almost all builds than what I described above. Only the weak form of armor strip Sonic Boom had innately was removed, after more than a year.
  11. It was a 1/3 armor strip, unaffected by ability strength. Which might be why you thought it was inconsistent, but it could very reliably armor strip almost anything in three casts. And yeah, it was removed.a couple of months ago. Which made me sadzz.
  12. These seem like some great concepts that could be used for a new frame.
  13. I loved seeing the "most injected" helminth abilities recently. It'd be fascinating to see the current "most replaced". Personally I think the majority don't subsume over it, because my suspicion is the majority of players do little subsuming. And probably the most popular abilities to replace by volume would be on more popular frames like Revenant and Mesa. I'd think Temporal Anchor gets replaced a lot though, especially looking at percentage of Protea users rather than overall volume.
  14. I wouldn't say "all" but that is a tasty combo. I'm not sure I ever would have figured it out, but Ghoulsaw came up in EDA. That's kind of what Kullervo does to most melee weapons though.
  15. Well, I truly mean "back" in general but "backside" was funnier. Looking over them again, the only I at all like the look of is the Saturn 6 backpack. But I still prefer him without.
  16. That's interesting. I might do another pass at syandanas, but the first time around I decided none of them really looked right on him. I do like the look of the vines on his unadorned backside, lol.
  17. Depends on the source. (Also, ironically, falling off the map getting rid of Disometric Guard or Overguard is something some players would regard as a plus. :P )
  18. Well to be clear, I'm not on the frustrated side of the fence. Although I might have been if instead of Mag and Frost skins it had been Banshee and Loki.
  19. I didn't buy the heirlooms, and really disliked the way they were set up, but feel pretty much the same way. They should have fixed the issue at the time, and offered return refunds to people who valued the exclusivity. (Perhaps they could still do this, but I haven't put a lot of thought into it.) Anyway, assuming refunds aren't on the table, they should at least stick to the promises made to people who did buy. I'm curious though: would getting a refund now satisfy you, or still leave a bad taste?
  20. The Mobile Defense is a radiation hazard mission. If you get affected by a radiation proc you can kill your own MD consoles. I'm not opening the link, so apologies if that shows something else going on.
  21. Probably not resistance to status effects, as that role is taken by his 3. Main thing I'd like is either a third pillar or more base range. An augment for his 2 is bringing this in the next update, as well as better synergy with Pillars. https://www.warframe.com/news/devstream-180-overview More than anything, I want it not to interfere with sightlines so much. But I do think something more would be nice, especially something that better incentivizes recasting. Though I don't really like the idea of overguard, personally.
  22. Evolutions that are changed in the Sim often don't register, despite what the Evolution screen says. The easiest workaround is to change the Evo, open up the weapon upgrade screen, and then exit the Arsenal. This nearly always works, although there was at least one where I had to exit the Sim, change the Evo, and then re-enter. That can't explain why you couldn't get either Evo II to work, but it might resolve the problem with Zeroed In.
  23. Archon Hunts are a kind of spiritual evolution of sorties, maybe. But being weekly rather than daily, not having sortie conditions, and always on a small group of nodes means it doesn't scratch the same itch for me that SP sorties would.
  24. Like completely new Heirloom (or "Heirloom-adjacent") skins for them? Seems possible. Basically it's the Excal Umbra approach to the issue. If you mean making the originals available again, AFAICT that's a "Nope, never."
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